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3deb3e No.2765

What kind of future is waiting for this hinducel?

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f413e1 No.2771

He tried to commit sepuku in custody kek

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e786d8 No.2773


he initially said to the police that he's a commie, 5 minutes later he tells that he's a tradbhangi. larping chamar thinks he's still on twitter kek.

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8dd4c9 No.2776


saale ki shakal hi bol rahi hai ki ye tradbhangi hai

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e36078 No.2849


what is this

they're just arresting app makers now

is this what happened to rusty

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41182b No.2850


The 'app' wasn't innocuous, it was made specifically to harass people. everyone overreacted a lot, though. That program did nothing other than posting pics that those women uploaded on their own accord. It has recieved so much media attention, that there will be a few more attention seeking tradbhangis who will do the same thing again. it would have been much better if they just removed the GitHub thing and kept the entire thing hush hush. Oh, right, I forgot, the women would not let go of such a golden opportunity to play the victim, 'feminists' and 'journalists' as they are.

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