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/jewess/ - Jewish Girls

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 No.2033 [View All]

let's establish a baseline

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>shes generally too modest to wear a bikini bottom at the beach

that's because she realizes how fucking sexy her pussy area and inner thighs are.

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File: a3b786e12313f9b⋯.jpg (54.36 KB,480x720,2:3,FB_IMG_1560510064348.jpg)

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The least erotic cousin of the 3, imo.

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File: 62461341ba46c1d⋯.jpeg (201.81 KB,1383x1600,1383:1600,D43D084A-D62C-405F-8E5F-1….jpeg)

Broke: jewesses

Woke: Russians

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so i'm posting to keep my baby i built alive

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File: 632adb8ab433275⋯.jpg (73.14 KB,540x720,3:4,164537_10150172034190744_6….jpg)

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This girl reminds me of Anne Frank.

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She looks indian

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File: 873ff7b0e951000⋯.jpeg (35.38 KB,600x398,300:199,Spring Fundraiser Album 2.jpeg)

File: ae7df0bca44a1d7⋯.jpg (82.61 KB,700x441,100:63,bc-How-Bukharian-Jews-Buil….jpg)

File: aa525ad15fd640d⋯.jpg (227.47 KB,500x750,2:3,20130918-037-Bukhara.jpg)


She's Bukharian. They're a kind of rare strain of jewess from Russia and Uzbekistan, and yeah, they look pretty town, but definitely still suuuuper jewy. Just found out about this recently and I'm kind of obsessed.

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File: 18a4d7340d197a8⋯.gif (1.68 MB,300x259,300:259,HHappy.gif)

WHOA, even "cutes" jewess are gross.

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fuck off anne frank is cute

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File: 48f489a17a49b0e⋯.png (24.92 KB,150x150,1:1,404_not_found.png)

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Ayyy lmao no idea how to use this

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Would you say this is an accurate description of Jewish afterlife?


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