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/jewess/ - Jewish Girls

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File: a0da48b16826c4a⋯.jpg (30.6 KB,640x360,16:9,kate bouman1.jpg)

File: 3dd167848ab880d⋯.jpg (65.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,katebouman2.jpg)

File: 430869e4f3f740c⋯.jpg (90.88 KB,552x552,1:1,katebouman3.jpg)

 No.2925 [Open thread]

Kate Bouman. Discoverer of black holes. And of course she's a top tier jewess qt.

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she cute


the part about them using what they expect a black hole to look like to sift through the noise data makes me a little less confident about their project. but who the hell am i to armchair astrophysicist criticize their work

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Damn, I wouldn't mind exploring her holes tbh.

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I hate this news story because it's basically bullshit. They haven't taken a picture of a black hole, they taken a picture of the effects of a black hole. The black space where it would be if we could see it, and the effect it has on gas around it.

That doesn't stop every news outlet in the world from saying otherwise, or course.

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File: 470e3f26db318a6⋯.jpg (153.54 KB,948x1024,237:256,1554374919014m.jpg)

 No.2875 [Open thread]

Can someone confirm that Nyanyancosplay is actually a jew or this just bait image from /pol/?

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview from January this year.

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Eye structure could be jewish I think. A lot of jewesses get this extreme squinty look she has when they smile. Maybe she is a mischling? Either way I don't think it's entirely off of the table as possibility.

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File: c97392b6fb9d8a5⋯.jpg (393.14 KB,1000x563,1000:563,felicity-jones-on-the-basi….jpg)


ok I can kind of see it from that angle. but still, america is like 1.4% jews. what is more likely? that someone pulled this out of their ass like the tranny rumor, or that she falls within that 1.4%? also, she mentioned she does sports, so she's more likely not jewish

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File: 0da6acb9c606257⋯.jpg (12.54 KB,300x340,15:17,72cfcb1257be7246b4963f42aa….jpg)


Doesn't look like a babeslut, but she does show signs of having FAS.

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It is the Asiatic Khazarian blood.

Asian eyes look similar when they smile.

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File: 7806603c93f8c2f⋯.jpeg (27.17 KB,255x255,1:1,image.jpeg)

 No.2905 [Open thread]

If she has a nice body, would you?

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File: f460ad7dbe93939⋯.png (587.97 KB,494x1008,247:504,d47daba4c5a932b21a2d581b59….png)

File: 2691674dfeeaf42⋯.jpg (341.98 KB,1333x2000,1333:2000,3430cd7333f8b090e84e96f975….jpg)


If no one found out, yes

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You have to introduce her to your friends and/or family.

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then that's a no for me

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File: 2cf824a885447ea⋯.png (264.86 KB,360x457,360:457,1wydyszf9u-p1t3mxosguqq.png)

 No.694 [Open thread]

What does this board think of Ames? I think she's pretty cute. Very approachable and probably smart, definitely the kind of Jewess you'd settle for after a long string of rejections from higher tier cream of the crop jews. I dated a Jewess that looked like her, but with larger tits and a more (better looking) goyish face.

Look how enthusiast she is. I bet she has a bubbly personality.

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She was very lucky to find a man like mike, he's one of the smartest podcasters I've listened too.

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File: 4b935ad8bbdc034⋯.png (24.94 KB,494x400,247:200,4b935ad8bbdc0341ab8695e107….png)


That’s not hard when most podcast hoasts are SJWs, morons or both.

I’m still baffled how quickly people decided to ignore what a lying piece of shit he is.

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But he's not. Find one person who could beat him in bloodsports. I bet mike could even beat mistermetokur

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>B-b-but he's not!!1

No? I guess we all just imagined him having a Jewish wife and a half-nigger brother/cousin and them trying to cover up and do damage control then.

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She must be a very smart, witty, kind woman with good sensibilities for someone like mike to stay with her for so many years. I'm sure it sucks that their thing had to end but I think mike is a great guy and his pre-redpill taste in women reflects his sense of decency

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File: 64f7bb909b60fd3⋯.jpg (53.67 KB,408x640,51:80,full-mia-kirshner-50446878….jpg)

File: 3cf8e14e4374f54⋯.jpeg (127.72 KB,600x843,200:281,golaya-zvezda-mia-kirshne….jpeg)

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File: ece0cf1ea2c650f⋯.jpg (133.51 KB,1196x753,1196:753,mia-kirshner-the-crow-a75b….jpg)

 No.216 [Open thread]

First Jewish woman that turned me into a Bagel Chaser. Post your Mia Kirshner pics.

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File: 9bec03f93ccbcaf⋯.jpg (232.49 KB,988x1208,247:302,988full-mia-kirshner.jpg)

File: 175eb1536b5fed5⋯.jpg (38.51 KB,575x640,115:128,541470a04acecff62fa645e2d1….jpg)

File: ed28dc533067057⋯.jpg (178.78 KB,610x556,305:278,is-this-what-you-want-mia-….jpg)

File: 85d0d64df7cc1c8⋯.jpg (71.63 KB,550x600,11:12,mia1.jpg)

File: 6db9a6a702e2190⋯.jpg (40.19 KB,500x557,500:557,mia-kirshner-5.jpg)

I jerked off to her so many times. I need to find a real Jewish woman to take my baby batter.

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File: eb25bce32c2316c⋯.jpg (112.52 KB,740x1110,2:3,11a.jpg)

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File: 37e691faf4880d3⋯.jpg (47.31 KB,1024x768,4:3,11f.jpg)

Black hair, blue eye, pale skin Jewesses are my passion.

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File: bf4c34ab8f02670⋯.jpg (79.48 KB,853x1280,853:1280,crop.jpg)

File: 20d2939e8f557b0⋯.jpg (185.42 KB,1000x1010,100:101,isww7dvnb0gx.jpg)

File: ad67ccf7ee8db3e⋯.jpg (286.41 KB,1200x942,200:157,promoMIA.jpg)

Back from the grave!

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Same here OP!! She's superlative!

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This phenotype is amazing. Reminds me of Kat Dennings and Cazzie David. Seems to be common among jewesses. What type would the webmaster of seductive jewess categorize them as?

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File: 1319c6f82243113⋯.jpg (491.57 KB,1536x2048,3:4,jewess1.jpg)

 No.1407 [Open thread]

so im currently in a transitional housing program and one of the volunteers is the jewess, I know herf mom pretty well, shes single and both are pretty flirty, should I go for it (shes on the right, her younger sister on the left)

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File: 1f4785e32e220a2⋯.jpg (55.95 KB,400x597,400:597,1f4785e32e220a20f2f31f9ad1….jpg)


In what country? I'm not a burger…

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File: d28a0ea5cbec747⋯.jpg (139.63 KB,720x998,360:499,1553286269996.jpg)


europe has already implemented ubg. they are so advanced

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>transitional housing

So you're a degenerate nigger, crack fiend, rapist, alcoholic, or all four.

Either gas yourself.

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and the jewesses still prefer his chad dick to yours. how's it feel?

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h-his dick?

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File: 6080a61f129c84f⋯.jpg (182.94 KB,1280x1459,1280:1459,Abigale-Mandler-Nudes-TheF….jpg)

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 No.2723 [Open thread]

some redhead jewess vlogger/camwhore or whatever she's supposed to be

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And people say Jewesses don’t suck dick. They’re noticeable by their absence. The nerve.


First class Jewess, OP. Well done!

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she has done a bunch of photo shoots with the aryan princess (but mentally beautiful wifed af) Emily Bloom, too.


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>beautiful wifed

lol wtf, I wrote kik€d, not beautiful wifed :P

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what really amazes me about that is how can anyone turn a profit with this business model. she's not even doing hardcore porn, she's just modeling nude. that's amazing to me that somehow they can end up paying for the equiptment, crew and models.

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SC porn industry is pretty big. Not all guys are k1ked enough to jerk off to HC porn and give their betabucks to that industry (Jerking off while looking at a dick is pretty fucking gay if you ask me).

Also Emily Bloom is one the most famous nude models nowadays so im sure her official site must be doing fine.

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File: 0348c56e62f51b0⋯.jpg (134.39 KB,720x720,1:1,dO4pUfh.jpg)

 No.304 [Open thread]

How do I get a Jewess to bang me?

Everytime I get close enough to a jewess to where it might be possible to take her back to a hotel, I always show my powerlevel and start sieg heiling. How can I hide my powerlevel long enough so I can sieg heil while fucking her?

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File: e7557569556ccdb⋯.jpg (560.83 KB,980x1912,245:478,1541416267201.jpg)


in theory, aren't all of them into that? like don't black chicks like to get called nigger?


pic related


why even live

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this is literally where Ethan (H3H3) met his wife Hila

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Bloody thots.

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Women seriously don't deserve any rights.

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Think that's why he chose that photo

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File: 815181eebf07ca0⋯.jpeg (109.13 KB,600x901,600:901,213C0951-2287-40EC-9059-C….jpeg)

 No.2695 [Open thread]

Upload pics from the best white-jew interbreeding decade known to man.

Admit it, they really tried to create a universal white race with italians, gypsises, and jews being in the same category as Anglos, Nordics, and Bavarians.

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you first

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Lynda Carter was not a Jew there. She later married one, but I'm not sure if that was a religious ceremony or involved a conversion.

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Jews > Anglos >> all other whites. Who are you kidding?

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File: 4053386bef91bfc⋯.jpg (47.83 KB,640x360,16:9,GLJB3k8jPak_640x360.jpg)


Who could be behind this post?

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File: bc2faa8a1b14fac⋯.jpg (146.8 KB,730x1095,2:3,1503357772759.jpg)

 No.346 [Open thread]

What has katt Dennings been eating?

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File: 24ff0b989538102⋯.jpg (320.26 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,kat dennings fat 2.jpg)

Imagine the smell

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jewesses are so sultry. i swear to god there is something in their neurology that makes them hyper sexualizied. the subtle little ways they move and carry themselves. it makes it seem like they have a much higher sex drive than the average woman and are constantly horny 24/7.

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>hyper sexualized

Even the way they look is sexualized to the max.

>bee stung, pouty lips

>sleepy bedroom eyes

>ample milkers

>breeding hips

They are pretty much designed for seduction.

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Thick goyim cock

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Needs a BBC

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File: f1c73c29c654631⋯.jpg (571.82 KB,1908x1073,1908:1073,20190301_232925.jpg)

 No.2676 [Open thread]

"As a loving hind and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; Be exhilarated always with her love." - Proverbs 5:19

"I was a wall, and my breasts were like towers; Then I became in his eyes as one who finds peace." - Song of Solomon 8:10

"Your two breasts are like two fawns, Twins of a gazelle Which feed among the lilies." - Song of Solomon 4:5

"Your stature is like a palm tree, And your breasts are like its clusters. "I said, "I will climb the palm tree, I will take hold of its fruit stalks.' Oh, may your breasts be like clusters of the vine, And the fragrance of your breath like apples," - Song of Solomon 7:7-8

"My beloved is to me a pouch of myrrh Which lies all night between my breasts." - Song of Solomon 1:13

"You shall suck the milk of nations; you shall nurse at the breast of kings; and you shall know that I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob" – Isaiah 60:16

"Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee." - Isaish 49:15

“When she carried on her whoring so openly and flaunted her nakedness, I turned in disgust from her, as I had turned in disgust from her sister. Yet she increased her whoring, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt and lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses. Thus you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when the Egyptians handled your bosom and pressed your young breasts.” - Ezekiel 23:18-21

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> unbiblical eastern European converts are biblical


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I could prove to you that Cleveland Steamers are biblical if we're quoting the Song of Solomon

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File: b26c16300adfbb1⋯.webm (9.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,Perks Of Dating A Jewish ….webm)

 No.903 [Open thread]

Most of the posts are lewd focused, how about some cute?

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File: ce2c778fbebff78⋯.png (183.57 KB,426x341,426:341,sweating.png)


G-d, imagine making love to those floppy funbags, especially when they are leaking milk during and after pregnancy.

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File: 89139b111dde847⋯.webm (3.91 MB,500x280,25:14,1550834657956.webm)

do jewish girls have this level of mental gymnastics? i saw a porn that started with abella danger asking a goy to turn on the lights for her. does this really happen?

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File: 365c5b9c8c41785⋯.jpg (2.09 MB,2848x2136,4:3,download.jpg)


In Israel most places with elevators have two elevators. One is a regular elevator and the other is a special elevator that goes up and down the floors incrementally on a timed interval so you don't have to push buttons on shabbat.

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File: 889d3f5395d022f⋯.jpg (35.82 KB,600x600,1:1,5ae974905fc68429bcdc9e12-2….jpg)


>tfw no jewish gf getting sodomized by an electric dildo because she can't turn it off

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File: c414a81f1849798⋯.jpg (90.21 KB,645x460,129:92,kek.jpg)

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File: f885ede8e5f485d⋯.jpg (77.14 KB,400x500,4:5,15658.jpg)

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File: 1b686ccabd0598e⋯.jpg (648.8 KB,2000x3000,2:3,Jamie-Lynn_Sigler.jpg)

File: 93b17961bf15002⋯.jpg (202.16 KB,796x1222,398:611,jamie-lynn-sigler-reveals-….jpg)

File: ae096adca63507f⋯.jpg (59.46 KB,565x800,113:160,af400f9d0fe325a3c93f0a17f0….jpg)

 No.584 [Open thread]

Best know for playing Meadow Soprano.

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File: 891cd96b41fb0e3⋯.jpg (322.74 KB,1440x1080,4:3,jamie-lynn-sigler-hot-3a09….jpg)

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File: 85f58a603e38b41⋯.jpg (24.38 KB,736x414,16:9,a6967b2ea41a7a56847f8a9706….jpg)

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File: 6be5f998e7418e2⋯.jpg (27.88 KB,200x300,2:3,8a5b6f8e-2594-4c41-8bd6-08….jpg)


What? No inappropriately-and-stupidly-named Hunter?

Oh wait. Hold on. I think she might actually be an Italian, which is hilarious when you get a glimpse of that nose.

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Sephardis and Southern Italians overlap a lot. That's why a lot of Jews were playing Italian mobsters in Sopranos

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Damn did she ever look good.

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File: db34da0204a7005⋯.jpg (101 KB,607x847,607:847,Jamie-Lynn-Sigler-in-a-bik….jpg)

File: d8b481d175cd508⋯.jpg (54.52 KB,634x1024,317:512,rs_634x1024-130609134747-6….jpg)

File: 61815598387a30e⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,2400x3600,2:3,Jamie-Lynn-Sigler_071313-1….jpg)

File: 8a9cc3835a6e2e7⋯.jpg (103.82 KB,675x1200,9:16,DH4SY3EV0AEFvgZ.jpg)

Top-tier jewess. Her goyfriend is one lucky motherfucker.

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File: 97d852a2a1b2d4c⋯.jpg (133.36 KB,1000x562,500:281,jessica rothe.jpg)

 No.2553 [Open thread]

>Rothe was born in Denver, Colorado, the daughter of Susan and Steve Rothenberg.[6] Rothe's father is Jewish.[7][8] Her grandmother, Colleen Rothenberg, was a theatre actress who belonged to the Congregation Shomrei Torah synagogue in Santa Rosa, California.[9] She took ballet classes when she was age 8.[10] As a youth she attended summer theater camps in Kansas City.[11] Rothe graduated from Boston University in 2009 with a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts,[11] and during that time she learned to play the violin, tap dance and make pottery.

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she is not a jew if her mother was not a jew

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we don't observe halakhic law on /jewess/

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found the jew

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File: 20ae972441b44a6⋯.jpg (4.33 MB,2233x2700,2233:2700,jessica rothe1.jpg)

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File: ad683a23cf4650b⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,2400x3600,2:3,jessica rothe3.jpg)

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File: fa78711aa353993⋯.jpg (38.95 KB,350x500,7:10,jessica rothe4.jpg)

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 No.2600 [Open thread]

She also goes by the name of "mila_" on chaturbate

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File: a4fbaf7ba7a585f⋯.jpg (49.35 KB,600x480,5:4,a4fbaf7ba7a585f9a4b987af56….jpg)

>qt Trump supporting Jewfu with a big Khazar milkers

Would marry and have several half-Aryan, half-Jewish children with

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File: cec251491c10d2d⋯.jpg (40.67 KB,615x409,615:409,Pierce-Brosnan.jpg)

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File: 84e888fdcfa028a⋯.png (1.64 MB,1791x792,199:88,theArchitect.png)


>she got a bit thiccer

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