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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 5c8a5062231b47e⋯.jpg (27.73 KB,260x337,260:337,51eno04q57L._SX260_.jpg)

f26ee5 No.360693

This guy just released a thing on amazon with vampire, demon, angel, etc girls in it. Non-KC, but could he be one of ours? Or is the paranormal romance genre just expanding to service men and monster girls are the logical consequence of that?


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166158 No.360739

Thanks for the info, shill. Are there any self-published books on Amazog that aren't trash?

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69b02b No.375237

File: 2c3a6b20c8d42fe⋯.jpeg (39.28 KB,612x425,36:25,D16C2B38-CA1D-4730-8BF6-7….jpeg)

You wont trick me you cunt. Last fucking time I buy any amazonshit books is long past.

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229b91 No.375238


>reviving the thread

What purpose?

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868d4e No.375250

If you wanted to shill your stuff man, just be honest about it. No need to be sneaky.

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739297 No.375272

File: 0ba659dfd5f44fe⋯.jpg (799.21 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1445439286346.jpg)

Stephanie Meyer rewrote Twilight in 2015 where everyone is genderbent.

Its still not very good.

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