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File: d9c6efc6efe90fd⋯.png (910.38 KB,1243x599,1243:599,sharksharkshark.png)

 No.368524 [View All]

This is the Corruption of Champions mod being developed by OtherCoCAnon and the denizens of /hgg/.

Corruption of Champions is a text-based flash game overhauled with new dungeons, new mechanics, new characters, and a lot of lolis.

The mod is open to content submissions, anons can and are writing new content to be implemented all the time.


Latest Version (


Use a standalone flash player (projector), this shit is no longer supported by any web browser.

Remember to save to file to prevent save loss.



>Game Related

Source Code: https://gitgud.io/BelshazzarII/CoCAnon_mod

Changelog: https://pastebin.com/CDU8byhd

>Thread Related

Previous thread: >>364618

Thread Archives: https://gitgud.io/Blank/CoCAnon_mod/raw/OPT/Archives

OP Template: https://pastebin.com/raw/q38Ccy3n

>Writing Related

Content Submissions (Chronicles): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iuDsLw3PxshvL8yYUkOeiJr6DSJ7zpjaeGvumF65l_I

Submission & Misc. Archive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LGK4sPuWH69iEZ9ZmX2fnfDRrhj7h4hQ

Writing Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PGysInt0S0VHYvPv0b__4xpHqrfbE-zikQiRonsnUsU

Bounty Board: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZUtah0gtbBQzB5kM7wElYlcNAwU8-QOgNkovO0_7WUI

684 posts and 101 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Merry sharkmas to you too!

[spoiler]>Fairy stuff is rarely written

>Qt angel stuff got scrapped

>Magical girl stuff got nowhere

>Sharks keep going strong

Forgive me anon but i can't help to be jealous and bitter about your luck. I still feel happy for you and the rest of the shark fans though[/spoiler]

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Huh? Spoilers don't work here?

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The site has a page that explains how formatting works.

>Faerie stuff is rarely written

If you have ideas besides extremely vague stuff or Vala, speak

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Wow, only four of them were me. Sharky sharkmas.

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A while ago i had an idea that i never shared and never managed to write because i am useless cunt about a faction of bog fairies that managed to escape the phouka faggots and decided to stay to work against them. Maybe you could go and help them on a quest or something.

Of course, this might not make any sense at all lorewise because i am really out of the loop. And chances are you are not looking for this anyways.

How about a swarm of corrupted fairies trying to rape you? Or i dunno some scenes about phoukas trying to do their shit so you can slap the fuck out of them. I am just a useless idea guy so do whatever or nothing.

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>Thinking about it, it wouldn't really work for non-virgins as anything in Mareth would stretch out anything like that.

Very much not a Mareth thing. Sexual experience can change how you feel about your body and how you explore it.


>i am really out of the loop.

Fae can conceivably fit anywhere that nature is found, and distinct communities or factions of the same race of fae is fine. There is, maybe, some potential for a group of faeries to be in the bog, fighting phouka. It's also stated about the alraune that they may often form symbiotic relationships with faeries. Something like a more mature black velvet having a grove that houses this faction may be nice. She could be bigger and more busty than her generic enemy type cousins, if someone were interested in big titty goth gf plant, or a different style altogether. Big titty goth suits the aesthetic of the bog and the black velvets, who are known to be rather feisty and violent. It makes sense for one like that to harbor fighters. She may even grow toxic barbs that she allows the fae to take so they may fight better. In return, the fae serve her however she may need.

The player would end up knowing about the alraune at first, as the faeries would attempt to steer people away. Could have the first encounter wtih this faction be a chance event in the swamp or bog where you find a drider that has a faerie in her web.

Just spitballing thoughts. Read the codices for faeries, phouka, and alraune for more info, and look at their scenes. While not writing it yourself means it could lead nowhere, you may inspire someone, or at least stimulate the conversation in these threads.

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I think you get eel parasites by losing fights in the bog or swamp but the credits mention another type of parasite called slugs, I have no idea as to where to find them, also, which enemies can I lose to in the swamp or bog without much consequence?

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How much do/should you write if you make a new encounter? I kinda wanted to add a new enemy but also don't know if I'm setting myself up for failure when it comes to the amount I need to write.

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File: 889a78e1f15cc28⋯.jpg (171.85 KB,850x602,425:301,a071ce80e464972.jpg)

Merry Christmas everyone. While not a Christmas themed update I wrote more for the vampires.

https://pastebin.com/XjwJ2kzQ - added the player successfully grabbing Emily while playing where Fran then tickles her, a low affection attempt to head pat Emily and three chats the pc can have with Fran (herself, yourself and asking about her family) need to figure out what else for the pc to talk about with her.

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When will they finally be implemented? I need lolipires.

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If we're lucky, never, but it's been a long time since his last attempt at quitting, so it might come eventually at this rate.

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File: 831527a4000c27c⋯.jpg (917.18 KB,1400x2000,7:10,19136082_p0.jpg)


I'm bad with ages, but pre-pubescent. Do not make me google "how big is a preteen boy's penis?" I want it tiny though.

Femininity I'd prefer really close to the middle. No puberty hormones to emphasize the masculinity, not a trap, but kinda passable if you made him dress up.

If worded ambiguously enough, people can probably project a bit more boyishness or girlyness as they prefer, without thinking about it.

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Depends on the type of enemy, honestly. It can range from generic, hostile randoms with only a few scenes, to unique characters that eventually evolve into followers.

Give some insight into what you're wanting to make.

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File: 68413d925fb12d2⋯.png (550.77 KB,615x1004,615:1004,Anubis.png)


Well I was thinking of adding something similar to the MGE Anubis. Don't know if I should add the normal, corrupted or both versions. Or maybe just start with one.

She's obviously going to be in the dessert, But I don't know if she should just be a normal encounter or one that comes later, like after the factory dungeon.

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File: 3704ee2ffa0b2f9⋯.mp4 (4.23 MB,326x184,163:92,Pillar Food.mp4)


>She's obviously going to be in the dessert,

That's going to make it really redundant to give her a creampie

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I swear to fuck that I wrote desert. Fuck.

I'm probably gonna have to put that in somewhere in the silly version.

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Not too closely, I hope. Because mge can be some pretty severe autism sometimes.

I guess the first thing to ask is other than desert, what sort of circumstances would surround these? As it stands, they seem very much like a dungeon creature, and I'm not sure if them just wandering would feel 'right'. At least, if you didn't have more than just random encounters to explain them.

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>Not too closely, I hope.

No, that wouldn't work, mostly just the design and general idea perhaps. And even that might be hard since they're basically just sexy administrators in MGE that can put lewd curses on people.

>As it stands, they seem very much like a dungeon creature

Perhaps, but what dungeon? Just add a room in the factory/sand witch one.

Actually that might be a thing, have her just be a sort of easy encounter in the factory as an administrator. And if you blow it up you can find the corrupted version of her in the desert.

This is all just ideas since I don't want to end up planing to much and getting overwhelmed and leaving it half-way done.

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Unless they're demons in your idea, I wouldn't put her in the factory. That you said she'd be encountered corrupted later says that's not the case.

One idea is go with them being desert protective spirits or undead of a sort, which can be found around old desert structures.

Some ideas for that. The generic encounter being a rare encountered of a generic crumbling ruin, with perhaps a few possible descriptions for variety. You fight one, and can be rewarded with decent gems or a mid tier item. They should be fairly strong for the desert, which is still pretty weak since it's probably the first area you'll wander, but they should also be easy to escape from as they may not stray far from where they guard.

Other locations could be reencountering the burning library after it went out or the ruin from the desert rose event sans scorpion as uniques, as well as doomed camps, caravans, or desert caves containing crypts as generics.

If you really wanted to expand them into prominent characters and stuck with writing, an abandoned coven or deep tunnels forgotten under tel'adre. There could also be a chance in some of this to reencounter that that sphinx that was roped into helping the sand witches.

Ultimately, start small. Pic a generic encounter, and just write an intro, basic combat info, at least one sex scene, and an end scene, and see if you still have the desire to expand.

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A Loli's First Time Masturbating

Getting in touch with your inner child or getting an inner-touch of a child, these are the choices you've had to make, until now.


This was a Christmas gift for a friend, which they got on time; posting here a smidge late.

Special mention to >>370292 who requested a similar thing from me. I guess you can take it as a gift too.

Merry Christmas everybody, I hope it was nice.

First-time masturbation is a cute concept. I remember it like it was 20 years ago. It wasn't, that's just how bad my memory is.

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File: a40e915ca33e434⋯.png (62.59 KB,735x66,245:22,Best color.png)

File: d12d118045b4c6b⋯.png (35.31 KB,478x58,239:29,Invisible fur of hiding.png)

File: fb457cc3c0bb948⋯.png (240.46 KB,738x264,123:44,No bones supporting wicked….png)

I have felling that special characters could use looking at, at least to some degree

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Yeah, a rare "hard for the area" encounter might be good.

You really gave me some good ideas, and like people have said here already, ones I have a working skeleton I can expand on it/her.

But that's a good place to start. Rare encounter in generic ruins + first and repeat encounter + combat + one sex and one loss scene.

That's not to much and should at least be a good starting point so I can post it so everyone can tell me what's wrong with it.

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Uh... what?

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no nerfs are pointless, since it pleases the nerf god.

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Are you missing the text/descriptor errors in the screenshots or something? Because what you're saying is a complete non-sequitor.

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>Your fur is no

I see no problems.

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Small question regarding lust attacks against you, can they ever miss or do they just do low lust damage?

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Haven't played COC in probably two years now. What all am I in for? I assume there's still no character viewer? It seems like discussion is fully centered around waifu questlines whereas I mostly played for the transformation shit.

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Pedomom waifu when?

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>two years now

Look, normally you'd get burnt for not bothering to play the game before asking questions, but

I just want to note to you that February 2018 is when this mod exploded massively. 2 years is literally just before something like 90% of the mod. Check the in-game credits if you want to feel like soaking in a lot of information instead of just playing first.

In fact, 2 years predates even having credits.

We didn't even have loli enemies 2 years ago. Also bear loli still never happened. Demon lolis took over. In a big way.

I won't get mad at you, I liked reflecting just now.

>I mostly played for the TF shit

You'll probably love a TF thing that was added. Have fun

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File: d8702aca5398e0e⋯.png (968.96 KB,819x1093,819:1093,ClipboardImage.png)

Desirous Demon Dandling


Wrote a request elsewhere. It's an addition to the Alice's Get Intimate menu for males who aren't into pissplay.

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Dunno if anyone else is having issues but there seems to be some sort of hang up with bimbo liqueur and transforming jojo into joy, the scene with the thief never seems to happen, and thus you can never turn jojo.

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Joy has been dummied. All her content still exists, but she can only be attained by save editing after people decided the scene was really forced and arbitrary, and that her content just stopped after she was transformed and boosting her intelligence affected nothing.

If you'd like to help, you're welcome to try writing a more organic, believable transformation scene, and it'll likely be reenabled.

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File: ac266ac5d94ca18⋯.jpg (812.65 KB,2893x4092,263:372,ZyGJ2DF.jpg)


Would you guys like to see doggy style, mating press or sideways as the first scene?

I'm probably gonna do all of them eventually, but I'm unsure of which one I'm gonna start with. Since I just want the basic things done first so I can post it and people can tell me what's wrong with it.

Also, 5 pages of text goes by past, I only have the sex scenes left until the basic encounter(s) is done.

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Mating press. Nothing establishes dominance like a surprise pregnancy.

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I meant fast. Why does this keep happening to me?

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>the scene was really forced and arbitrary, and that her content just stopped after she was transformed and boosting her intelligence affected nothing

>try writing a more organic, believable transformation scene, and it'll likely be reenabled

The transformation scene is far from the only problem. You'll also want to rewrite a bit of her dialogue so it's consistent with Jojo's character, rewrite a good chunk of her sex scenes to remove the dick that bimbo liqueur is meant to get rid of, and hopefully go through all of her content and generally bring the quality up a little. The bounty board has more details.

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For those looking to get rid of the Obsidian Vines, if you talk to Rathazul he'll tell you that he needs time but can look for a solution. I don't know if you need him to be moved into your camp for this, but he was for me.

Later on he'll come back and tell you how to get them off.

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addendum to the Obsidian Vines removal, you need to goo transform yourself to the point you sweat goo.

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Is there any goblin content aside from Tamani's two scenes, her horde of daughters, and the Goblin Salon? I crave some shortstack.

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>haven't been here since the shutdown

>all this checkmarks to post

I take everyone fucked off to some bunker that I'm too much of a casual to join

fuck, at least I can follow it through the pastebin

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File: 4219737a781f9fe⋯.png (8.02 KB,1028x136,257:34,pastebin_censor.PNG)


>at least I can follow it through the pastebin

Nope. I just looked.

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Few things, for the pastebins are any backups there?

Anyone going to work on the goblin content?

And anyone know what happened to the TiTs mod?

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>Few things, for the pastebins are any backups there?

Changelog in mega

https://pastebin.com/raw/q38Ccy3n This is the new thread template

>Anyone going to work on the goblin content?

It's open for writers

>And anyone know what happened to the TiTs mod?


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So there's a CoC mod but why is there no TiTS mod? why aren't there any TiTS mods at all?

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>>Not being ultra slut loli until you max out your corruption before finding bog temple and finding optimal lewd little slut armor

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only if you get the patreon goal up to the next tier


ask the tits thread you inbred

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File: fccf69c6d36dc4c⋯.mp4 (812.29 KB,472x480,59:60,sam_hyde_dont_you_feel_sil….mp4)


fuck off we are full

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How do I age back up to an adult? Does the Lolipop have an Opposite?

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