Welcome to /inbouron/
This board is created to discuss conspiracy theories, but other topics are welcome too.
everyone is welcome and can post anything. Of course, post in languages other than Japanese are also allowed. Take it easy.
/inbouron/ means conspiracy theory in Japanese.
Japanese thread / 日本語スレッド
This thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan.
Let’s talk at least in Japanese and English. Take it easy.
Previous thread: >>996
4chan thread:https://boards.4chan.org/int/catalog#s=djt
Please declare before making a new thread. And put the next link.
Astrology Thread
Welcome to this thread!
Come here for discussions of astrology.
Feel free to post.
creating charts: https://www.astro.com/horoscopes
Japanese Thread/ 日本語スレッド
This thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan.
Let's talk at least in Japanese and English. Take it easy.
Previous Thread:>>90
4chan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/int/catalog#s=djt
過去ログ: https://desuarchive.org/int/search/subject/日本語スレッド/
Please declare before making a new thread. and put the next link.
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc.of Japan
Let's talk at least in Japanese and English. Take it easy
Learn Japanese Thread:>>>/int/djt
Please declare before making a new thread. and put the next link.
Cabbage Thread / キャベツスレッド
This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc.of Cabbage.
Let's talk at least in Cabbage and Lettuce. Take a bite.
Learn Cabbage Thread:>>>/cabbage/dct
Please declare before making a new thread. and put the next link.