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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 9d73246fabaa41a⋯.png (316.46 KB,1920x1080,16:9,8mania.png)

File: 0d9f78975c2ea60⋯.png (11.01 MB,4960x7016,620:877,Lala wins the8chanmania x ….png)

40d55f No.373916


We got nommed in /v/'s wrestling tournament, It's time to beat up /v/ again and claim their belt for /monster/!

TNA needs the following:

- A brief summary or a link to what you feel sums of the character nicely

- A link to a character Theme

It's preferred to have everything done by October 10th so that he can get everything set up in time.

The date of the actual Tournament is 10/21/18 at 3pm EST

So, to start this off I'm banking on using Lala. She WRECKED shit last cross tournament we were in, and she could probably do it again. We could always use someone else like Ammit though.

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40d55f No.373917


and I should probably link the thread on /v/


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fdbc8a No.373923

I second that Lala nomination I demand to see more funky disco moves from her

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243f0d No.373924

Would it be possible to use Reitia this time?

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fdbc8a No.373926


Reitia eh? Not sure if she has been made yet but its possible to create her.

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7c0f5e No.373927


She exists as a ref at least. Although we need the choice ready by the 10th, I think, so I guess we wouldn't have the time. Maybe Blemmy could be in.

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396164 No.373928

How about we nominate bowsette

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7c0f5e No.373929


Nah, let Bowsette be in some later event, she doesn't really do well to represent /monster/ specifically.

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396164 No.373931


What about Auxillary then? It'd be funny if we got the spic board owner to fight for his Baph.

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7c0f5e No.373933


Like Reitia, I'm pretty sure he's not in the workshop yet either.

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7f4e6b No.373934

I'd say stick with Lala. She won the last crossover mania for us, so she deserves the spot.

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7c0f5e No.373935


With 3 votes for Lala already, it seems like we'll be using her after all.

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7c0f5e No.375009

Tournament's in two days. How far do you think we'll get this time?

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f92e90 No.375065

File: 3958f9bf38a866f⋯.jpg (165.87 KB,644x1000,161:250,lala.jpg)


Lala's great, but we got a lot of new competition this time, and it looks like /v/ is beginning to actually understand how this game works, or are atleast exerting a better effort to find out how to edit properly. So Lala might be getting some better competition.

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7c0f5e No.375161

File: f8ff8555c277c1f⋯.png (449.89 KB,493x612,29:36,Lala dullahan.PNG)


Soon. It starts at 3 EST, after all.

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7c0f5e No.375171


Well, it's finally past the prematch now.

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