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Gerald Friedman: The function of government, as a think tank; model prepared, by class lecture, returned through mass support as guarantee; otherwise, private lunch.

Jane Rausch: The term "malinke" as a "traitor", however "tragically maligned"; the Latin peoples, as played against themselves, by Arabs.

Anne Broadbridge: The entire theory of Islam, as offensive to cartoon or theory, as is United States Marine Corps or United States Rabbinical services; the link to the Holocaust, through the History Museum.

Sarah Ferguson: Feminist agitation propaganda, as a foreign country, effects own own country; therefore each system can be broken down, as foreign system, own system foreign, hence counter-culture allowed is ruler.

Hong Mei Sun: The Chinese government, as having extolled humility in personhood of placement in society.

Anne Sullivan: The Israeli government, as aligned with Britain, through Napoleon's occupation of Egypt.

Richard Passan: The United States, as a criminal empire.

Barbara Fox: German anti-Semitism, as pornography; German-Judaism, as parody.

Robert Sullivan: The necessity of payment, in each role, for superior combat performance; the less offered, the more treachery, tithe.

Brian Ogilvie: Lorenzo Valla, as having heisted all nations of the world, for Alfonse y Aragorn, the Muhammadan Uthmans.

Christian Appy: The war should be left to the generals, not the politicians; Vietnam, the American perspective.

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Rice a Roni, cooked in an electric frying pan, with water to the level of rice, and an open window for the fire detector. Powdered beet, in the rice, mixed, and a plate ready, to pour into, for serving for a one person meal.

Big Mike's Burgers, with scrambled eggs, crushed croutons, thyme, oregano, garlic powder, celery salt, and black pepper, mixed into 20 percent lean, half, and 20 percent fat, half. Then, Land o' Lakes cheese, placed inside meat mix, with Syrian buns as serving, with a single slice on each patty; cooked on a charcoal, not a propane or electric frying griddle at a restaurant, for safety.

Lobster broken and shelled and cooked, placed in a Newberg and milk cream, with Pillsburgy flakey biscuits having been pounded by a cookie cutter, and bread removed, for a "dune" placement of shellfish, inside biscuits.

Cracked eggs, whipped into scramblers, and dipped in a piece of French bread, with butter on electric frying pan, for Frenched toast, outside of powdered eggs; powdered eggs, a pedophile's food, if mixed with nut allergies in the family; genetic pederasts.

Cracked eggs, black pepper, and garlic salt, with tabasco mixed into whip, with a butter spread in electric frying pan, for anal purge of toxins, and a move into a doctor's stance, if interrupted on toilet; then, economics with secondary major of choice attained, and homosexual, Rabbi ambushing on toilet, placed in prison, as three time offender.

Two pieces of Wonderbread, with a pair of cheese slices, two, and a buttered pan, with a small plate, on top of grilled cheese at first pressure, and pushed down, then a flip, with additional butter gristled into sandwich.

Cocktail sauce, bacon bits, horse radish, puree shrimp, and cracked toast French toast, all bound into whip, to raise a child prodigy, even with other methods abiding or non abiding. A learner's ability, contrary to Asperger's, a serial killer.

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Montreal Mafia (Toy Makers):

CIA Children's Assassins: "Tickle-Me-Elmo".

CBO Learning Systems: "Montessori School".

DoD Gamespy: "Planet Battlezone".

NSA HUMINT: "Arkham Asylum: Living Hell".

UMass-Amherst State Police: "Pi" (Confessions of an Economic Hitman), "The Jackal" (Road to Perdition), "Andromeda Strain" (Hobo With a Shotgun), "Dr. Fian" (The Last Witch Hunter), "Free Pussy Riot" (Nolan Trilogy, Batman).

UMass-Amherst Federal Boston District: "Spiral" (Protection of First Daughter), "Women in Refrigerators" (Takedown of Dr. Golden), "Pennyworth" (Takedown of Fentanyl Dealers), "The Penguin" (Takedown of Hell's Angels).

Homeland Security: "Picard" (Star Trek Refusal), "Assassin's Creed: Rogue" (Catholic Reprisal Against Dr. Golden), "Gotham" (COINTELPRO Bellevue), "8MM" ("The Joker").

DC Comics: Batman Nude, major stream; Batman, revealed to be Buddhist, a Catholic, not a sea pickle, a Jew.

Army Reserve: Refused, Alterna Comics preferred over Marvel Comics.

Sinn Fein: Election of Joseph Biden, and bow out of politics, having achieved "ale", instead of "pilsner"; pedophile warning for alcohol, distributed to German "Scottish".

Writer's Credits (CIA Bio-Exorcist Romajin Experimental):

1993: William Riker.

1994: David Xanatos.

1998: Grand Theft Auto 3 (camera).

1999: Jar Jar Binks, Anakin Skywalker, Finis Valorum, The Mandalorian, Poe.

2000: The Scarecrow, The Joker, Bane (Nolan Trilogy), Kaulder (The Last Witch Hunter).

2003: Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

2004: Multiverse Without Christianity (Family Guy), Apples to Oranges (card game).

2007: Arkham Asylum (combat engine).

2009: Gotham.

2014: Cyberpunk 2077.

2022: Batman (Clearchannel Controversy; Spazzy Parziale's baby, vs. JFK Batman).

2024: The Penguin.

Majesty's Intelligence Contract:

David Charlebois, was requisitioned for mental health laws; so if you got a lobotomy, for taking a controversial graduate, you wouldn't be used as slave labor. The Boston Globe, an arch-nemesis since Bernard Law for allowing this policy, was used to report "View Askew", and the fuel tax law credits of clothing thrift out of drama programs.

MI-6 Hits (Targeting East German Stasi):

Anatole Rizzuto.

Rory Ahlquist.

Marv Albert.

Donald Trump.

Alice Charlebois.

Whitey Bulger.

Carlin Sarkesian.

Boris Yeltsin.

Charlton Heston.

John Gotti.

Philip Enfield.

Scott Peterson.

Lacy Jae Slaunwhite

Nicholas Maynard.

Anne McMurray.

Victoria Deveraux.

Richard Coughlin.

Harvey Weinstein.

Jair Bonosornos.

George Soros.

Osama Bin Laden.

Allison Haimes.

Jessica Bailey.

Queen Elizabeth II.

Brian Monaghan.

Joshua Moen.

Gwenn Pratt.

John Washburne.

Duane Chapman.

Keith Velasquez.

Stan Lee.

Barack Obama.

Raven Laventi.

Marisa Tomasic.

Christine Warren.

Rich Kyanka.

Brian Warner.

Cassie-Leigh Stock.

Elgin James.

Alexandra Rhzanova.

Michael Fargnoli.

Daryu Ritta.

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Aubrey Doyle: Management of property insurance law tax.

Steven Kenney: Police trooper governing gym coaches rules.

Jenna Williamson: Placed in charge of "Jews for Jesus", Sisak Ustashe.

Dave Charlebois: Performing as Nietzschean Society, U'Niall of the Nine Hostages.

William Morgan: Printing video games to murder anyone annoying the player morphic.

Matthew Lennox: Rabbi at Boston College, proving Christianity to priests; to rebuild the Order, of Roman Empire.

Allie Gaetano: FBI agent and college Dean, doing justice by her father; FBI Agent John Connolly.

Don Bolin: Hentai pornography, and Colts membership of view; "Mad About You".

Dan Rodrigues: Cali Cartel ties, to protect Hispanic and Latino politicians.

Dan Monahan: Virgin Galactic spy, inside Elon Musk's organization; considered essential, due to "Stewie's Multiverse Without Christianity", and other "Family Guy" classics out of Rhode Island Langley Providence.

Mike Clark: UPS driver, top freight man.

Steve McLean: Raising daughter, with spino bifeda, the same as him; until the next war, requires a psychologist stalker.

Chris Dumais: Teacher and proud father, the "Meyer Lansky" belief in a home modification as money and wealth.

Matt Blakesley: The sole Klansman allowed, in Hopkinton; testing on self, the effigy.

Jill Danna: Pregnant yet again, with children; more musicians, for Irish film, out of Hecate's Laird; Nixon.

Matt Totino: Owner of a State Police Mustang, with a "Batman" custom plate.

Megan Dalee: Emancipated lawyer, holding patent to "Respiradone", GHB, not "Risperadone", Respiradal.

Kyle Connors: Owner of a Ford truck, and all the money he wants, to sell FOX gear, through PMCs, for CIA.

Katie Stevens: Murderers of the Burrill brothers, a SKI, the Deputies Union; hunting German Sheriffs, to this day; "Karl Stromberg", "The Spy Who Loved Me".

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How to Raise a Glubb:

A Glubb, must be under-raised, in terms of wealth and status, at first by child bearing; then, by own request, if held outside of monetary status, refusing those demanding otherwise as National Socialists.

If beaten, the Glubb will oppose the visible parent having ordered beating, with the individual interned, having removed own wealth and profit share, for homosexual of race; the root of all anthropology, the repair of homosexuals.

If sperm stolen, from father, or egg scraped, from mother, then given extra privileges; a popular figure, forced to remove their own base of support, at threat and palpable force of own scat fetish, or if a woman, scheisse, the two uniting to force out of Arab powers.

Hence, Samson's line is kept clean.

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