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87e4f3 No.85681 [Last50 Posts]

Continuing from last thread

Decode x4 times:


Looking for: BBW Lover, O for Obese, Daria and Venus Transmission.

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ad25e5 No.85687

Thanks, but how to decode 丂乇乙 ?

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92197e No.85691


They're all capital letters. If I tried to type it out, It'd get auto encoded.

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8ae14f No.85692


Use the Base64Decode website.

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845f31 No.85725

By the way, thank you for this large beautiful album chock full of good stuff! Kudos and a BIG thanks to whoever uploaded all the great stuff. You rock! :D

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845f31 No.85727

Thanks for the share. It looks like you had several I didn't. And after looking it looks like I may have a few you didn't so I'm going to upload for you, the one who posted this thread, and others. However it looks like my Prana file may be a copy of the same as yours just missing the full title unless they are different. I can't remember where or when I picked that one up but it's likely they are the same.

aHR0cHM6Ly91ZmlsZS5pby9mL2RraW14== (g0file - 30 days or less to grab)

(1x) (g0file 30 days or less to grab)

Cheers! :D

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d73e39 No.85728


Whenever I use the decrypted link mega tells me decryption key is invalid

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845f31 No.85731

SIMPLIFY: 1x decode to the @TH4L1@ Arch1ve:


(1x) - ENJOY !!!

The top code got deformed when posted because it has the letter S-E-and-Z (as in "S4m3nth3 S3z") in it which got automatically converted to EXTRA THICC text since they decided to use that as a subterfuge to camouflage text that says the name of tists by newbies that don't understand L33tsp34k is part of the etiquette of how to post on this website.

To hell with al the detailed definitions or explanations of why this happened that I will probably have to repost all of out of spite toward the admin for deleting my last message that just explained all of it. But this time, I'm copying and SAVING my message word for word to a WORD file BEFORE I post it so that if it gets deleted again I can just repost the whole of the message in its entirety Because people deserve to know the truth of what's the fuck is going on here.

My previous message explained how several other seemingly offensive or inflammatory racial words on this site posted automatically get edited or changed into other words that they are not such as how N1gg3r gets changed to Jogger and J3w gets changed to Wizard and how slashes used to try and make the letter M get disassembled. This is fucking bullshit. ////\

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d73e39 No.85732

Here's Daria


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845f31 No.85733

My previous detailed post explaining how to decode the top B64 code obviously got deleted after explaining a little bit too much obviously. That's really shitty of you ADMIN. I put a LOT of energy into writing that post, you fuckin jerk! I was trying to help others out by explaining why the top code was fucked up and how to fix it AND posting a functional link to the actual site that's NOT FUCKED UP by your filters that scramble words and text on this website!!!

The reason the top code is messed up is because it randomly happens to have the three letter 丂乇乙 in a row aka S- E- and Z that are part of a name of a Tist named 丂卂爪卂几ㄒ卄卂 丂乇乙 or S4m4nth4 S3z in L33tsp33k. Sometimes people need an explanation of this shit you know? It takes discernment and somebody paying attention sometimes to figure out what's wrong with broken codes on here that actually work if you can just read in, but not everybody has that level of discernment.

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ea6f79 No.85748


Cool your tits m8 its still there

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91b34f No.85761

Is there any dom video to make you hfo?? Please share link

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b54b10 No.85776

Anybody has: w34k3n3d bY, and sh4773r3d bY f337.Pr3m13 F007 B17ch?

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5ef994 No.85782



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a9b916 No.85787


Thank you Sir.

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6c3868 No.85791

Still looking for rayinas well, Trojan, and Venus transmission

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daa2f6 No.85801




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66f097 No.85811

Does anyone have SM15?

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e9c83e No.85813

did slip up ever get shared

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d37083 No.85926

anyone H3miH4rd HFO?

and feet?

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ac5d2a No.85949



Here you go, friend.

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ac5d2a No.85950


That last one >>85949

is HFO.

This one is feet.


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5e6f23 No.85958

I’ve bought all these in the last six months or so. She’s so fucking good uggghhhhh

Brain-Fucked Open and Fading

Dirty Money

For True Submissives Only


Gentle Femdom Mental Conditioning I



I’m Lying Again

Love Defined

Rock-Hard and Tranced Out




So Overdrawn

The Fate Sealer

Thirty-Thousand Spaces

Transaction Approved


Unfortunately (I guess fortunately for my wallet), there aren’t many more that I’m interested in buying

(Sorry, no, I won’t post any. Maybe when I finally quit porn (lol) I’ll post them all, but not right now)

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c9553c No.85967


Passive aggressive much bro? Dull life gotta feel special? > That post ain't the cure.

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5e6f23 No.85971



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cd9996 No.85996

Looking for these pls

L0ck3d 1n L0v3


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d2e84b No.86061

Looking for Th3 Fr3nch L3tt3r

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1bc81f No.86461

Anyone got M1ndL355 Br33d1ng M4ch1n3?

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b57f44 No.86532

In dire need of b1g b4ll 1nt3rlud3, d4ng3r0u5 curv35 and 51ngl3-m1nd3d 0b3d13nc3: 0rg45m d3n14l

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2a42a9 No.86533

Anyone got feet or spanking stuff

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c9553c No.86535



d4ng3r0u5 curv35 and 3 foot files avail here,


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b57f44 No.86541


Thank you so much!

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000000 No.86544

Sharing is caring… (Decode x5)


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218020 No.86545


Hey fossil! 2007 called. They want their memes back.

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c9553c No.86546


You're welcome mate!


Not cool, making peeps decode 5x but not offering files.

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000000 No.86548

Sorry guys, I thought you would appreciate a Rick Roll. I tried to remove it but i get an error.

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95103f No.86549

anyone have D3s3ns1t1zat10n Pr0c3dur3, That one sounds hot

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c9553c No.86560


D3s3ns1t1zat10n here


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95103f No.86563


Amazing! Thanks!

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c9553c No.86579


You're welcome buddy, enjoy in good health!

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b57f44 No.86651

Still looking for b1g b4LL 1nt3rLud3. If anyone has that, please please share.

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9b1371 No.86821

Anyone sharing Venus Transmission or Dangerous Curves A/B?

Also small contribution to collection


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bdfa8e No.86827


Here's Dangerous Curves.


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8cc21f No.86830


Thank you!

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3d6fd8 No.86898

anyone got bbw fantasy or o for obesity?

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023f41 No.87161

can anyone share "c0ntr4 s3" parts 1-3 please?

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35757b No.87164




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023f41 No.87195


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ebc5e8 No.87217

Does anyone have file Th3 F1ght3r: R3v3rs3-Psych @lphA Hum1l1at1on w1th B DSM ? Please share, need so much

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49b104 No.87293

Does anyone have and is willing to please share P0w3rful, 3xpl0s1v3, Pl345ur3 ? Thanks in advance.

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b54ee7 No.87299


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5e6f23 No.87456


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8b66ae No.87459

Anyone has any recommendations on where to start with her. I tried some of her foot files, see if i could give myself a foot fetish and now i get a boner when i look at feet lol so i wanna dive in to her files

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b54ee7 No.87494


Thanks, Do you have the twitch files ?


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92197e No.87499



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c0e285 No.87544


Can I have a reupload of Dangerous Curves please?

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95103f No.87547



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b54ee7 No.87596


Sir i Appreciate your effort

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95103f No.87610

Anyone have 1 or all of these to share?

"Th3 U7t!m@t3 MA|3", "H!mb0" and "H!mb0 700p"?

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35757b No.87623




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95103f No.87627


Thank you kind sir!

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f764de No.87748

Does anyone have "Titty Walk" or "Lucky"

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35757b No.87750


Lucky you: https://gofile.io/d/QXUIED


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f764de No.87753


Thanks for the speedy response and the link, much appreciated

However it seems that is a different file. The one I was after is called Lucky (with no 7's in the name) that is 26 minutes long

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89676c No.87882

Any chance for L0lip0p hfo or Th3 m4n and th3 s34?

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271fce No.87884

Night b@ckl0g series? Can't find it anywhere

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8a7cb0 No.87983

D4r14 anyone?

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f764de No.87985



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8a7cb0 No.88011


Tyvm Anon o7

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3720c3 No.88119


I'm surprised no one has shared the two BBW files requested in the op. Well here you go:


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8b4faf No.88121


Thank you.

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3d6fd8 No.88127


absolute king, thanks.

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9847df No.88207

Would any kind anon be able and willing to share any of the following?

p0pp1n' fr35h

l0ll1p0p 45mr hf0

f33l5 l1k3 t0d4y

th3 n0 p4r4d0x

4nt1-4nx13ty: pe tr1gg3r3ng

5w33t cr3am5: w3t dr34m pr0gr4mm1ng

th4nk5 1n 4nt1c1p4t10n … 8^}~

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9847df No.88214

While you're at it, also looking for

r4p1d r3l3453: pr3m4tur3 3j4cul4t10n w1th br34th c0ntr0l

g1rl cr42y: pr3m4tur3 3j4cul4ti0n tr1gg3r1ng

y0ur s3cr3t f3t1sh: p3 l00p

p0w3rful 3xpl0s1v3 pl345ur3: qu1ck 4nd d1rty p3 tr41n3r

bl155 bl1t2: m3nt4l c0nd1t10n1ng f0r p3

5k33t fr34k: d33p p3 c0nd1t10n1ng

r3f0cu5: pr3m4tur3 3j4cul4ti0n j01

my5t3ry b0x: p3 3d1t10n

th3 p1nk l4dy: p41r-b0nd1ng + pr3m4tur3 3j4cul4ti0n

pr1m3d t0 p0p: p0ck3t pu55y 3d1t10n

c4n y0u 533 4 th3m3? :)

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dd8ab9 No.88244

does she got any good cei that works? i always chicken out.

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cd1a45 No.88557



Can I please get W17h3r1n6 asap

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89676c No.88572




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13b1f6 No.88588

Looking for L4p A, B, and C; t4k3 y0ur b35t 5h0t; cum53553d

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aa9ec1 No.88596


reup for titty walk?

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83bbd6 No.88652



Gosh I've missed this one, can someone reople those?

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3c865b No.88667

Do any kind gents have W0m@n!z3D that they could share?

Thank you

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4ca45c No.88685

Does anyone know the file that keeps saying you are already cumming on repeat - I can't remember which one it is

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