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/lewd/ - Avatarfag Circlejerk + Lewd Shit

Circlejerk in the megathread amongst other things


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See You Space Cowboy

File: 9859b0b13f54198⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 300x437, 300:437, 6e56f886-ada9-4e92-baac-98….gif)



File: 6b3673bd043b75b⋯.jpg (217.86 KB, 800x969, 800:969, 6b3673bd043b75b798b1d85bb7….jpg)


File: a6fbe98ffcad0d7⋯.jpg (235.72 KB, 600x600, 1:1, sk1426890960119.jpg)



Jesus put some clothes on.


File: 7ad693e1ea07f96⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 600x848, 75:106, __kino_kino_no_tabi_drawn_….jpg)


File: d70b8065a5e10ab⋯.png (554.09 KB, 676x882, 338:441, 9ac6a480-57c5-4656-b095-74….png)


Hey Date


Hey Skandi


File: 0b74599454426e6⋯.jpeg (167.78 KB, 500x500, 1:1, sk1426890959963.jpeg)




Hiya, Sims, whaddup?


File: a3943873a972761⋯.jpg (52.61 KB, 667x528, 667:528, ScreenHunter_431 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


File: ad0d6c9b022c0ed⋯.jpg (392.85 KB, 732x1023, 244:341, __kino_kino_no_tabi_drawn_….jpg)


Konata doesn't have a penis, though.


File: d63571847304c5e⋯.png (48.77 KB, 680x550, 68:55, 0665c829-805d-4d29-bbba-db….png)


Laying down, you?


How're you?



So lewd.


File: b388c23fbc359f4⋯.jpg (307.2 KB, 1032x942, 172:157, konadick.jpg)




Sitting down! Been playing vidya most of the day, realising more and more by the minute that I'm terrible at anything requiring timing/fast reflexes.


What're you, some kind of pervert?



Well duh.


File: 9e2fdf06095578b⋯.png (162.3 KB, 400x821, 400:821, 12783d54-722d-4590-9b95-af….png)


How're you just realizing something like that?



Lol what a bong lad


File: d9240eb2da1d530⋯.jpg (23.55 KB, 365x419, 365:419, ScreenHunter_433 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


im good



File: 4f6815ec504f303⋯.jpg (256.97 KB, 500x600, 5:6, __kino_kino_no_tabi_drawn_….jpg)


Stating easily observable biological facts can't be sexist, Skandi!


File: fd435f5fbca8375⋯.jpg (40.4 KB, 300x332, 75:83, 620.jpg)






Never saw this



File: f11e106e4deb62e⋯.jpg (42.15 KB, 280x313, 280:313, 972.jpg)


I just wanted to make a comment on what you said earlier on how you feel sometimes, but I ended up falling right back to sleep.



Oh well it happens. What was it?


File: 8520982a1ef0f6f⋯.png (368.61 KB, 566x788, 283:394, skfe743ab87d405ae68e256f8d….png)


I was about to say that, considering how big a perv you are, it was a wonder that I don't have your dick saved, but I checked my archive and never mind.


'Cause I've been using a terrible laptop for the past like five years, and I didn't have a great computer before that either! So I've been playing mostly slow-paced games where framerates can be kinda bad without it mattering, and not really cared about twitch skills.


Saying Konata doesn't have a penis is racist, then.


File: b999ea6172ed404⋯.jpg (90.11 KB, 1080x809, 1080:809, 74221267-b89d-49b0-8b44-5b….jpg)


Okay, got a lot of work the rest of the week


I was gonna say me but I was scholastic reading champ of my elementary school three years in a row so you might as well put me on a Forbes list.

I also got letters from Harvard for my STEM stuff but I left the program, still extremely poor though


File: 5ca97ba37d80208⋯.png (137.39 KB, 680x760, 17:19, 00ebc143-1b7c-4b7a-92dd-13….png)


Oh that makes more sense, my bad.



File: 7e606fa38fc146a⋯.jpg (25.44 KB, 487x290, 487:290, ScreenHunter_391 Sep. 25 0….jpg)


ah bummer

but hey

making money is never a bad thing


File: 77362920b5e59e7⋯.jpg (172.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, sk1426890960137.jpg)


Don't worry 'bout it! The way things are looking, master will be visiting in in a few months, and I'm getting his old laptop. Which, granted, is hardly state of the art, but still a billion times better than my current one!


It was great back when people posted lewds of themselves all the time, tbh.



I miss the old times. There is about a month till /lewd/'s anniversary.


File: 4719c3342998802⋯.png (540.75 KB, 800x1056, 25:33, __kino_kino_no_tabi_drawn_….png)


Hmm, maybe I'm wrong about her(?) then.

Also, do you have a directory of poster's dicks saved for some reason?


File: 7ac3b7e4e1263e5⋯.jpg (33.88 KB, 390x706, 195:353, dcf2fdddd6c998fd0bcc19a776….jpg)


Nope, making almost 300$ in the next five days which means I'll have enough to buy myself a PS4 pro and some games for my birthday


That's good at least, any games in mind you wanna play?


How old are we talking? I've been here for half a year and no one's really posted lewds but Tee..


File: f32b38bb29492f6⋯.jpg (34.92 KB, 452x415, 452:415, ScreenHunter_396 Sep. 25 0….jpg)



i got me a pc for 300 that runs alot of things


File: 0ca7bd8cbf66cf6⋯.jpg (67.18 KB, 500x321, 500:321, 622.jpg)


It should be nature to seek comfort, or I guess some people say "attention", when feeling less than positive. But I think these days a lot of people have abused such a thing people now think you're just whoring for attention when you seek it. It also doesn't help if you're talking to people on the internet. Sure in real life you might give signs that people can find out if they're good enough, but it's very difficult on the internet since it all comes down to writing style. You pretty much have to say "Hey I'm not feeling so good." to let people know. Yet now this seems like whoring for attention from a lot of people due to the way it's abused.

It's a very shitty situation these days.


Hey that's pretty good

My catch was sex lbu



Eh, my memory is a little rusty on that part honestly.


I know that resolving to the internet isn't helping much but I just don't feel comfortable about telling people about this because people i know outside of the screen has always seen me as that cheerful person and if that suddenly stops what then? Anyway I would like to put this conversation on hold because its a subject i'm not comfortable about.


File: 498aa565d8a64cf⋯.jpg (433.49 KB, 840x840, 1:1, sk1426890960063.jpg)


Oh right, wow. Just think how much /lewd/ has grown! From a tiny community of circlejerkers, to … hm.


It's just that she, being Asian, has a very small dick.

I do! It started out as just a folder for people's faces, 'cause it's easier for me to remember people when I can put a face to a name, but it quickly morphed into a folder of any pictures people post of themselves. And, surprise, that's mostly lewd stuff!

Speaking of which, you do know that lewding the Kino is illegal?


To be honest, basically every major game since ~2012! Europa Universalis IV and Crusader Kings 2 are high up, GTA V, all the Witcher games, Pillars of Eternity, aaand those are the ones I can think of right now, but there are loads more!



Eh… Even more tiny? I actually have a list of posters that either isn't as active as they used to be or completely left the board.


File: f4284cd5e5f9342⋯.jpg (26.62 KB, 300x369, 100:123, 973.jpg)




That's fine. I wanted to get my thoughts out on that. Won't comment any further.



I want off this ride Mr. Bones.


File: 1e423299ab8fee5⋯.jpg (539.53 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, sk1426890959769.jpg)


Oh? Well, if you have an actual list then by all means post it! I'm sure it'd be interesting.


File: 9c55d2d6955430f⋯.jpg (47.79 KB, 500x450, 10:9, __hermes_and_kino_kino_no_….jpg)


Oh, do you have a hard time remembering people by name alone?

Not that I know of, I'm the only Kinoposter around here.


File: 5d20f2668531117⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 300x287, 300:287, 726.jpg)


One has to become bones to get off the ride.


File: 82c53fc00151627⋯.jpg (61.03 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, a3f549b3-7c69-46d7-bee7-e4….jpg)


That's good, mine is probably worth that much maybe less now..


Ah okay


Can it run GTA?



I'm just gonna copypaste the whole thing. I am not sure if i've forgot someone but here goes:

People that doesn't post as often anymore or has left




















File: 17fd069e2c2f283⋯.jpg (168.04 KB, 850x887, 850:887, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


sleepen my nigga


File: 763d79468e348aa⋯.jpg (791.86 KB, 1116x1579, 1116:1579, f768db025e1dc7715f286e5b79….jpg)


Spider got perma



Where did he go?




File: 9b0a4e273b546ea⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2280x3000, 19:25, --hatsune-miku-vocaloid-dr….jpg)


Most left or went to discord

Yeah he was warned repeatedly, he's banned


File: eb17fa781a17919⋯.jpg (731 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


discord heh


File: 3230ed32ac379ce⋯.jpg (171.78 KB, 800x1132, 200:283, __kino_kino_no_tabi_drawn_….jpg)


Wasn't he banned just for posting spiders or something? I hear we have a reputation for banning people frivolously.


File: cdee6086a5e7ca0⋯.jpg (60.28 KB, 479x634, 479:634, e8d5b097b1f7b3de2e1066d197….jpg)


No he wasn't, why who's been saying that?




They are ruining the board culture! I mean i go to some discords aswell but that doesn't stop me from posting here.


File: 8bc209406f78563⋯.png (505.65 KB, 590x590, 1:1, sk1426890960012.png)


I have a hard time remembering people, period! My memory's generally pretty good, but when it comes to people's names and face I need all the help I can get.

But she's pu.re!


I don't know, actually! But even if it can't, it'll be a massive improvement.


I can't see any obvious people you've forgotten, anyway! Except master, of course, but he barely ever posted to begin with.


>Wasn't he banned just for posting spiders or something

Iiit's more complicated than that!

>a reputation for banning people frivolously

And I'm sure we got that reputation from the banned people telling their very un-biased stories.

Anyway, it's bed time! No need to stay up till 6am just for the sake of it. Goodnight, /lewd/!


File: 7b4bbac392933a2⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1032x1600, 129:200, 41502196_p0.jpg)


It's been said countless times, the discord was a mistake



Depends on how you look at it. People in the erp thread needs their safe space and a place to hang out when they aren't typefucking.


File: 2f542cb21a87a08⋯.png (1.39 MB, 900x1186, 450:593, afad10678005c794e12ac6b307….png)


I'm not in the mood to discuss it tbh, it takes away from the board, but it's all been said before



Yeah i get you. Is there something troubling you?


File: dc9f3319eb2b9a0⋯.png (163.59 KB, 650x1150, 13:23, 6a634d3b-f064-4988-aa6b-89….png)


I guess..

Sleep well





File: c479af34c5c85d6⋯.jpg (151.61 KB, 850x599, 850:599, __hermes_and_kino_kino_no_….jpg)


Oh, I don't know, just animus people saying you guys throw around bans for no reason at all.


Have a good night, Skandi!


File: c1856ad730340f6⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 2000x2828, 500:707, b78d1129578a03c32c0c91759d….jpg)


I'm just really tired and sick, and its affecting my mood, so I don't feel like going into a discussion on why people left the board, I'm not in the best mindset



You should sleep like, just like me.



File: d1c4b107f078d5c⋯.jpg (321.49 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)



yeah well there already bad history since why some posters are here not /animus/


File: 6857e111fcee934⋯.jpg (501.47 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, 48369097_p3_master1200.jpg)


A lot on animus hate us, and direct their shit towards me and others here, theres a lot of history, there are good people there too, but the ones who tend to come here just stir up shit or try to.

And people don't get banned without good reason, it's not a thing that just gets handed out here


I did sleep for a long time



Ah okay.


File: f0add8e146da994⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 250x188, 125:94, 1462050163982.gif)


File: 96b766eaca601e9⋯.jpg (18.54 KB, 372x400, 93:100, ScreenHunter_450 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


File: e74a6baaed2a7a2⋯.png (3.06 MB, 1449x1842, 483:614, f233f2bbc0cdb3419f8f7646dd….png)


File: 284d340c578a3dc⋯.jpg (101.69 KB, 1063x592, 1063:592, ScreenHunter_411 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


hi magi


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh well, I think i'm gonna disappear for a little while.



Take it easy.


File: 652f5de87d5d91b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1002x737, 1002:737, Screenshot_3.png)


Hey Date, how are you?


File: b04904d5425b4f0⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 300x217, 300:217, 454.jpg)


Good luck.


File: 2a790b52f38f062⋯.jpg (14.63 KB, 270x397, 270:397, ScreenHunter_471 Sep. 27 0….jpg)


im ok just watching wrestling



File: 1da4600abcfc946⋯.jpg (4.27 MB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, __hatsune_miku_and_yuki_mi….jpg)


About to keep grinding for Halloween loot boxes


File: 71f7a989c22f386⋯.png (91.9 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, megumin__konosuba__minimal….png)


oh they do that for overwatch

thats nice

i remember last i played tf2 they would bring out a halloween comic and cosmetics payed and free

the scout even has an aliens alien costume


File: 5c868a1abffe46e⋯.jpg (3 MB, 2480x3607, 2480:3607, 8e1fe62e129a436958fb259b33….jpg)


Yeah the new event, that mercy skin I got in my 2nd box, theres new skins, intros etc so the 3 week grind for boxes starts today


File: 4dbf72e577b2eda⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 542x384, 271:192, ScreenHunter_397 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


ah sounds nice

i would make decent money selling the halloween crates in the first day grind

plus everyone is in the fun of it so i enjoy it alot


File: 0aadaf705230264⋯.jpg (489.57 KB, 919x1300, 919:1300, 59036197_p0.jpg)


Nice, sounds like you'd have a good little business selling stuff


File: 7ad6d7d851cabce⋯.jpg (36.07 KB, 457x654, 457:654, ScreenHunter_403 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


yeah i used t omake ok money out of it

enough to get some games and have decent inventory for myself

but its a bother now so i cashed out to buy a new gpu for my old pc since my old pcs gpu was dead

but i just buy csgo skins for myself now i dont bother with trading anymore


File: 7d1671a3ee8717d⋯.jpg (878.66 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, 48369097_p1_master1200.jpg)


How many skins you got now? I bet you have a ton lol


File: 2e4afebfe307691⋯.png (1.09 MB, 945x945, 1:1, 1463031774943.png)



only like 114 not much i mainly just buy for the main weapons ak both m4s starting pistols and the knife akari got me


File: 57421f1f2c5b359⋯.png (364.34 KB, 600x783, 200:261, 57421f1f2c5b3594a2c1d696ec….png)


What's your most valuable one?


File: 6905328cc437425⋯.jpg (39.96 KB, 270x634, 135:317, ScreenHunter_499 Oct. 11 2….jpg)


File: 958071ccc9b2440⋯.png (381.17 KB, 498x713, 498:713, 1476230305755.png)


File: 345ef5baeebd040⋯.png (720.33 KB, 1280x835, 256:167, undyne_48.png)


File: ae0f9656f672741⋯.webm (5.77 MB, 854x480, 427:240, ae0f9656f6727411b8582180a….webm)


File: 624ab32f1453c7b⋯.jpg (4.14 MB, 2300x1800, 23:18, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_dr….jpg)


oh wow


File: 358b70feb6e8987⋯.jpg (295.44 KB, 1050x1250, 21:25, 1474145849244.jpg)


yeah it isnt alot but i love it

its my favorite weapon finish


File: bbf99ea01f4183c⋯.gif (548.16 KB, 800x1101, 800:1101, 1476231218411.gif)


Smells like fish


Same same tbh


File: 06852055cb2933d⋯.png (108.8 KB, 462x411, 154:137, ss (2016-10-10 at 10.22.50….png)


Do my homework pls.

Also >.


File: a7e80cbebc3c95a⋯.jpg (277.72 KB, 850x1146, 425:573, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


Trying to tell us something motts?


File: 26e955d91f98f5b⋯.jpg (324.34 KB, 2000x1570, 200:157, CeX2nMvVAAAxxLS.jpg)


Good, need some in your diet


File: 3ee7f126d924c41⋯.jpg (24.53 KB, 374x267, 374:267, 1476164064250.jpg)


I haven't done homework in like 2-3 years, wanna fail?!

Is this your rp partner?




File: 5d8d4347d6f3cb3⋯.png (294.7 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 893b1bce-dfb9-4637-b68d-c8….png)


Not even for me?


File: b28f9e3e8b42ed8⋯.jpg (36.11 KB, 300x422, 150:211, 699.jpg)


Sometimes I do.

No. Just saw them at the GE. I wanted to prove to you that people do this in RS! You can't deny it, Bit! No where is safe anymore!

I also got a good laugh out of it. For some reason all their other skills were at 99s, but combat skills were shit.


No? I just found that person while playing RS.

What were you thinking exactly?


File: 9b0efaa7a195c69⋯.jpg (314.34 KB, 839x600, 839:600, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)




File: bb394df0c2600c0⋯.jpg (50.79 KB, 300x376, 75:94, 765.jpg)


It's something. Spit it out.


File: 78c2425622d8a30⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 350x232, 175:116, 399136_v1.gif)


hattie wants to turn you into a grown girl mot mot


File: 1adab590f68d6ff⋯.jpg (33.62 KB, 418x279, 418:279, 1476192571368.jpg)




What do you wanna do?

GE is soo 2014 Mot. You was on a rp world its the only way! Yea they did this poll thing and it seems not a lot of people boss or pvm as much as I thought. Once I get more gp I plan to chill and skill


File: e40204fb3b300a4⋯.png (1.3 MB, 756x1134, 2:3, __ibaraki_kasen_and_ibuki_….png)




File: 492c6661702a4eb⋯.png (166.51 KB, 500x783, 500:783, 98db4eea-f2b0-4a3a-bb1e-ef….png)


Oh okay then..


File: b59d5bc98a058f6⋯.jpg (55.24 KB, 320x348, 80:87, 97.jpg)


Sounds about natural from her.



What am I suppose to use?! Nah, was on my usual world. 37. Oh, that's odd. I guess people don't really like the new combat too much.

Don't you make money from skillin'? And why are people calling it gp? It says coin. Maybe it was something back then that I forgot.


Out with it.


File: 9e3dcb554ec1960⋯.jpg (101.29 KB, 597x640, 597:640, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


nothing just i know you like futa



Most do.


File: d59cf3975fd9728⋯.jpg (161.06 KB, 341x354, 341:354, Dammit fucking humanoid fo….jpg)


And why would this matter? You're confusing me more than usual.


File: c8df9473f8e3abc⋯.png (504.33 KB, 720x720, 1:1, __ibuki_suika_touhou_and_w….png)


Most what?


File: a97c0b998522e3c⋯.jpg (15.89 KB, 260x400, 13:20, im_too_brown_for_this_shit.jpg)

futa is gross


File: a56f6bb95505871⋯.jpg (186.44 KB, 850x1152, 425:576, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)




File: b864b128031c726⋯.png (53.11 KB, 169x168, 169:168, 1395896973759.png)


File: c424630171810e1⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 239.49 KB, 1000x1250, 4:5, 0427c61ee6c08fc3c328bec59….jpeg)


Most people.


File: 5220d8c21cc319f⋯.jpg (86.82 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 55CF15B63E106B0004.jpg)


I just dont like fish ;-;


But why

The Elf GE. Baka world. Everyone dislikes change in rs. Even 120 slayer next year but I think that is the reason because people who are maxed and have that nice cape wont have it anymore. Yea you can but most speed skill so it wont be much profit all the way to 99. Gold pieces but I guess im just used to it.


File: 16792a36acee259⋯.jpg (336.51 KB, 1108x1920, 277:480, tumblr_od7km6tnDs1rt1uvoo2….jpg)


I know


File: bfb12bef26f4cf7⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 300x249, 100:83, 192.jpg)


This image is a bit grotesque.


So I can end it all the easy way. :^)

Oh. I can't do that yet. ;_; It is not the baka world! It seems so. I guess people really loved the old way, but I can't even look at it much anymore.

Oh right, speed skill won't usually make money. That makes sense, just don't remember it being referred to as such.


File: bcca88c043c0689⋯.png (91.19 KB, 447x400, 447:400, Kanye.png)


Then fish no no!


Then do it!

I'll meet you here someday, baka world. What you mean look at it?


File: 0fc6a22301dbea8⋯.jpg (43 KB, 340x254, 170:127, 223.jpg)


A bit lazy to fail.

Maybe once I get on baka world 103. :^)

07 is so terrible to look at, everyone knows this. I put up with it when there wasn't a better example. Most character models since some of them can be frightening to look at.


File: 21e7c9b69839943⋯.png (562.51 KB, 1280x1602, 640:801, 958a11f4-0eb5-4513-bf19-46….png)


I know


File: 9d0099bb819c449⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2 MB, 436x245, 436:245, 9d0099bb819c449fcb8763d6aa….gif)


Only if you don't want a futa QT to spoonfeed you pudding.


File: 3e7d0a4f3b85cc3⋯.jpg (28 KB, 704x396, 16:9, pino.jpg)


I shall pretend that makes 1000% sense!

Hey you calling zezima a baka too?! Oh true, speaking of models I do hope rs3 get some sort of an update for them.



File: 0da2b2a9fc515d2⋯.gif (7.46 MB, 464x448, 29:28, 79f3f23fc66b5ea82df9e554e8….gif)


File: e2f1eef42d201db⋯.png (734.74 KB, 1280x1864, 160:233, _3de8673f-d766-4f07-a97c-2….png)


File: 1fff8e902bd169f⋯.jpg (35.19 KB, 300x291, 100:97, 426.jpg)


She needs to get that vein looked at.


Sometimes you just don't want to do something because it's too much effort. What's not to get?

I am! Popular people are bakas! Do you mean world models? I actually meant the faces in dialogue. I should have said faces. An update on the models would be good.


I want that skin and his intro.


File: 0f66d812485e97e⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid__f….jpg)


The skins are really good


File: cf3f2031f22f705⋯.png (316.54 KB, 600x637, 600:637, 1473960508333.png)


not as good as me!


File: 7606e62c356999c⋯.png (736.47 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, tumblr_o1fi2kQ5ZZ1uduc3mo1….png)



But we're talking about failing, something simple. So simple I do it everyday.

Well im not popular and im the biggest baka! Player models


File: 2c656dfa1d4b893⋯.gif (415.13 KB, 550x400, 11:8, tumblr_nwp3fc9ZKs1uz2ugvo1….gif)


File: 39d45bdd975c35f⋯.jpg (87.39 KB, 454x739, 454:739, CuTGMCMUAAUgN4Q.jpg)


File: 6d21384c328c435⋯.png (753.98 KB, 434x1302, 1:3, _8f41b8dc-cc3e-463e-a187-5….png)


File: 6c0d06784a70704⋯.jpg (40.14 KB, 270x273, 90:91, 33.jpg)


Yeah they seem so. at least you can buy them, even if they are 3x the price.


Failing sounds pretty hard to me. Not so sure about you.

You only think you do it.

You haven't gotten your name out yet.

Same thing! But yeah those still look a bit funky.


File: c41f9f1a4121b31⋯.png (559.76 KB, 436x642, 218:321, Screenshot_6.png)


Are yooou trying to tell me something?


Pretty easy for me

All I get is heey I remember that anime and then they leave me. Oh snap got adamant drags for a slayer task, forgot they made other dragons. I do like the way armour and clothes look. Should get a lot more differnt ones when the mining and smithing rework comes later


File: 0843e8cf26ace24⋯.webm (10.23 MB, 800x450, 16:9, 2016-10-12-0226-23.webm)


File: bccd990e55992cf⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 320x300, 16:15, 101.jpg)


Teach me your ways.

What jerks! Though I don't even get that. I-is that good?

>tfw everyone has this fancy clothing stuff

>look like a basic bitch


Mining and smithing rework?


He thought he had you. :^)


File: b1434725d707ddf⋯.jpg (820.83 KB, 840x1059, 280:353, b1434725d707ddf8e87d453ebe….jpg)


I was goading him into attacking to pull that move off lol

as soon as I seen the arm go up I flew up and over him lol


File: e918b8cd7803931⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 300x281, 300:281, 703.jpg)


Nice job there. Gotta find some time to play this during the 3 weeks.


File: 153a930c652ce70⋯.png (21.04 KB, 789x427, 789:427, Screenshot_7.png)

File: 5ae86719ea74446⋯.png (36.68 KB, 839x455, 839:455, Screenshot_8.png)


Lessons are 20m an hour

You could someone like, heey you're my favorite basketball player. Well so far they are slow af to kill and the best thing they drop is a dragon full helm but its super rare. Only got assigned 70 so I guess it's not that bad

Get fancy! Dis


File: b1aa55dcf7fb72b⋯.jpg (21.6 KB, 280x350, 4:5, 105.jpg)


Well fuck.

I'd block them and report them instantly! Oh wait I was reading drags as something else. You meant dragons. Are they also weak to water? Kind of hate that weakness because my magic sucks.

How though? ;_:

Oh. I…think this all looks good? It looks like they want to make mining more AFKable or something?

The ore levels sure is a rework though.


File: cbfe856310b7691⋯.jpg (21.08 KB, 320x229, 320:229, [A-Tsubs] Serial Experimen….jpg)


Rude, mhm and addys are weak to air. All metals are weak to magic but range can tear into them if its high enough.

Look at other people and make it your own style, well it can be good if they dont fug it up. I gotta sleep now tho ;-; cya soon


File: b4a12853e99f70c⋯.jpg (108.2 KB, 733x720, 733:720, K (119).jpg)


Jordan is a first name dammit! Range can? Last time I used combat and it seemed to work fine. Damn dragons. Be weak to something I can use!

I don't know how!

Sleep well, Bit. Sweet dreams.


Build a wall.


File: 5d57e35d102a06b⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 572x466, 286:233, ScreenHunter_426 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


board dont die out ;-;


File: 89bc0416e4d886a⋯.jpg (631.67 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)



around wales


File: 6b3673bd043b75b⋯.jpg (217.86 KB, 800x969, 800:969, 6b3673bd043b75b798b1d85bb7….jpg)


wales has a cool flag though


File: c895c9040751a04⋯.jpg (733.73 KB, 750x1031, 750:1031, __hecatia_lapislazuli_and_….jpg)


yeah and a fucking awful accent


File: b87a5dfb48b6d33⋯.png (505.25 KB, 639x1006, 639:1006, b87a5dfb48b6d33795a8df1b18….png)


their accents are nice!

scottish accents are so nice too


File: e40204fb3b300a4⋯.png (1.3 MB, 756x1134, 2:3, __ibaraki_kasen_and_ibuki_….png)


but where in Scotland laddie, the lowlands or the highlands


File: e5aef6721070613⋯.jpg (110.76 KB, 1000x871, 1000:871, megusmile.jpg)


the highlands


File: a4f0bd69a02607c⋯.jpg (231 KB, 500x700, 5:7, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)




File: 797e1584897b160⋯.jpg (63.92 KB, 781x671, 71:61, ScreenHunter_407 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


i love accents

my hans has such a nice german accent

and sometimes german words sip out when we are talking

its super cute


Skittle vodka, is fun.


File: b7c82792d5f4cfa⋯.jpg (535.28 KB, 800x1004, 200:251, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


heh i roll my r's



pronouncing Rs is overrated


File: 284d340c578a3dc⋯.jpg (101.69 KB, 1063x592, 1063:592, ScreenHunter_411 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


ahhh i bet that sounds lovely

i always love to hear people with accents talk specially when they have thick ones


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oh im for a city, so its not as profound as the countryside


File: 6609249ea89976d⋯.jpg (21.76 KB, 431x263, 431:263, ScreenHunter_392 Sep. 25 0….jpg)


still all accents have their nice and sweet things about them


File: 5131623fbb1e114⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 540x473, 540:473, ESsdJ4L.gif)


File: b2dbe57155a90cd⋯.jpg (13.11 KB, 236x333, 236:333, b73f0598b2438cc7ccd2c4610d….jpg)


File: 1769178e97062df⋯.jpg (59.37 KB, 640x646, 320:323, 1769178e97062df616efda8a4c….jpg)




File: 088cebac9a3367d⋯.gif (30.54 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 6xc4Lmh.gif)


File: 9871165368c26a8⋯.webm (10.55 MB, 950x534, 475:267, Trapped in my head.webm)






shadow warrior 2


File: 2dd60c7b679977f⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 610x343, 610:343, 2dd.gif)


Gud game



you got it?

i loved the first one



Thank you.


I assume you responded gud game after Date wrote the name or else it would have made no sense.


File: e140812f0371f60⋯.png (17.9 KB, 411x454, 411:454, 1443469875070.png)


Nah it's not even out yet just watching a stream atm


Uh yea



Is it mandatory to play the first one or is it separate stories?



ah alright


in the webm i heard some familiar names from the first one

so maybe?

maybe look at the wikipedia article maybe it gives a synopsis



I'd rather prefer to hear it from someone who possibly has played both to avoid spoilers.



i think the steam page for it has a spoiler free synopsis?

i played the first one but i forgot most of the story

the combat is super fun though


File: 5b46b22a239abe2⋯.jpg (239.16 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, 0_Cheshire_Cover.jpg)


Most games nowadays make it where if you didn't need to play the first one but helps out to know who is who during the 2nd one. Try out the first one it has a demo on steam


File: f3e8eb3b2609004⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 395x444, 395:444, tumblr_nizk080m3N1r4vymlo1….gif)




Well its not so much because of me not having the game because I do. It was more if I could skip some time on playing it, but I'll just take a look at it eventually, right now i need to focus on my character in wow so i can raid.



plus for the first one wait for a sale

it always goes down to like 3 dollars

i think it might even go on sale once 2 comes out but i could be wrong


File: d144c762676c314⋯.webm (2.11 MB, 950x534, 475:267, DabbinontheDICK.webm)


Forgot you played wow



Like I said, I already have the first one.


Well there was a longer period where I didn't because the expansion wasn't released yet.


File: 683eb5c863b70be⋯.png (399.58 KB, 839x1185, 839:1185, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….png)

>tfw gears of war is dead day 1 on pc

How are you nerds on the other hand.


File: 1908e9b97272f34⋯.webm (9.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Junkrat.webm)


How is it dead?

Just farming the OW event thingy


File: 5d46f8c3b1d0873⋯.png (115.25 KB, 560x700, 4:5, muh chicken nuggets.png)

Hey, /lewd/ers~ <3


File: 5d301cb3cbf1996⋯.jpg (103.82 KB, 694x712, 347:356, ss (2016-10-12 at 01.26.55….jpg)

Just making my daily post.



File: 550fae5f124d092⋯.jpg (202.41 KB, 850x992, 425:496, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Absolutely no one playing the comp modes or any modes other than social multiplayer.

Last night when I played I only faced one other team the whole time.

If you playing you should carry me then in overwatch.






File: 313fbea907ba773⋯.png (227.76 KB, 355x420, 71:84, anekichan, pls.png)


Where is everyone? Seems wicked slow right now :(


File: 5189e0c18be7ef1⋯.jpg (254.69 KB, 850x1189, 850:1189, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


I don't know, first time posting in a week or so. Busy with work.

Maybe they got attacked by all those random clowns that are out and about these days.


File: c4348eadd394a00⋯.png (39.33 KB, 355x252, 355:252, 1476229516446.png)


Work, school, or just not here.



If the game is barely out then people are probably doing the single player, assuming that's still a thing.

I'm not good at OW! I'm just trying to gather confidence for ranked.


File: 6e7811777319911⋯.jpg (129.66 KB, 850x960, 85:96, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


because no ones posting


File: ba908a8397bfcd4⋯.png (251.33 KB, 508x286, 254:143, gomen, gomen.png)


Yeah dude. What's up with those? I heard there's a reboot of "It" coming out so it's like a scare hype thing that's gone wrong lol


Gee, thanks Cap'n obvious.

I thought everyone here were neets *shrugs*


I know, I said that.


File: a617068f8133608⋯.gif (883.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1474291863401.gif)


No problemo! :D


File: be03ff53222f8f6⋯.jpg (120.8 KB, 811x1147, 811:1147, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


>I thought everyone here were neets

we want to be NEETS



Why would you want to be neets?


File: 61ea27ba758b343⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 612x639, 68:71, comment_XonWO6HOleWqoCegRP….gif)

>tfw neet



we're special


File: 65fc092d39558c8⋯.jpg (469.19 KB, 645x795, 43:53, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


i like sleeping


File: eb55cbb9668f2ee⋯.jpg (106.29 KB, 850x765, 10:9, __clownpiece_and_hecatia_l….jpg)


You can do it. If a shitter like me can get plat from promos then you got diamond.


I think one or two people did it as a prank and for some weird reason it became a fad.


File: 27882c859341b30⋯.jpg (226.76 KB, 950x1600, 19:32, 27882c859341b30905c94e0aac….jpg)


File: 70f614472fbcd0b⋯.webm (6.99 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Reinhardt double kill.webm)


Hey now, where's this motivational talk coming from


File: b620af0dba2ddd9⋯.png (126.21 KB, 306x324, 17:18, captcha.png)


You sound depressed :(


I feel like I'm gonna end up macing a clown in the very near future. We've had a couple in town already and I walk home late at night x_x


File: 4de273a08e5c743⋯.jpg (368.23 KB, 550x738, 275:369, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


If you can't believe in yourself then I gotta do it for you.


I've seen lots of them get their ass beat. I"m just waiting for one to get shot.


File: 7e2ef8bd34894f0⋯.webm (2.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, matsuoka shuzo - never gi….webm)


File: 14928ea93cadf1c⋯.jpg (126.03 KB, 850x635, 170:127, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


i self-referred to the mental health services



Sounds like you've got yourself a solid plan to achieve your leech-dom



that's weirdly sweet






File: eb17fa781a17919⋯.jpg (731 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


nah i dont want to drop out of uni


File: 6a9dc44cc3dfc5f⋯.jpg (137.1 KB, 600x338, 300:169, konosuba (1).jpg)


lets play csgo im feeling pretty good today, i feel like i can drop 50 kills on globals



Not really. Have you never had someone just give you motivation before?



Well I guess. But I just always assume it's the normal bs


File: d3093ce0d7e795a⋯.webm (1.02 MB, 640x480, 4:3, No.webm)


File: fa59240dba780e6⋯.webm (7 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Tracer Funny Magi strats.webm)


File: d5000e57cb043bb⋯.jpg (51.09 KB, 300x348, 25:29, 698.jpg)

Damn capthcha.

And who ever managed to get the ip from this place banned on this board. Really really weird.


File: 0bba0b6abf0659e⋯.jpg (561.04 KB, 552x720, 23:30, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Why you getting banned all the time mot-mot?

Stop commiting crimes.


Thats just cause they aren't abnormal enough to be clown like.



That could maybe be me when I gave Sci a range ban. I'm not quite sure though, but I do apologize if thats the case.


File: 7315019700ed9bd⋯.jpg (352.35 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1410227291162.jpg)


Just had a full-pick team versus as the enemies had full tracer team I decided to pick junkrat and then pretty many of the other guys did too, thus the war was won.



Heh. It's kind of funny when everyone just picks one hero.



i suppose


File: 3d8d46fbfe40a30⋯.jpg (91.12 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, 4b4f8ee0efb8e94611a0d57ed0….jpg)


After that they picked full junkrat and we countered with pharahs and then they took a few S76s to counter us.

They still lost.



lol very nice. I just got to enjoy a 3 bastion comp on attack earlier today x.x


File: f5c5ea391f641e8⋯.jpg (302.16 KB, 2458x1787, 2458:1787, 433.jpg)


RIP, comp is more so about picking the hero you do best with, not the meme-value as some think that you can with brute force.



Yeah true


File: ed4a23c43c48c9e⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 271x541, 271:541, ScreenHunter_500 Oct. 12 1….jpg)

bought this cute spray to spray in front of akari everytime we are in spawn



Don't just suppose!

Are you playing on the EU servers or the NA/Who do you main in OW?


What about when you use all 50 uses of it?



its only 10 cents



I see 12 cents on your image, so ah-ha!

All your games gonna last 30 rounds and it gonna be bloop gone. This is how date goes bankrupt.



well i think they last all match but i could be wrong



I have no idea either. They probably do as that would make more sense. I'll test it now in fact.



EU, used to mainly play Mercy but now I just play whatever I feel like. Roadhog, Tracer, Pharah are most fun atm I guess.


File: dc28b242098a094⋯.png (309.99 KB, 665x840, 19:24, 1469016091973.png)






Well you even playing good characters. Just always remember ot switch up to what your team needs, don't overextend, and bam insta free wins. Also pray rng gives you not retarded team mates.


It is entire match. Now we know.



yeah for now I'm just sticking to getting good with all the heroes. minus genji and hanzo.

then i'll rush the competitive placements just as season is ending.



Sounds like a good plan. Did you only just recently get the game or just didn't feel like playing comp last season?



I've had the game since release. Last season I played very little since I got frustrated with the ranking system.

Then I got burnt out after the summer event.



Aw okay. Thats pretty understandable. I'm a try hard who always likes playing ranked in any and every game that has it. So thats what kept me playing for a bit.


File: 35d30ded9adf563⋯.jpg (116.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, venla.jpg)



Bully ;-;


That's why you're so excited for Gears competitive?


File: 95a484330926397⋯.jpg (369.6 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 95a484330926397b6866339ce7….jpg)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pretty much, since I don't really care about it that much. Just the fact it has a ranked system in place makes me want to play it and see how far/high I can get, only sitting at gold 4 at the moment.

All that won't matter once the game of games is released later this month though.



What game is released this month? FFXV or something?




File: 234aa5a0158d3e1⋯.jpg (136.57 KB, 700x971, 700:971, 6C6.jpg)


in the nice way



Xenoverse 2 silly. It's why I linked the trailer.

FF XIV is released next month I'm pretty sure.


File: 9f89711d4aaa8ae⋯.jpg (43.87 KB, 320x323, 320:323, 150.jpg)


I actually looked at this ban this time. It said it was some loser named "!DScooTaloo". Sure hope he just happened to proxy into an ip around here and that's a wide spread range ban. Because I'm not so sure I want him that close to me.


File: 2d9c2bc9f14917f⋯.png (249.22 KB, 358x358, 1:1, 1463615628275.png)





File: 2c15c7d6cbd1fa4⋯.jpg (141.45 KB, 850x551, 850:551, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


he's british





Ahh of course. I didn't check the video since I didn't have time. I think you've told me about it before too.


File: 341773325152b56⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 587x674, 587:674, 1397546567084.jpg)


Yeah, what a loser.


Oh thank goodness! Not sure how his proxy just happen to get over here but oh well.



Oh and don't think I forgot about you!

There's no way to be a meanie in a nice way.



He was just using random proxies he found. Like quite literally was just using top results on google. So it must have just been randomly in your area.


Aw okay, most likely.

Are you gonna be getting ffXIV or do you not have a console to play it on?


File: 6b3673bd043b75b⋯.jpg (217.86 KB, 800x969, 800:969, 6b3673bd043b75b798b1d85bb7….jpg)


yes there is


poor scoots


File: 5705868f7731a30⋯.png (311.43 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2016-10-12-15-4….png)

>this is an app



Still don't like how he got around this area. It shouldn't be a top result!


Poor my ass.



I have time now!

It's console only? And no, I've just started to hear the hype about it and figured you might be hyped for it as well.





Subby bitches

it is I



Oh well shit happens.


File: b06c3c2ca590be4⋯.png (632.5 KB, 1800x2400, 3:4, TheSecondChild0294.png)

Love me pls



Nope too late the moment is gone, no time.

But I'll be getting it and I am hyped to a degree, but its way too far away to concern myself with.


Those proxies are generated all the time. and the range bans tend to be about a state wide ban. So it was a 1 in 50 chance roughly of the proxy being made in your area.


File: ed1f527c2dfdfe8⋯.jpg (93.39 KB, 250x252, 125:126, TheSecondChild0129.jpg)

>there are hot proxies in yo area fam


File: b447c25e52b6fca⋯.png (241.62 KB, 636x548, 159:137, 1465585700517.png)


it just is



Rip. Well the trailer looks nice.

Next month isn't far away! Wtf though, why only consoles.



Anyway i'm gonna go sleep now, have a nice evening!



Cause square enix hasn't gotten on board with the hey pc people buy games too. It will likely come to pc but about a year down the road.


File: 25f06ccfa91bc83⋯.jpg (63.79 KB, 392x695, 392:695, ScreenHunter_501 Oct. 12 1….jpg)

salmo is yummy

outside of that i hate all fish



Sleep well.


File: 38fb00cf32c263f⋯.jpg (53.15 KB, 320x498, 160:249, 117.jpg)


Looks like nice and well balance meal.


File: bddf1b516fe6135⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB, 720x402, 120:67, Vre5GwP.mp4)



>Doesn't even try to look up her shirt

This man clearly doesn't know what VR was made for.



Maybe you should get a vive



It's on my list on investments in fact. I'll probably have one before the end of the year. Very least tax time, so feb next year.


File: 66d084df779ad88⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 325.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1476304435392.webm)



Looks like his head is about to pop.

Poor guy, all the people making fun of them on the internet.


Ohh that's very nice then. For the games or experience or other things?



Games, I've used one a few times now and I'm not nearly pervy enough to use it for other things.


File: 74708b64598b635⋯.jpg (31.5 KB, 348x399, 116:133, ScreenHunter_502 Oct. 12 1….jpg)

File: e4e68f23302cf8b⋯.jpg (52.55 KB, 390x692, 195:346, ScreenHunter_503 Oct. 12 1….jpg)

this bullet is a winchester 30 30

idk why its in my house

since we dont go around with repeaters slinged in our back


File: f92b933ab59c320⋯.jpg (252.98 KB, 850x1117, 850:1117, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


is it in your house?



i was cleaning and found it in the floor near the back door



Lies. You said it your self you're a… a… Guevara? Gievera? Mexican Cowboy.


I'm yet to try the current gen VR thingies. I only tried once the Oculus Rift from the kickstarter they did. So I have no idea how good they are now




guerrillero is a soldier



Aw, you should get around to that then. Go to gamescon I'm sure they will have one there. Otherwise no idea what stuff is in your area/counttry. Anything outside of america is spooky and mysterious to me.



Ahh yes. Couldn't remember for the life of me


Heh, gamescom could be cool. I think I know a shop that could potentially have a demo thing setup, just sucks to drive there.


File: 65476fba661a4ab⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 52.77 KB, 561x634, 561:634, 1476303190569.jpg)


you relaize Lord Trump is passing by in the video?


File: 4b531b8416031fe⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 387x320, 387:320, ScreenHunter_318 Jun. 10 2….jpg)


File: c3b118320a014ba⋯.png (427.87 KB, 855x634, 855:634, 1476306081359.png)



Do it. You gotta go in my place since I can't make it.

How far away is it or do you just really not like driving?



Still. I feel bad for them


Lol that's funny.

But still I feel so bad for them having whole internet ripping on them


No money. Unless I drive there which… Now I want to drive there so badly but plane ticket would be cheaper I'm sure.

It's just the area I don't driving at. Area is known for kids getting run over by cars so I stress a lot looking at every street corner etc..



Don't stress so much then. You'll be fine, plus plane isn't nearly as cool as a car ride


File: 3bd1ba8443920ad⋯.png (205.38 KB, 625x573, 625:573, 3453bb387711f281b7f2f64819….png)


Well yeah… Though I've only driven there to pick my parents up at night so the low visibility really stresses me more probably. During day it'd be fine.

This trip tho


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: bd7fe5a65bf2970⋯.png (39.49 KB, 1895x294, 1895:294, withher.PNG)





Gamescom when?


File: 7e4fe2ab8222ff1⋯.jpg (290.11 KB, 844x900, 211:225, __hoshiguma_yuugi_ibaraki_….jpg)


fucking kek


File: e8fcd420e2ab805⋯.jpg (659.96 KB, 1068x1608, 89:134, e8fcd420e2ab8055c64b7faba4….jpg)


File: 83ddc64b0afaa86⋯.jpg (38.21 KB, 500x375, 4:3, sk1426890960155.jpg)

>chocolate milk, cinnamon, vodka



So… Weren't you only supposed to drink during weekends?

And dude chocolate milk + mint vodka or chili vodka. just amazing


File: 5ded90812998529⋯.jpg (55.52 KB, 500x500, 1:1, sk1426890960154.jpg)


All alcohol rules are off because I'm on vacation!

And maaan, chocolate+chili is really amazing too! I've never tried the mint/chili combo, though, sounds kinda shit.



Ahh I see. That's nice.

It's not shit! It's amazing!

Just buy bunch of those flavoured sugar vodkas and you're good to go


File: 9cd43c67941a8ec⋯.jpg (239.83 KB, 652x652, 1:1, sk1426890960151.jpg)


Never! I buy cheap strong vodka, and I flavor it myself! It's super easy and a billion times cheaper!


File: f98af94bfded74d⋯.jpg (264.5 KB, 934x2521, 934:2521, 003002.jpg)

File: e50decef20cffc6⋯.jpg (398.06 KB, 1027x2765, 13:35, 164696.jpg)

File: 936faba3e249192⋯.jpg (624.39 KB, 1309x3547, 1309:3547, 173076.jpg)

File: 715c7c7b2c09ae7⋯.jpg (589.8 KB, 1350x3532, 675:1766, 109066.jpg)


I'm talking about these products. They're like 18e

There's a chili one but couldn't find it from Alko

How do you flavour them yourself?

I want to get drunk now! Why you do dis


File: 0da19e83d93ee1c⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 332x233, 332:233, sk1426890960145.jpg)


>they're like 18e

You're a gay whore and I hate you. There is no cheap alcohol in Norway! It's all just priced after the ABV!

I literally just add a good amount of cinnamon to a bottle of vodka and shake it about twice a day, and after ~three days you'll have incredibly delicious vodka, especially for White Russians!

Well, it's too late at night for you to get drunk now anyway!


File: 610421d7688b17b⋯.webm (7.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Roadhog Play of the Game ….webm)

>Trying to desperately get my spray out


Well I had a feeling things could be worse over there :p

But 18e is kind of a lot honestly. Actually no it's not. Think 15e is cheapest hard liquor for 0,5l. oh well.

Hmm… I guess that works. You add whole cinnamon or powder? Do you pour it through something to catch teh cinnamon. Do you ever use star anise?

Can I blame you for me breaking my not drinking thing?

True. There's one thing I could drink though… But I have an appointment. Jesus fuck Skandi I blame you. I will go buy lots of vodka tomorrow unless my self control strikes like i hope it will. Maybe I'll even buy the Kirschwasser I've wanted to try.



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0.5 of Minttu costs ~28 € here! Not 18!

Powder! And the first time I filtered it out by using a coffee filter, but I've found I don't really mind just drinking the powder too! Never tried star anise.

And if you've made a decision not to drink, it's incredibly important that you stick to it!


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I raffed.


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Oh wew. Think parents got it even cheaper from their cruise from sweden to here.

http://www.alko.fi/en/products/ you can browse our prices if you're interested

Hmm… I'd probably filter it. I'm a bit traumatized from cinnamon after drinking fireball. But fireball also has sugar, lots of it so I'll have to try

I'll also try this pic related vodka. Cheapest 0,5L 40% for 14,99

Well it's more because I don't like spending money. And kind of because I can feel the alcoholism creeping on me with all the cravings. Maybe if I get wasted enough booze will start to disgust me again!


I'm glad! I was panicing why I couldn't spray, but it was because of the ult


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Can't respond more now, gonna watch stuff with master!


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I already did. How many do you need?



Is ok. I'll do more OW

But I tried to make a banner for magi but it didn't look good.



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Nurses > noodles

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