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/lewd/ - Avatarfag Circlejerk + Lewd Shit

Circlejerk in the megathread amongst other things


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See You Space Cowboy

File: 4c00bd44dca26c5⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 754x932, 377:466, 14054144_742105682559223_8….jpg)


Tranny apocalypse edition

9 0 0




File: 3f8a3837670fcbb⋯.webm (2.59 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1449918006501.webm)


File: 27ef07caaf51e0f⋯.jpg (169.06 KB, 800x695, 160:139, 1457386970028.jpg)

I had a thread I wanted to make..


File: 2dadcbf9fd286fd⋯.png (831.53 KB, 1032x1153, 1032:1153, 13498013_1158125277571868_….png)


should of prepared for 900 like me



I'm sorry I'm not autistic enough to do that.


File: 4fe703061296216⋯.jpg (55.12 KB, 599x663, 599:663, undyne_42.jpg)




File: e5f582f59818f6f⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 270x320, 27:32, 13043329_875092645969627_4….jpg)


its not really that autistic just had the thread ready for a few posts before 300.


File: b6b6b1553a7a224⋯.png (248.24 KB, 1024x857, 1024:857, 1462489263058.png)


I'm just in a bad mood, don't mind me.


File: 2eadc70f30de4d3⋯.jpg (24.86 KB, 478x324, 239:162, 1462958960422.jpg)



File: a968116e6c8ae24⋯.jpg (199.05 KB, 850x1056, 425:528, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Its alright you can make the thread in my heart.


File: 901eac5acfe55c2⋯.jpg (21.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1462958961410.jpg)


Hai clown


File: a968116e6c8ae24⋯.jpg (199.05 KB, 850x1056, 425:528, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Hi G!

Why aren't you old enough to know how great alcohol is yet?


File: 37db54d9a8dcfc7⋯.jpg (102 KB, 1042x1352, 521:676, CrExp0vVYAAICrV.jpg)


No thanks



2 more years and I don't think I should since it was hard for my dad to get off cigs and alcohol even though he drinks every some time..



Aww, well I tried.

SO what was your cool guy thread gonna be about?


Alcohol is fun and good though. Well if you have friends it fun. Alone is good too, but also depressing



I am with my friends outside of school once every two months or so… Does that count?




It doesn't matter now


File: 32f347a58d04af6⋯.jpg (211.4 KB, 850x638, 425:319, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Kind of, would they go drink with you?


Why doesn't it matter now?

My bottle of yager is almost gone. I am sad, alcohol why can't you be bought in my state on sundays. Fuck you.


File: 18dfef6391504b6⋯.webm (63.87 KB, 500x282, 250:141, zMMoUyK.webm)

>tfw morning



Maybe, I know that one of them gets beer from his parents on weekends for some reason so I guess he might.




Also noticed


File: 430379ace323dcb⋯.png (18.39 KB, 194x186, 97:93, innostunutsonni.png)



File: 7e02b3b78713ae1⋯.jpg (82.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1t5izzn53vkx.jpg)


Noticed you back qt gif poster. What's up.





It can't be #900 now


File: 347eea86cff1db6⋯.png (278.53 KB, 734x960, 367:480, 1397297624338.png)




File: 9de2f333cebe21a⋯.jpg (321.42 KB, 850x1162, 425:581, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Morning, my favorite time to drink.


Whats the legal drinking age in your country?


Oh I didn't realize we used 900 for this thread. 1000 is far more important so go for that instead.


File: 12bf4ac12b98f83⋯.jpg (164.56 KB, 1366x1440, 683:720, __alice_margatroid_touhou_….jpg)





Too bad it's evening in there then!

Also 803 is the real important one.


File: 4b77c0e8c885b93⋯.jpg (184.42 KB, 800x635, 160:127, __imaizumi_kagerou_touhou_….jpg)


Welp I meant 903 but fucking the thread numbers up is what I do so


File: a00d7cefaccfab5⋯.jpg (208.13 KB, 1280x1440, 8:9, 1461503913478.jpg)


Damn right.


File: 7306ff86dbdc64b⋯.jpg (149.22 KB, 600x665, 120:133, malks_are_best_vampires.jpg)


I guess..


The I can't stand this edition?


File: db6ca74ba9dba4f⋯.gif (88.7 KB, 100x100, 1:1, schrodinger.gif)




Not much, just on a bus.




File: 604cbe17b3ddc4b⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 1438443129505.mp4)


File: 4e401e08da3d804⋯.jpg (87.66 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Whats 803? I can't read or care about that.

Oh 903? Still whats important about that number.


You guess? Whats special about the number 900? It your favorite number or something or relevant to a joke?


You have 2 years till that? God damn I forget you are still just a tiny baby sometimes. I always assume everyone is my age. I feel like I'm an adult and old compared to you.


File: 5b5088b21f979e5⋯.jpg (281.67 KB, 973x1200, 973:1200, __futatsuiwa_mamizou_touho….jpg)


Ahh… Where you going?


I fucked the thread numbers again, I meant 903…

400 Threads of me actually!


Yeah 903, means I've been here for 400 threads then!


howdy, /lewd/

whatcha doing?


File: ada5e1df3e04431⋯.gif (39.95 KB, 100x100, 1:1, Schrodinger_Walk.gif)


Are you a new poster?




School! It starts late for me on Sunday so I stay home late and then get there on my own.


Nothing really :3



Oh shit thats long as fuck! I think I've been here since a 200~ thread or a 90~ thread. So the first 100 or the first 200. I'm honestly not sure when, I have the worst memory of all time.


Emoticons are for morons, don't use them. Be an adult



I don't want to! I want to play vidya and not study stuff I like all day




And study stuff I like >>



same, worked today, fucked up my wrist again

how've you been?


don't be rude! how am i supposed to overcompensate for my masculine personality without spamming emoticons? :3c


File: 339ec8f5235e819⋯.jpg (185.09 KB, 850x1193, 850:1193, __konpaku_youmu_and_konpak….jpg)


Waking up, getting anxiety over shit.



Oh. I just assumed you had school Monday-Thursday


Yeah, soon I've been on 50% of the CJMT's.

Heh well when it's been that long and you haven't kept track of it you easily forget. I just remember since I originally looked it up to make a 100th thread post.


File: 9529aba075d5d1f⋯.gif (620.84 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 1436778841410.gif)


Not really, i just dont post so often here.





File: 724252e5e55106f⋯.jpg (125.36 KB, 863x665, 863:665, bas.jpg)


Whatcha anxious over?

Not much, supposed to write porn sometime tonight. Intend to make good on that intention!

Any plans?


who are you? haven't seen you around before :o


File: 990b882cd45bdfb⋯.gif (868.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, wiggle_wiggle_wiggle.gif)


I'm a very rare finn.


File: 683eb5c863b70be⋯.png (399.58 KB, 839x1185, 839:1185, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….png)


Its not rude, its just my opinion that I don't like emoticons. never have and never will use them.

If you feel that you gotta use them to make you feminine then by all means use them.


Oh I should/could look it up. You've probably been around much more consistently than me.

Side note don't drink, its bad. So if/when I fuck my ex cause of me being drunk, I'll be happy.


Then multitask!


File: bac86e4ad7e4469⋯.jpg (24.74 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1462958964377.jpg)


Fucked up your wrist? AGAIN???


Who studies 3 days a week? Even if I have a day from 7:30-4:20 like I have 4 days a week it'd be only 26.4 hours every week and that's nothing!


I started posting here almost a year ago and this is the first time I have seen you.


File: dd7d563ce6156cd⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 180x240, 3:4, Schrödinger.240.822140.jpg)


But I don't want to be an adult yet! My memory is so bad that I'll fail in less than a month.


File: d131ae0f840a994⋯.jpg (63.22 KB, 531x750, 177:250, __original_drawn_by_senhap….jpg)


Cleaning! It's just too overwhelming and I can't do it all now! AHHHHHH

Which porn are you going to write/continue?

Not really, want to clean around but can't since I need peace and quiet for that to do it properly. Maybe on wednesday since parents are going to Estonia again.


Think you'd be able to? It's a pretty old thread you'd started on. Yeah, since around February I haven't really gone MIA except maybe if some game got my attention.

Drinking seems to have a chance to lead to happiness though!


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday G…


File: 683eb5c863b70be⋯.png (399.58 KB, 839x1185, 839:1185, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….png)


I'm drinking and flirting with my ex's for cheap pussy. Literally never drink alcohol, it only leads to bad decisions


Why not? Being an adult is great, you can eat avocado anytime you want and drink infinite caprisuns.


File: 5bb9922f727ed48⋯.gif (146.82 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1439246070907.gif)




File: 61f24a125667a4d⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 433x333, 433:333, boop.jpg)


i was joking, friend-o

i thought it was kind of obviouc :c


yeah i have weak wrists lmao

weight crash probably didn't help much either

and i'm thinking of doing another


rare as in rare pepe?


Oh, I know that feel. I'm awful at cleaning / hygiene, need practice to become a real woman aaaa

Something new, probably, I just write sex scenes most of the time

Just your room, or what? And yeah, my room is an absolute mess. Largely because of how much junk my parents have stored in it


File: b15867aa2d519a9⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, 56.png)




File: 8dc3325d79c124a⋯.jpg (143.17 KB, 842x750, 421:375, geo.jpg)


it's time to stop



Nothing is obvious with me. I'm dense and stupid. I'll never get anything.


What about them?

I'd fuck them if they are passable


File: 932a2f1128851cc⋯.jpg (216.44 KB, 720x960, 3:4, __koshimizu_sachiko_idolma….jpg)


Welp good luck with that.

Maybe next time take your own advice then :p


I just get overwhelmed. All I can think of how I need to get rid of everything I have, nuke the room with disinfectant and get new things that aren't infected. AHH… I seriously think that if I wasn't super lazy I'd have a cleaning problem.

You post them anywhere online to get opinions?

Yeah my room. It just gets so overwhelming since I have 20 fucking years worth of stuff in here. AHHHHHHHH


File: b4c622d1300ccec⋯.jpg (332.94 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1586670 - Kantai_Collectio….jpg)


Fuck yeah!


Almost, but you find pepes all around.



I don't know the days of the week in English >~> I only know Sunday, Monday-Friday, Saturday

And I am pretty good with English ><


I don't like avocado!




Then don't!


File: cc348d5f649c221⋯.jpg (50.2 KB, 516x524, 129:131, magi.jpg)


oh, well. uh… :3?




do you have mold or something

And yeah I post all my written porn online, have an FA and a Hentai Foundry account. They're well received though some of my niche fetish shit has been painfully ignored.

I'm hoping for a fresh start once I move out. Just me, a good amount of clothes, and the vidya! Fuck all this clutter.


Not if they're super rare!


that's a fair point but i want my face to be smaller :c

i'm so god damn masculine, i'll probably need the surgeries at some point in the future if i can ever afford them


File: fac05d094195f99⋯.jpg (140.17 KB, 777x1099, 111:157, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


So you don't like being healthy then?

Avocado a super vegetable, eat that shit. It got protein and everything.



Hell no.I can get easy sex. I won't ever listen to my advice. I'm a man whore. Plus I won't listen to my own advice, cause I love fun too much.


File: 2c743da5fd69429⋯.jpg (25.99 KB, 436x402, 218:201, 1427488871170.jpg)



What does being masculine have to do with a it?


It's disgusting >~>


File: 85de072d305c7e8⋯.jpg (321.11 KB, 750x1061, 750:1061, __ichinose_shiki_idolmaste….jpg)

Bath/shower whatever time


Is ok


No, I just need everything to be as clean as it can get!

You have a following? Pretty cool. Heh.

I'm just fantasizing about having my pc, monitor, keyboard and mouse on the floor and then just a sleeping bag. All i need is that! Gah this much clutter never again. Makes cleaning take too much effort.


Slutty Clown.



File: 39126a1ad260b4a⋯.png (5.01 KB, 522x239, 522:239, 1464105911880.png)


File: 1fca2f5842c003d⋯.jpg (22.57 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1457981262531.jpg)


File: 61f24a125667a4d⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 433x333, 433:333, boop.jpg)


i need to see if i can make my face any thinner via starvation! silly.


following? not really, i've posted very few stories. i'm way too inconsistent for a fanbase yet, i've just had some be positively received. need to start writing porn consistently

yeah, that'd be a dream. big house, too, so you have space for everything

you going to college or anything?


File: 36f04cc676e1538⋯.jpg (188.38 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, Really makes you think.jpg)


That isn't healthy



Starvation is bad!


File: ffeaff1586ed625⋯.jpg (145.46 KB, 624x950, 312:475, 1423809311272.jpg)


I know.


File: bd3e696ae062852⋯.jpg (7.66 MB, 4096x4816, 256:301, __makise_kurisu_steins_gat….jpg)

Need to let phone recharge before shower/bath…


Ah okay, well it'll be cool when you get one.

I just need a small apartment, that's it!

Nah, I'm college drop out, Woo! Woo! Bottom 3% yo.


Stop it you ricecake fetishist.


File: e78fccce04059c9⋯.webm (1.06 MB, 1254x524, 627:262, People.webm)




You're the one licking them, hmph!


File: dc28b242098a094⋯.png (309.99 KB, 665x840, 19:24, __kako_kantai_collection_d….png)


That was you though. You licked them and sent them back and got me sick.


File: ab8150e7408975e⋯.jpg (38.67 KB, 360x312, 15:13, valdemar.jpg)


That's my brother reacting to Jägermeister


File: 453ad79581857ca⋯.webm (2.8 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1474414918540.webm)


Ooh yea that was me, that should stop you from eating such things


What does that taste like?


File: 5e11b194073cc7d⋯.png (275.17 KB, 700x862, 350:431, __ciel_sacred_original_dra….png)


I didn't want to stop but I guess it's too late now,


File: 607d5771d869ef2⋯.gif (846.64 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1474737818123.gif)


Dont have a good immune system? Did you really get sick?


File: 881d662be26f454⋯.jpg (105.75 KB, 911x685, 911:685, fon slots.jpg)


But weight loss and muscle reduction are not!

Kind of, no, they are bad.


I need to find someone on the mainland to move in with or eventually move in with my boyfriend ribb

You should find some way to make money tbh :o



It is bad if you fuck up your wtist!



I actually did get sick around that time lol


You have any idea about where in the mainland you'd want to move?

And yeah i should. It's just that im in the super awkward part of getting social help that it's most likely not worth it for me to get any kind of job other than a fulltime one, and shit i don't think i could hold down to one. But i guess we'll see how things go in the coming months.


File: 3ab636cbe0ab53e⋯.jpg (240.35 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1443445613162.jpg)


Wasn't my fault ;-;



Totally was though. I'm suing you for all the tissues I used.


File: 61f24a125667a4d⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 433x333, 433:333, boop.jpg)


Anywhere away from here, really

It'd be easier to find someone to live with if I wasn't already in a relationship tbh, Aussiefag's gonna be a tough one


well i have a weak wrist in general but yeah

i feel like i could stand to shave off some more fat ;_;



Not much just alcohol and fighting games. What about you?


You're disgusting! Alcohol taste great, it comes in so many forms there is a drink for everyone.


Nope I'll never be slutty.


File: d45a79dbe4d64be⋯.jpg (44.53 KB, 287x496, 287:496, 1443605757025.jpg)


Not my fault you cant stop fapping, I'll ask magi to send you a couple


File: de0e57c594bc14b⋯.png (316.1 KB, 560x720, 7:9, 1444310029247.png)


Runescape, pretty exciting right?



Hmm i don't know.im sure there are people looking roommates just to help with rent. The new time difference is going to blow though i bet.


>I'm a manwhore

Pretty slutty tbh


Should sue magi for causing excessive fapping


File: ea17ac94e189509⋯.jpg (32.29 KB, 312x316, 78:79, rev.jpg)

>mom comes into room because i was moody after coming back from work

>asks me if everything's okay

>kind of laugh it off

>realize i have two /lgbt/ tabs and one quite clearly says 'lesbia' and the other 'trans'

>desktop might not be safe

jesus fuck


yeah, that's a fair point

i'd have to stay up later in the night

i wouldn't mind rooming up but i have to get a decent income before, hence why it's vital i further my porn careeer


File: 169a5457faf8192⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Snapshot_20150523_3.JPG)

Ashley how do you look irl


File: 014d1d5a41d08e9⋯.jpg (169.67 KB, 685x534, 685:534, rib.jpg)



Ye, start typing that porn. You'll be writing the next 50 shades of grey about trannies and shit. You'll make bank.


File: 988a1b5f536b504⋯.jpg (164.69 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, The more I age the more I ….jpg)

I'm jelly of your eye color

god damn white privilege


File: d8055d75e446189⋯.webm (3.73 MB, 612x360, 17:10, 1474325856065.webm)


Time to do a lame quest, cya in an hour or so. You cant sue your lover!



I'll sue her and demand cuddles and wont settle for less.


>you will never eat bitterballen with Ven irl



my right eye has a slice of brown for some reason, it's weird


yeah, except with interracial furry cucking!

the more i think about it the less selling out to the fur side seems like a bad idea



your hair is like kind of a dirty blonde

I like it



Had to google what that was but rip



Going to the dark side then…



i already like furry porn

i just don't like that most of the community is faggots who base their personality off of their taste in porn



so that's you in your pics?

nice mask


File: 63b05473327cded⋯.png (864.62 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20160925-101519.png)


>i already like furry porn

Time to start on that wall

Yeah the community seems a bit weird and creepy, at least the loud individuals do


File: 02307187c1abf55⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_20160501_130744.jpg)


Oh fuck thats dutch I forgot


>nice mask

lmao pls no bully

Don't I look asian?



yeah you do

can you teach me japanese


if he built that wall he'd be keeping me in



Idk, hawaii could be walled out.


>wanting to have non Finnish cuisine with me




A little bit

Just basic weeaboonese though


It's exciting though


File: f73f8dd9d645d21⋯.png (572.03 KB, 565x670, 113:134, 310ecf7d74216e8f87bef1dccd….png)


this is why you dont into /transbian/



To be honest they looked like a nice bar snack with a beer


File: 23669b776121fa5⋯.jpg (223.73 KB, 640x640, 1:1, autism.jpg)

Oh look it's mai waifu Blackjack


Goddamn it Ven you alcoholic

I'm actually drinking beer rn lol


File: a6905f6ec51c364⋯.png (199.04 KB, 552x392, 69:49, joy.png)


/cuteboys/ have the best butts

trans comes close

some day i'm gonna fuck one!


okay senpai! teach me all your nipponese

i'll learn!


>implying they'd wall out the lavanigger state

in your dreams

trump loves black people


File: 90fe5e0f7875d0a⋯.jpg (77.2 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 2hu hugs.jpg)


Muchas Gracias is "Thank you"


File: 948e7003c5f4e73⋯.jpg (45.67 KB, 449x361, 449:361, FEELS MORNING.jpg)


>signed up for nippon

>got taught how to talk taco nigger instead


File: 4612ad4ad164d7f⋯.gif (597.66 KB, 318x269, 318:269, 1400697690824.gif)

Good morning lewdites, what's up?

>actually bothered to read all of last nights drama

Jesus fuck that was annoying


File: aeee49e958f34c4⋯.jpg (87.21 KB, 653x380, 653:380, hairypalms.jpg)


Morning Tee!

you slut

What happened last night?



Don't you just love taco niggers? ^W^


File: c3caf5f4396206a⋯.webm (3.43 MB, 720x540, 4:3, 1474386764544.webm)


Oh that isn't a bad idea, I should sue Sims too! Then slap


File: bf2d4635ca665ac⋯.jpg (22.64 KB, 288x374, 144:187, 1403404633923.jpg)


Tessy went full retard kid mode arguing his drama with Gropy and Pouncy in public for hours. Take that shit private goddamnit don't bother other people if you can't move on from rejetion.

How's Burch doing?


File: 8dc7a1e4633a15d⋯.jpg (67.05 KB, 766x506, 383:253, amari.jpg)


oh, think i might've seen a bit of that

i can sympathize, at least

Pretty good, tired from work and fucked my wrist again, need to write something tonight but feeling a bit too exhausted

How're you doing? / What are you doing?


so what are you up to?


File: ebf1d6f8dab20b0⋯.png (55.02 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1430425690420.png)


Just woke up, there's a huge slab of prime porker in the oven, ngggh. What happened to your wrist? You need to fap more to strengthen it.

Morning freshness dying off as I realize I have nothing to do all day as usual. Too sore from fridays workout to even lift any weights. FML.


File: 0cd24047e50ece0⋯.png (363.39 KB, 661x533, 661:533, bara.png)


You cooking it now or is it leftover? :o

I have weak wrists, sprained it bad while working.

And blagh I need to save my faps for writing but I have no motivation to write :(

Write porn with me! You can start by writing the remaining 11 body descriptions for my porn game :D

also cuteboys aren't supposed to lift, baka


File: 12661551704e40c⋯.png (215.64 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1401525581190.png)


Fresh porker slab, it's 3.5 lbs. Going to take a while to cook it proper. Simple pepper and salt seasonings but I don't know what to make as side yet.

Cuteboys need to lift to stay cute. Can't have weak ass looking bois, bois without t h i c c thighs and a good butt are second grade.

>body descriptions

Can I give them all huge dicks?



oh, nice. i ate a bit but i'm trying to lose more weight again, my face is too wide ree :c

>eating meat

>lifting weights

what the fuck are you doing to your perfect twink aesthetic REEEEEE


only the males / dickgirls

this is your life now: http://pastebin.com/ySafM3MR


File: 7cc27ff4ce4db0a⋯.gif (167.26 KB, 400x265, 80:53, 1401994224311.gif)


I never had that good twink aesthetics, I was always muscular even in those pics I gave you. Stronk bois are the best bois.




File: dde2dac470cdb70⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 440x402, 220:201, hrt.jpg)


mehh, you have nice legs and a good dick :P

also fucking mountain shoulders, holy shit

that's my porn name tbh lol

i came up with it when i was like 17


File: 1712fb1a110176b⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1712fb1a110176bd8642eb971b….mp4)




File: a3ef5f680aa0efb⋯.jpg (214.29 KB, 1024x1365, 1024:1365, after_shower_jinx_by_ayyas….jpg)

Just had the most thorough shower in a while


Ahh don't blame me! It's in the genes. Need to stop alcohol though. Right after I finish this bottle of Fireball…


File: 49837db785f56c0⋯.png (214.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, aa8fc7676c49b9fe5272166d18….png)


That video looks familiar…


File: 2c68e43e854b7a0⋯.png (222.99 KB, 396x379, 396:379, cyto.png)


probably after i move out <3

the real question is ffs when


File: b611a505d0966ae⋯.png (150.31 KB, 359x414, 359:414, 1402178629705.png)



Rip burch


Naw I don't have big shoulders, they are the same width as my hips. The shoulder muscles just show if I relax or lean forward.

Gotta stick to it, no going back. Any idea what kind of a game it's going to be now?


Hello ven, how's it going?

>not even midday, already alcohols

Or did you stay up?



I'm okay. Brain is being fuzzy and I blame the day drinking I've been up to lately. Haven't had alcohol today though! Need to drive somewhere in- NOW CUKS



no ripping / cutting / mutilating of my weiner!!!

no, i don't mean big, i mean fucking sloped

like literally / \

kind of a VN kind of thing? find different events, win / lose them, get a score to determine your ending. you choose which evetns to go to though


File: bc165bcac1b00a0⋯.jpg (164.4 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, CtLzmPOUEAAFWyY.jpg)



File: 998aed11a24b4a5⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 1840x3264, 115:204, IMG_20160925_120106.jpg)


That's just that one picture I don't know how it came out looking like that kek. Wait, not it looks almost like that again. How do shoulders work

I see. Just make sure you add enough throbbing dicks in it.


File: b95ef660226273c⋯.jpg (231.19 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, CtLzmP6VUAAgKNt.jpg)




Owls are a cute


File: a7bc976878a93a4⋯.webm (2.11 MB, 180x320, 9:16, Potato.webm)


The first one just looks like it would bite my hand off ;-;


File: 0fc67c59f9dfdfc⋯.webm (9.52 MB, 640x360, 16:9, World cup.webm)


File: 79c08d992adac91⋯.jpg (35.16 KB, 300x309, 100:103, 262.jpg)


What is this suppose to be from?


File: 72e5d60d1262173⋯.png (178.2 KB, 600x540, 10:9, CpwdoQOUAAAdVAG.png)


File: 48367af68dee8e4⋯.jpg (42.9 KB, 300x383, 300:383, 375.jpg)


Oh yeah. I heard of this.


File: 2cab832ca3c79cb⋯.webm (6.76 MB, 854x480, 427:240, assman.webm)


What the fuck


File: d376cbcaf42bec3⋯.webm (4.49 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Booty.webm)


Yea it's pretty funny last time I remember




File: debd54d0a271629⋯.jpg (149.18 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, x18HzdS.jpg)

Phew back


As I was saying,,,

I just want to finish this Fireball and then go alco free for a while to unfuzz my brain. Haven't stayed up all night though I got like 4h sleep.

What about YoungTee?


File: 7586e63c999c74c⋯.jpg (25.5 KB, 400x566, 200:283, 6178_10153870983698307_359….jpg)

my penis is so broke


File: 6af2dd8a3ec7278⋯.jpg (41.77 KB, 280x285, 56:57, 61.jpg)


You're pretty funny.



Pls no pushing needles through it


File: 8756cd19f189e16⋯.jpg (31.44 KB, 402x463, 402:463, 10264948_1246526165376459_….jpg)




File: a60c25305842203⋯.png (208.98 KB, 600x540, 10:9, CbWB8Z1UcAEyj3d.png)


That's funny coming from a robot!


File: f5b34a4eb0a779c⋯.jpg (120.03 KB, 300x881, 300:881, 1399971194572.jpg)


What did you do to the little fella this time?


Or you could pour it down the drain if you really want to unfuzz yourself. Build up some discipline, though you'd regret it.

I just ate some slow roasted prime porker, it's a good day. I don't know what's been happening but depression is nearly completely kill.


File: b3a9cdab821f3e0⋯.jpg (174.98 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, fbGePkj.jpg)


N-no. I don't want to find out if your penis is like a voodoo doll.


it was a gift from Magi though

And I don't feel like wasting it.

Ohh sounds pretty amazing. Jealous…

Idk, i'm feeling a bit same. Think it's me going out to do things two days in a row. Or maybe the nivea shower gel washed away all my depression. Idk. I just want this brain fuzz to gtfo


File: 920a7089cea9618⋯.jpg (31.5 KB, 215x300, 43:60, 127-2.jpg)


Gonna robot you here in a second.


File: 8c75ab6b43a01be⋯.webm (3.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1474772983350.webm)


How was the fair?


File: 85000a960c48ef5⋯.jpg (92.39 KB, 1304x1184, 163:148, 921164_462236247320264_621….jpg)


just chemical castration


File: b67df6ab91d0c53⋯.jpg (141.02 KB, 601x583, 601:583, The smugiest anime face.jpg)


Wasn't too bad. Got there late, and it rained a bit. I got all the food I wanted though, and spent more money than I should have on Pokemon plushies. Got some mud on my pants and shoes somehow too.


I want to hug Blackjack tbh


File: adf8077b9a6a30a⋯.png (37.3 KB, 184x184, 1:1, tumblr_inline_njji6gWgFx1s….png)


Probably the shower gel. Yeah, brain fuzz is annoying. I have a cloudy head most of the time so thinking and concentrating is hard. Only thing that fixes it for me is ADHD meds but I don't wanna be hopped up on amphetamines all the time.


h-how are you gonna get a neovag if you ruin the nerves?


File: 6be9c6eb28af445⋯.jpg (205.31 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 6ckTpKt.jpg)


Most of the time I have it as well, it's just super bad now.

Idk I've been wondering if CT scan would be worth it to make sure nothing physical is wrong in the old head. I bet it costs a shit ton though to do.

I've just noticed that constant drinking makes it really bad. Haven't found a fix though.


File: 318d020da2e3281⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, CmXZZzNUMAAUsMW.jpg)


Well that's good you had fun mr robot. Thought that said panties lol. As for me I've just uh been on Rs. In a new mining place which is nice, a lot more afkable and nicer to look at.


File: a8d555263144e6c⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1500x1800, 5:6, c9a7197e6df5455a5488f2db45….png)

I couldn't prevent it, no matter what.


File: de770579141a96e⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 300x229, 300:229, 485.jpg)


Just wish I tried some more food than my normal, but still glad I got it. Did get some bubblegum flavored soft serve ice cream that was pretty good. I'd buy Pokemon panties too. :^) Should have bought a knife too.

New mining place eh? Where at?




File: 4fc729a41626a75⋯.jpg (197.93 KB, 1280x821, 1280:821, gjzzaeY.jpg)


What you referring to?

You okay?


File: ce6c4771e1f8d42⋯.jpg (542.38 KB, 1200x935, 240:187, 0ed4d39baf3febca0c9d90acdf….jpg)



I relapsed into drinking, the melancholy wasn't part of my plans.

I puked, I don't feel all that good.


File: 657733a4cc0ba8d⋯.jpg (48.99 KB, 300x283, 300:283, 580.jpg)


Drinking problem, huh? Something depressing you to cause you to drink enough to puke?


File: c4c2f45afc7fc00⋯.jpg (128.41 KB, 709x1000, 709:1000, 12034359_10153666842634320….jpg)


by the HRT


He's just being tsundere



Drinking alone? That's when the melancholy always strikes.


File: e09f7a6b6d4f861⋯.jpg (550.57 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, be12bd48c22abf30c0791a3925….jpg)


I was supposed to drop it for a good while after the last time, but I just got random melancholy.

Had to go puke in the toilet a while ago because I drank too fast.


File: 66fa41dd57540c3⋯.jpg (981.49 KB, 1300x1396, 325:349, 51e209aaabaab51dba6449e488….jpg)


File: 184bfd5765c8e84⋯.jpg (141.28 KB, 1024x1441, 1024:1441, What the hell is that.jpg)


The melancholy hit me earlier, that's what got me earlier, not feeling it currently anymore.

But man does puking make me feel physically sick even though I've already got whatever flu.


File: 3fb332d4f5f93e1⋯.png (4.03 MB, 2559x1079, 2559:1079, Screenshot_39.png)


Hnng that sounds good right now, I'm about to go look for some food myself. Implying you dont own any already :^)

Oh with the Dwarf people


File: bbaf67330c5e5fb⋯.png (367.37 KB, 1003x722, 1003:722, image009.png)



Ahh okay. Well that's how it usually is when I drink so I get the feeling.

Well puking isn't something that the body does just for fun.


File: de185c9f8ca6752⋯.png (908.14 KB, 1074x1517, 1074:1517, image035.png)

That doujin is fun until she ODs on heroin


File: a296ff6daa83d02⋯.jpg (213.27 KB, 613x600, 613:600, 85d3370a496cd6ffa7f423ec1c….jpg)


It happens, now I just feel horrible, could either be the fact that I took my melatonin tabs before drinking or that I've been awake for this long.



The whole idea of animu girls doing drugs is foreign to me. looks so weird.


Probably both. You haven't slept at all?


File: 8fe4e97dfa97a56⋯.jpg (673.72 KB, 1651x828, 1651:828, oh shes an adult alright.jpg)


If i do drugs so should mai 2D waifu tbh


File: 5cdec1ba2600135⋯.jpg (380.75 KB, 600x526, 300:263, cca513bcdae54ecb52f8d527b2….jpg)


Nada, I need to get some sleep probably or something.

I currently hate being awake.


File: ecc3147c7a6cedd⋯.jpg (48.57 KB, 300x310, 30:31, 886.jpg)


I'm trying to do something similar, give it a small break, or at least not drink so often.

Sorry to hear you went through that. I know that's not a fun experience. Got to the bathroom at least, and not all over your floor. Doesn't sound like I need to beat up anyone though.


It was. First time I've seen it. Hope you got something good around. My mom told me boys don't wear panties, so I don't buy them.

I'm on my way to that server. :^)




You just take melatonin? How much mg is it?



I guess it's the injections. I can see pills, smoking maybe but not for the girls.


Yeah being up for that long ain't helping you at all. Try to sleep when you feel a bit… umm… calmed down? Like when you feel stable i guess. Nothing worse than getting into bed to just get up again.


File: 12aaa20f4498c37⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 37c1aa8e2d6d9c7ce768136a8b….jpg)


Not my finest moment, I really need to stop drinking for a good while.

1.5 mg, it'll just enhance my migraine per google results.


File: 236cb90a510b68c⋯.png (177.34 KB, 500x435, 100:87, 1444768946927.png)

File: a46b094a72a381f⋯.jpg (296.32 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Pizza.jpg)



Alright send it to me in a freezer, mhm got this and some wings. Your mom had to tell you? So she caught you one time? Mot pls

I'll save a spot for you


File: b87aa355b723518⋯.jpg (121.86 KB, 858x930, 143:155, kirakira_by_bjmaki-dad5vgh.jpg)


You're weird!


File: 0b2e8508ebad317⋯.jpg (599.73 KB, 1000x900, 10:9, 142be502c60896d8c8eda53be9….jpg)


If only I could have just skipped this and gone to bed during normal hours.


File: f848cecfc8de4af⋯.jpg (57.29 KB, 300x345, 20:23, 579.jpg)


Perhaps, if it's really a problem.

Interesting. The lowest I have is 3mg. Felt like the 6mg and 10mg was too much, so trying a lower dosage to see if it helps better without as much ill effects.

Perhaps you should get some sleep if you haven't sleep yet, but it's up to you.


No can do, cpn. That looks pretty good. Don't get fat like me. Doesn't your mom tell you all kinds of things?

Pls do. Don't know where that is though.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






I cursed myself when I said there are no new jinx skins >.<


I mean it happens. Wouldn't be too harsh on yourself about it.


File: 0f66d812485e97e⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid__f….jpg)


Hey Motty, how's you?


Morning Bit, how's things?


I want that skin >.< heh


File: 8611642c56881ac⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 1920x1350, 64:45, Jinx-Vi-Fan-Art.jpg)


HAHAHAHA that is tooooo great wtf :3


File: bfbaa1370d22037⋯.jpg (167.43 KB, 880x661, 880:661, 8ca6ea9c588c3e27f4d1a58662….jpg)


1.5mg is the highest you can get over the counter here.


True, thank god I just finished drinking though so I can move to water.


File: 35d905eaba9b6c2⋯.png (7.53 KB, 664x86, 332:43, 476d41c824491cc860ff3b825f….png)


That 1820rp tho


It's amazing ;-;


Yeah water is probably the smart choice. How much did you end up drinking?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: 41561525599afc3⋯.jpg (221.98 KB, 400x571, 400:571, 9778bda794826b8e6a0ec92850….jpg)


1l of 40% vodka.



Okkay that's pretty bad.

Well try and sip water the rest of your awake hours.


File: 0b6d161856533a7⋯.png (1.06 MB, 800x1131, 800:1131, 9988299ebc024f8b63fa1d1271….png)


That is my plan, but as it is 2 pm I'm not a clever man, Venla, I'm not a clever man.


File: b1aa55dcf7fb72b⋯.jpg (21.6 KB, 280x350, 4:5, 105.jpg)


Just hanging out a bit before I got to bed. Not really sleepy though. Might be longer than I thought. Yourself?


Really? Odd. maybe that's better than the 10mg here.


File: 221eae123a23c1c⋯.jpg (61.83 KB, 394x354, 197:177, 7efcaa6012fbbadad83b781bbe….jpg)


Yeah, they don't trust people with their meds.


File: 8d43f40c977e910⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, unknown (2).png)


File: 87a29375014ee0d⋯.jpg (170.88 KB, 856x907, 856:907, 1474588412825.jpg)

Morning everyone.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Well the time is irrelevant really. Heh feel like sleeping at all?

Probably just feeling awful.


File: 5cc880fcf50e735⋯.jpg (44.96 KB, 300x262, 150:131, 617.jpg)


I hear 10mg is way too much anyways. You can just take more melatonin pills anyways if you wanted a higher dose anyways.


File: a2281c9d66c8b7a⋯.jpg (740.33 KB, 1000x1541, 1000:1541, 90bcb0663fb1202cfe8c3cdd34….jpg)


Probably true, but I feel like maintaining somewhat healthy schedules.

Not really minus the heavy eyelids, just feeling nothing currently.


True, I've been just taking 1.5mg for my needs.


File: ffcc4bda92e6d3b⋯.jpg (45.25 KB, 600x510, 20:17, CrCEMW1UsAAc_1G.jpg)


Cpn? Oh it was and my tummy is full. Psh you're not fat and I would have to eat a lot more to start gaining weight atm. Nothing about panties so far

Somebody took it ;-; Deep underground


Hmm things are interesting. Looked at some Mafia 3 gameplay and it looks nice


File: 55fcca5ce171749⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, tfw.jpg)

For some stupid reason I wish I was still in the military, it was so much easier.


File: f5e8301df02d852⋯.jpg (629.22 KB, 1282x800, 641:400, 681dbb691b5b32b4adaa419465….jpg)

Sigh… Here I go installing League again….


Well You'll be able to fix it. One day isn't going to destroy a proper schedule unless you let it snowball.

Ahh well that might be good.


File: 909b0cbe5688e8a⋯.jpg (36.85 KB, 606x370, 303:185, 1474600860998.jpg)


Noticed, Recognized and booped!




Did you get revealed that you're a Lewdie Lewder last night?


File: 67f8e18c191e502⋯.png (709.93 KB, 900x606, 150:101, 1474604661721.png)


Not in the slightest. :D


File: 3b2cb96abefa679⋯.png (1.21 MB, 2100x2970, 70:99, 55c17162f6f83ab8e6b936c335….png)


True, I just hope that I won't fall into a sequence filled with alcohol abuse.

As I'm trying to take a break from it all.


File: c41cc374baefbff⋯.png (414.74 KB, 650x919, 650:919, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_dr….png)


Not long up just playing some D3 ^^


Hey Empty ^^




Well did you have fun in the end?


Just don't buy alcohol, think of the money you'll save. Well i know it's not that simple. I don't really know how I would go about avoiding alcohol.

Yeah I understand.

And military was probably "easy" since I'm guessing you were always told what to do and things so there weren't days worth of down time and uncertainty.


File: 71ace07b7ef8d63⋯.jpg (54.33 KB, 300x373, 300:373, 605.jpg)


If it works then that's good. Maybe I should cut these 3mg in half.


Captain, but pronounced more like "capin". Have you seen me, Bit? Have you?! Please tell me no. Depends on what your normal eating habits are. Oh…guess my mom is weird.

Oh. Can I get to t here?


I can see that as such.


Aren't you a deity at that game by now?


File: a0821c71ef8cbb2⋯.jpg (80.48 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 14117781_1176855755711067_….jpg)




When are you going to use your powers to turn him into a girl?


File: 1ef6df5c2ce3c4c⋯.jpg (146.61 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, 1474619276279.jpg)


Hey Magi, how are you doing today? Well I hope!


I did have fun, e-sports Lewis wasn't involved because he was too busy being anti-social, but I had fun regardless! \o/


File: 882fd51d82037e6⋯.webm (9.41 MB, 800x462, 400:231, T5 RIFT.webm)


I dunno you tell me.. lol




Nice. What's on the calendar for today?


File: c78c55a2bde6249⋯.jpg (64.47 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 14184358_1176855685711074_….jpg)


never, he does not have opening for putting thoughts in his head. unlike some people …….ven

plus why would i want to ?


File: 09087ebf057dd08⋯.jpg (425.52 KB, 752x693, 752:693, 1474623756588.jpg)


I need to buy some more milk and get some more juice, and then the rest is spent talking and watching anime with Tee, if he would like.

What about you Ven?


File: d38b492579ab4a2⋯.jpg (648.91 KB, 1535x798, 1535:798, 99c86a3e7ce4aea8011374a767….jpg)


I was thinking about buying a 12 pack earlier, but I'm feeling pretty horrible.

I've never liked calling my own shots, I've been more of the enforcer doing whatever others tell me to do, since it's a lot easier.


You're still going to need to wait an hour before they kick in.

Yeah, it was a lot easier.


File: 76c24011bc55e2e⋯.jpg (101.95 KB, 743x960, 743:960, 1474781215160.jpg)


My capin my capin! Mhm, why whats wrong? Junk food and dinner. Just a bit

Did you do a lot of quest and have 68 mining? Well not a lot but quite a few




To get 20% off your neovagging for bringing a new customer in.


Ahh sounds nice.

I have no plans really. No plans at all. Oh wait maybe some tidying up, but that gives me some bad anxiety and makes me feel super overwhelmed since I can't do it properly now.


File: 25ff0fdd6f7c4e4⋯.png (664.81 KB, 775x1000, 31:40, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_dr….png)


Yeah Mafia 3 looks really nice, you planning on getting it?


Um not too bad just concentrating on D3 tbh

What about yourself?


File: 99f97bd90778b96⋯.jpg (178.43 KB, 1024x731, 1024:731, 090925.jpg)

It's fall already.


File: 4223d7662a0e887⋯.jpg (49.14 KB, 300x378, 50:63, 810.jpg)


>dashing around at sanic speed while shooting arrows at demons

Seems deityish to me.


Bottle says 20 to 30 minutes usually. Maybe half the dose would be an hour.

Guess it depends on your attitude.


Yes, I am the cpn here. Follow my orders! Wait…you have? Oh. Well still depends on daily calorie intake. I'll just you a bit! Or something…

53 mining it seems. Not sure about that quest things.


File: 087f0c9c376187f⋯.jpg (132.87 KB, 1129x1600, 1129:1600, 001.jpg)


Mine says 1 hour for 1.5mg, no clue whatever it is then.


File: 18a3e012e19ac8c⋯.jpg (53.63 KB, 300x368, 75:92, 414.jpg)


Take two of them! See what happens.


File: 135c98344941e59⋯.jpg (69.09 KB, 899x1269, 899:1269, 25abd64ba1c808621796fc2997….jpg)


Maybe not, I'm feeling pretty horrible currently.


File: 1486ce47fd8c3ff⋯.jpg (69.8 KB, 300x398, 150:199, 573.jpg)


Are you going to hold out for several more hours before going to sleep?


File: db908d9fe4002af⋯.jpg (156.1 KB, 1275x906, 425:302, d0fe4209462b993c3d1d68d592….jpg)


Probably, I am not certain.


File: e4666950a060068⋯.png (474 KB, 770x770, 1:1, sk1426890959754.png)


>Seems deityish to me

You've just got a deity mind.

And I was just popping in to make that ancient pun before leaving to make "breakfast".


File: a77176eb86e13d4⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 385x383, 385:383, 1474644409262.jpg)


Hmm, tidying up is always a plan for me, I enjoy it! Just have to enjoy the tidying up Ven then the anxiety goes away!


I'm doing fine, sleep was somewhat okay just went to the shop to buy milk and such! Nothing planned for the rest of it!


File: 5b49f04aa548e47⋯.jpg (455.58 KB, 788x900, 197:225, tumblr_mkde6wsPcq1s60ibqo1….jpg)


I have to try to do a T5 actually in under 3 mins just missed the achievement by 5 seconds on it I think


Heh it's a nice pun ^^


That's good you are starting to get your sleep schedule back on track, Tee helping with that?

What kind of things you going to get?



But when i can't do it properly I get horrible anxiety so I'll just wait until wednesday when parents are gone. Hopefull i still have the enrgy for it then


File: 1486ce47fd8c3ff⋯.jpg (69.8 KB, 300x398, 150:199, 573.jpg)


Last as long as you, but don't push yourself if it's harmful.


I think you're the one with a deity mind here.

Enjoy your food.


Ouch, that's too close to miss it. Hope you're able to do it. Guess you just have to get somewhat lucky.


File: a0baef2e1ec342f⋯.png (64.97 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1474636227603.png)


Tee is helping me how he can, because he's told me I need to sleep earlier and such.

Oh I only got milk and juice, since that's all I was missing. >.<


No need to get anxious over not cleaning well enough Venla! Just go with the flow and enjoy the groove that is cleaning up~ I tend to dance when I'm cleaning up x~x


File: c24358b228b32b9⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1572x1862, 786:931, 5ad7f2d8dd0c2d44a88e7d777c….png)


Well if you set up your build right you can do it with the right setup you can blaze through levels, it can be tricky though



Heh, i used to do that when I listened to music without head phones.

I get anxiety over everything nowadays though x,x


File: 5c868a1abffe46e⋯.jpg (3 MB, 2480x3607, 2480:3607, 8e1fe62e129a436958fb259b33….jpg)


That's good, shouldn't take much longer to keep it on a decent schedule

Heh okay, what kind of juice did you end up getting?


File: cdad6d2809533a8⋯.png (452.68 KB, 599x732, 599:732, 1443638613175.png)


Nah probably watch Dan on Twitch play it. No monies atm.


and that order is? Throw you off the ship? You got it :^)

Yup, that a problem? Ill tell you what I eat and you write down my cals.

That sounds rude, rip ;-;


File: 5d498927a7d34e0⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 834x834, 1:1, 1474637391434.jpg)


Pfft, I do it most of the time, I just break out into a little jig, mainly when I'm just standing around. I think people see me as a bit weird when I do so.


I ended up getting mango juice since mango = best juice, for me that is! It wont take much longer, I'm already waking up between 10 - 11 so I'm slowly getting there.


File: 9d0f5ecf7e28ba0⋯.jpg (653.62 KB, 1181x1748, 1181:1748, 3541f6746fabd670fa6a6b8245….jpg)


I know that feel lol

Well hopefully you'll be able to pick it up at some point

Any word on a new job yet?



don't let others stop you from dancing little boy


File: 37d8d14f901c8c6⋯.png (399.87 KB, 579x1000, 579:1000, CfSOSngUsAAGF84.png)


Oh mango is nice

Yeah shouldn't take you too much longer then, at least you are almost there now ^^


File: 48ae7acc1e51394⋯.jpg (122.21 KB, 1200x919, 1200:919, 1474655171211.jpg)


Like I'd stop people from letting me dance, I just do it! I don't care what the haters think!

This picture sums me up when haters start to hate.


Mango and passion fruit juices are the best. Maybe if I sleep like around 11 today, I'll wake up nice and early for university.


File: 4851fa25d7d26b8⋯.jpg (58.49 KB, 300x356, 75:89, 480.jpg)


I hope you can do it. Not that I know much about D3 though.


Nah. Just do the dishes on your designated days.

Kind of actually. I don't usually post anything of me, and when I do I usually know who's around. I can't know that magically, you have to find out for yourself!

You're the rude one! Getting my fishing up though!


File: 1539aff5670d1fb⋯.png (628.51 KB, 800x640, 5:4, c85494b6e9f633dac0d8828324….png)


Is it wrong to hate it?


File: c12549fc77c3fd7⋯.jpg (377.16 KB, 977x1400, 977:1400, 363065cc3fcd303d341322d4bf….jpg)


They're a nice combo ^^

How you settling in now?


I should be able to, 5 seconds is nothing and I'm managing T7 easy enough now

Just need to get a little bit of luck when running through the levels to find the tough enemies


File: 4a6fcc6adfba5b7⋯.jpg (52.76 KB, 300x341, 300:341, 568.jpg)


To hate what?


I'm sure you'll be able to do it just fine. Shouldn't be too hard for you to get. How much time have you put into the game so far?


File: b883e74492eee96⋯.png (445.65 KB, 1040x540, 52:27, 1443629109370.png)


Mhm and dont remind about that ree! Uhh nothing yet ;-;


Ill shove em in the washer and wont even push that cleaner in it just to spike you :^)

Ah, well dont think anything bad about it. That sounds like too much work!



File: b8d927a5f55858d⋯.jpg (352.77 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 22d79a220c62faba8305d8304a….jpg)


Being awake?


File: 7b4bbac392933a2⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1032x1600, 129:200, 41502196_p0.jpg)


Um about 90 hours


Well hopefully something comes up soon :/


File: 84d5d7f301ffc42⋯.jpg (13.29 KB, 236x314, 118:157, 99162d5abf21c57caa32f8f212….jpg)


You changed waifu? that's pretty disgusting m8.


File: 6e0768ad554e544⋯.jpg (45.44 KB, 300x384, 25:32, 728.jpg)


Please, Bit. I trust you in this. ;_: Don't spite me.

PARANOIA IS INTENSIFYING! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Kind of is. That's why I stopped and just assumed and generalized.


Depends. Being awake can be pretty awful. Sleep if you don't like it. You'll wake up at a good time.


Sounds like you've got your money's worth already.


File: 2d06bc06cda83cf⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1474648270018.gif)


>changed my waifu.

No I didn't, Momiji is still my waifu, Reigen is my husbando.


File: 94b9d6669f7ec9e⋯.gif (870.85 KB, 383x458, 383:458, 1430607015619.gif)


File: 156cf459beabd1f⋯.jpg (42.23 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 156cf459beabd1f063852fa636….jpg)


Yeah just really like diablo and theres a ton of things you can do


File: f4218e747105683⋯.jpg (95.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1474739800069.jpg)


I'm settling in fine, just like my own house, easy peasy! \o/


File: eeaea2f66e24c39⋯.jpg (79.03 KB, 700x990, 70:99, __ginko_mushishi_drawn_by_….jpg)


Yea just gotta push myself more


Bap! yea spite ;-;


Add me on rs, Z O I D S


Are we posting husbandos now?


Ello maam


File: 9b0a4e273b546ea⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2280x3000, 19:25, --hatsune-miku-vocaloid-dr….jpg)


That's really good to hear ^^


Well fingers crossed something turns up soon


File: 9f4c4d6ccf899cc⋯.png (474.06 KB, 600x825, 8:11, 1474740076282.png)


Yes we are, gotta' problem with that huh?!


Well I can settle almost anywhere and be fine, just give me a supply of nice cool milk near by and I'm happy.


File: 712f681b0afc557⋯.jpg (274.08 KB, 648x605, 648:605, 1449099567903.jpg)


I'm not a maam.

If we're posting husbandos I'm just gonna tell you to look in the mirror to find mine


File: 88188f576c1d385⋯.jpg (42.43 KB, 300x261, 100:87, 834.jpg)


I never beat Diablo 1…

>tfw failure


Just wash the dishes like a good shipmate!

NO! IT'S NOT! I have to change everything now!

You can have spaces in your name in RS? better than my name at least.


File: caf469e188df299⋯.jpg (784.86 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 21151635_p0_master1200.jpg)


I'm wondering if we are going to get a remater of 1 and 2 or something for the 20th anniversary this year


File: 2efca8dd1955553⋯.png (182 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 2e2b3810a03bc232ce780b85ab….png)


Once I get the time for it.


File: 14d1db1197aff28⋯.jpg (49.92 KB, 300x336, 25:28, 555.jpg)


That would be pretty nice. I'd consider buying both of them. Though kind of like how they are as is. Just need to get myself to reinstall Diablo and finish it.


Whenever you can. I'll even hold your hand so you fall asleep better.


File: e5aef6721070613⋯.jpg (110.76 KB, 1000x871, 1000:871, megusmile.jpg)


File: 75c63c36d52a0a2⋯.png (378.28 KB, 900x1209, 300:403, 1450533409176.png)


File: 7f595fad9c94ec0⋯.png (760.18 KB, 1280x1440, 8:9, 1450471316881.png)


I thank you maam


Why are you always so mean to me? ;-;


Fine fine SIR. Pls, I'll just give you a good one like Araragi :^)


1 plate and spoon it is. IT IS! Trust me.

Yea, I wanted zoids but someone active still has that. They delete lots of old names a couple years ago so people got some nice names now. There is one people cant get because it was a famous person on rs that died.


File: 3d97a840aae9351⋯.png (428.28 KB, 1280x938, 640:469, 50fb68ec-ea7c-4af7-9c6c-a2….png)


FINALLY. I don't want another one..


File: 0d01e48bcf5b6bc⋯.jpg (618.67 KB, 777x1000, 777:1000, 1425486715504.jpg)


I don't know how to feel about that.


File: ff94be98da6d9a4⋯.jpg (242.18 KB, 582x649, 582:649, Megumin.(KonoSuba).full.19….jpg)


hi sims




File: cb77eafd5bdb273⋯.jpg (48.94 KB, 300x251, 300:251, 595.jpg)


Don' slack off now, matey! It's not! I look like a raging homo now anyways.

Man. I'm just Jordan9230. That's the amount of creativity I had as a kid. I guess Jagex is honoring their name? That's pretty decent of them to do.




>Tfw job looks promising

>So if you are the woman we're looking for…


this fucking bullshit where are my rights as a straight white man fucking sexist pigs fuck.


File: c9bc4fe92cffd2c⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 200x345, 40:69, 594.jpg)


Does that mean they can choose if they want to hire a woman or not?


File: 6c1549dbb39cb87⋯.jpg (171.22 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, 42b104ea7f95cf645ba0d1413b….jpg)






That got me smiling for some stupid reason.


File: fbf684914157518⋯.png (1.14 MB, 732x832, 183:208, Screenshot_40.png)


Ofc you're my real life husbando :^)


What are you even paying me? Is, if I saw you on the street I would think you was at least 99% straight :^)

Well change it up if you decide on members someday



Looks like the fuckers fucking can fuck.



Well that eases my annoyance a bit.


File: c1e379f77036f49⋯.jpg (159.01 KB, 1024x860, 256:215, d5v91ce.jpg)


How comes?


File: c662146192af92f⋯.png (341.38 KB, 500x729, 500:729, images8.png)


Hey Date, how're you?


Better be..


File: 61ea27ba758b343⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 612x639, 68:71, comment_XonWO6HOleWqoCegRP….gif)



Because it made you smile!


File: effe51cbebec760⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 350x410, 35:41, 137.jpg)


Just cause. Unless you'd rather feel some pleasant feeling. You can do that too.


Food and shelter. Not. 99% straight? I guess that's pretty good. No idea what 100% straight looks like now though. You have to show me.

Members get to change theirs?


Eh, a business should be able to choose who they want to hire really.


File: e1107141b37ba08⋯.jpg (136.33 KB, 580x562, 290:281, 1a7e7359ffc7228b3e7103f69d….jpg)


Hello Date.


Oh, if it eases your mind I don't really ever go to the dark side of moods, at most I just become void of everything.


I don't really follow currently.



good you?


how are you?



Honestly I agree, but damn if it stings right now!


Void is bad mmkay. Stay outside of it. In the happy side.


File: 611cf2cb7ccd99e⋯.jpg (12.88 KB, 251x269, 251:269, 106-2.jpg)


What do you mean?


Kind of dealt with some shit with our hiring laws here, and I'd rather have that. Not like companies here can't basically get away with it in small subtle doses.


File: 6d8ba73ac1c90fd⋯.jpg (272.13 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 43035235.jpg)


Somewhat okay I guess, I don't really know, but not bad at all.


I will, just microwaved some leftovers and got coffee too.


I don't really know what you meant by that.


File: 7c6298843e8c0b2⋯.png (151.65 KB, 533x800, 533:800, 1463628976688.png)


Baby dweeb


I have that already…until they kick me out! Then feast your eyes! This is a 100% straight anime thing! Amazed?




You can get away with anything in small amounts!

What did you deal with?


Sounds like the day is back on track


File: 959aff6dcf50789⋯.jpg (197.54 KB, 600x905, 120:181, tumblr_ntgrn7kBxb1qey13zo1….jpg)


Eh..glad you're good.


I'm neither a baby or dweeb


File: b49fe7889431a9a⋯.png (1.53 MB, 900x1440, 5:8, 230f45538c089b6a467c02da8c….png)


Yeah, not sure if I'll sleep at all though.


File: f003be0461b7ba4⋯.gif (719.71 KB, 480x269, 480:269, JUST.gif)


Just a dweeb


File: 4362366345d1953⋯.jpg (44.75 KB, 300x357, 100:119, 603.jpg)


Just feel afraid because I said you should. But you can also feel a pleasant feeling if you really want to feel that instead of fear. Your choice. When it comes to me holding your hand anyways.


Well you won't be kicked out here unless you don't clean dishes! DOES THAT WOMAN HAVE A DICK?! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?! I'VE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE!!!!!!

How often?!


Fucking disabled idiots trying to work a somewhat physically demanding job. Last job I had the post office come and get our shit since we shipped stuff out. The stuff we sent were on carts that were pretty heavy, even on wheels. We would be kind enough to help the guys get it on the truck, even if it wasn't our job. But we had a few people "demand" we should help them because they damaged their fucking leg in high school football or some shit. Like FUCK! Don't get a fucking physically demanding job if you can't fucking do it. But yet the government says you can't "discriminate" against them apparently.

Fucking shit heads.



File: 0b05eaa4d5072cc⋯.jpg (157.03 KB, 735x813, 245:271, ea0f306b6261b73778a4d85960….jpg)


I am not afraid of hand holding.


File: a5f8e7a505e8b4b⋯.jpg (45.05 KB, 300x303, 100:101, 837.jpg)


You aren't? Guess I'm alone in this feeling.



Well if you hold up until the evening night you'll have your sleep schedule worries dealt with


Ahh yeah that makes no sense. Sucks that you had to pick up the slack.



I'm your dweeb..


File: e4dcf5ac92e3df3⋯.jpg (486.66 KB, 1167x1418, 1167:1418, 39fddaa4acbf7a86151cfcd43e….jpg)


Oh, no need to be afraid.


I'll probably get really dumb in the meantime and ask for a 9mm aspirin to be inserted straight into my cranium.

That was a joke, please don't get worried.



Aw I laready got really excited about inserting a 9mm aspirin into you


File: 9a136a92649e96a⋯.gif (496.5 KB, 500x262, 250:131, 65g.gif)


Fine fine, just use more paper plates. Uhh no that's just a very puffy vulva :D

I think every few months? Its been awhile


With a butt


File: 84c59962f3ccbdb⋯.jpg (44.27 KB, 475x352, 475:352, 134173867024.jpg)


I.. what?


File: 968ca9048ed233c⋯.jpg (48.88 KB, 250x304, 125:152, 584.jpg)


Oh, ACL is what was damaged. Still. He tried to make excuses but my boss was having none of it. Eventually we came to an understanding though. Just be nice and seem hard working and we'll help. I don't mind helping out.


I heard hand holding was pretty scary though.


Nah. Paper plates suck ass. Screws those, except for picnic.

>puffy vulva

>pins tried this same shit on me


Try it now. :^)


File: e615938d03a5469⋯.jpg (57.15 KB, 738x927, 82:103, 88999637608055b206ba81d620….jpg)


I find it calming and pleasant though.



>ask for a 9mm aspirin to be inserted

tbh i have no idea what you were saying so i just tried to make a joke


heh exactly. idk, kind of weird to get into a physical job if you have an injury preventing you from doing it


File: e556b4164d2d8c4⋯.jpg (57 KB, 300x316, 75:79, 599.jpg)


Have you held hands before?


File: 7bd864bdc3ba9e3⋯.jpg (230.6 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 3f1fb0d25c8f2e46d790d26b7a….jpg)


It was some pretty language for being shot in the head with a 9mm bullet.


You haven't?



Ahhhhh… I was thinking about it but the aspirin confused me and I didn't make the connection.

Phew, I was worried you went dumb already but it was just me.


File: bb394df0c2600c0⋯.jpg (50.79 KB, 300x376, 75:94, 765.jpg)


No way man that shit is way too scary.

On a serious note, yes I have.


People need jobs, but find something else. Just fucking fucked fuck! But they wanted it because it pays decent.




Yeah, i understand the people need jobs but the bad attitude kind of works against me seeing it that way!


File: 850964cf493e37b⋯.jpg (77.45 KB, 918x960, 153:160, CmL6ofPUcAAFuIw.jpg)


Just gotta put 1 on top of the other and everything is fiiiine.

It's true! Nuh uh! I love my name ;-;


File: a78007b81b3be4b⋯.jpg (167.5 KB, 500x854, 250:427, 60db0e2618b3295752d8f54a8a….jpg)


Well, Burana ain't that common outside Finland.


Good, then you should be familiar with the procedure.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: 1a18e41d58f8410⋯.jpg (42.85 KB, 340x242, 170:121, 241.jpg)



Pretty much. I didn't enjoy it for sure. Oh well. Not at that job anymore, rip.


Maybe for a bit. Ceramic plates are nice and fancy though!

G A Y L O R D! Oh, fair enough. Don't want to change mine either. Hope you got my request though.


Be gentle please. My hands are small.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



File: 95f56791622b693⋯.jpg (86.14 KB, 486x600, 81:100, 846109.jpg)


I will..



That's true. But even if you had said Burana I wouldn't have understood.


They quoted what a car driver is from wikipedia and added the quoted from wikipedia. Then they went ahead and said well this job is nothing like that.

Also why the fuck wont these jobs say what they want me to do wtf.

Oh we need you to have hygienepass, no salmonella, be trustworthy, good with machinery, know cellphones. If you're good at those then call us!

wtf tell me what you want me to fucking do.

rip jerbs




>tfw magi hasn't seen QI ever



What how?! HE LIVES THERE!




I forced her to watch one episode idk what happened after


File: bb3f34ca010d08c⋯.jpg (634.86 KB, 1400x954, 700:477, 6ccf5d223409dd768d95dd4a18….jpg)


Ah, guess my sense of humour is a bit dark then.



Well you're a Finn… But i'm pretty slow atm too so could be that as well


File: 966dcce3e06d159⋯.jpg (318.53 KB, 780x1129, 780:1129, 1465878182822.jpg)


Good show


That is true but were a pirate crew..

Ree! Yea says youre offline so it should show me online when you get on..or off. Gonna go sleep in an hour


File: b04904d5425b4f0⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 300x217, 300:217, 454.jpg)


Proceed to hand hold then!


Sounds kind of weird. I guess you looked into a driving position?

It's a job in international marketing obviously. :^)


File: 0aeb8effe440a89⋯.jpg (61.19 KB, 300x423, 100:141, 758.jpg)


Even pirates need fancy stuff! We aren't in the ghettos!

Really? I'm online right now though.



I'm just looking at everything that our Neet site recommends me. Apparently taxi drivers are very needed.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





File: a6c1f9f771be5eb⋯.jpg (186.23 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, f264e791bc22a57f3dc7f2e222….jpg)


Could be either one, or maybe I'm just a bit stupid currently.


Will do.


File: 81b72ddc4cbdc76⋯.jpg (22.02 KB, 309x309, 1:1, 81b72ddc4cbdc76c2e8dfe31c1….jpg)





File: 9cf4eba90fb4861⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 300x315, 20:21, 944.jpg)


Probably because no one sane wants to be a taxi driver.


Give me the skinny.


Normal society would say yes.


This is getting weird for me now.


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