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 No.9862 [Last50 Posts]

The Linux community is going to have to nut up and face the hard facts now.

>Windows is still superior for every day uses

>The Linux community is often stereotyped as the 'neckbeard' kind, because they are

>Little to no talent is entering the freeware and open source scene compared to commercial/corporate field

>Fewer and fewer people are utilizing Linux systems to the maximum potential it offers

Ubuntu has been a mess ever since GNOME 3. Linux Mint is seeing a slowly declining user base, Manjaro was experiencing a rising user base but is beginning to stall, and all the while-

<Microsoft Windows 10 continues to blossom, despite being loaded in malware, adware, and spyware

How can we, the Linux community, begin being seen as professional and knowledgeable computational specialists instead of overweight smelly fat guys with naked anime loli body pillows? C'mon guys, we gotta step up our game here. Linux will eventually fade out otherwise, its a wonder it hasn't already.

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>windows is superior

Good bait anon

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Not even baiting, Windows 10 really is the preferred OS among everyday users. Nobody who buys a laptop out of Walmart gives a shit about Linux, and nobody who shells out a few thousand dollars to build up a PC is going to run Linux on it.

Hard facts here.

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universities should embrace linux more in every subject.

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How so?

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>windows 10 is continuing to blossom

*windows 10 only just surpassed the userbase of windows 7 after microsoft started threatening to cut off security updates and scare people into "upgrading" since even normalfags have been able tto tell 10 is a piece of spyware shit

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an easy way to do so would be having it installed as the OS on most library computers, and have a brief linux training course as part of orientation foe incoming students

congrats, the university has saved thousands of dollars and is under the thumb of one less botnet

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Shut it, nigger. You're just pissed off you can't install Gentoo.

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Classic neckbeard incel retard. You're the very problem that plagues the linux community. You and everybody like you is exactly why nobody will take Linux seriously.

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>the university has saved thousands of dollars

Microsoft pays universities to use Windows

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please, use Windows. The less of your kind polluting the nix userbase the better

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File: 3a8cf2429542fb2⋯.png (346.37 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_2019-04-29-03-1….png)


>nobody who shells out a few thousand dollars to build up a PC is going to run Linux on it.

>Hard facts here.


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File: b76d562a477aa3c⋯.png (456.88 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_2019-04-29-03-1….png)


>Supports up to 2TB total main system memory

Thats alota Edge tabs

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Windows 8.1 with Classic Shell is superior than Windows 10 in every way.

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superior to*

Mild headache and time to sleep. Good night kawaii anons

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I still don't get the Windows 8.1 meme. Why not just use Windows 7? Isn't Windows 8/8.1 just an unfinished Windows 10? It always looked horribly unfinished and inconsistent me.

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Agreed. The drivers are barely supported on Windows 8.1 and apps keep crashing.

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>Why not just use Windows 7

Intel XHCI drivers, native NVME support, UASP support, can disable CSM in UEFI settings.

If I didn't care about any of those things then I'd use Windows XP64, not Windows 7.


>apps keep crashing

If you mean Windows Store Apps, you're either a woman or a nigger. If you mean software applications, PEBCAK. No crashes on my PC.

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>It always looked horribly unfinished and inconsistent me.

Don't know what you mean tbh

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im trying to find a decent systemd-free linux distro that still supports 32bit amd systems so i can resurrect an old dell laptop. This community is a fucking mess of neckbeards that can't bother to put the effort in to be better than windows. It's a shame, the potential is there.

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WattOS still supports 32 bit and soon is coming out with R11, but can upgrade R10 now. Based on Ubuntu so has a great repo of software. Uses LXDE, the best and easiest desktop environment ever.

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File: d66283a0c941d64⋯.jpg (23.55 KB,1366x768,683:384,devuan-no-toy-icy-1366x768.jpg)


>decent systemd-free linux distro that still supports 32bit amd

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Unironically install Gentoo.

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don't forget that your *nix and L* run on ZWindows

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It works better on EFI tablets.

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fluxuan worked out, but are there sites dedicated to community installers for distros like devuan? i vaguely remember finding a certain devuan installer that had basically everything i need on it but i can't find it for the life of me now.

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>The Linux community is going to have to nut up and face the hard facts now.

or what

you could have said that in 1998, or 2004 or 2008 or 2014....and it would have been just as true

do you have any other original and insightful comments about linux such as this one? we have never heard this before, certainly not every min of every day on every board about technology for the last 20+ years and i would like to hear more of your unique thoughts

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she's cute

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>How can we, the Linux community, begin being seen as professional and knowledgeable computational specialists instead of overweight smelly fat guys with naked anime loli body pillows?

those things are not mutually exclusive

What you need is a billion dollar thousand strong paid dev team who will proactively work with big demand services like adobe and video game companies to get linux to work flawless with them. There is no other way. Linux is like guys building custom cars in their basements, they are neat but only work when the guy is motived, you might have built a purple bitchin v8 car with a badass sound system that works but that does not scale. What people want is good reliable cars from a dealership with a service department, they don't want some weird thing that only the guy who made it can fix and only when he is in the mood and who does not care about your use case and making it work for you easily

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>she's cute

for a girl

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>commercial/corporate field


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I'd hold her hand

and teach her to use command line

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File: 64781e88deb5e82⋯.jpeg (36.53 KB,785x490,157:98,babarianna.jpeg)


Thoughts on improving Linux.

We all need to go through our command line history on everything we build and write build scripts for every software we use. Create something like a bitbucket package manager that will git clone packages and install them.

Write a script to unfuck library locations in C++ files like to take $(whereis $library) and replace that within the source code for every #include before building.

Write an install script for every major version of Ubuntu for every software package. Not fucking kidding. All of the common libraries seem to change with every fucking new release and when a software is trying to call a function from a library it doesn't work. Need a way to dynamically get the $path_to_correct_library so the program dosn't just crash and tell you it can't find the library.

Make a graphical front end for all of the scripts that is in a sense a command builder for new Linux users. Use a bunch of check boxes, ComboBoxes, radio buttons or whatever to create the correct string and make a system call with the correct command line syntax. Both as a way of making BASH easier for new users and a way for non-technical users to use the command line effectively without having to search endlessly on search engines.

Create book that discusses common errors from command line applications and what they mean and how to actually read error message look them up and search for them.

Include the manual for the distribution in the ISO and put it right on the /Desktop titled READ_THIS.pdf. Honestly if you read the user manual and the everything makes more sense. But most people don't even know where to start. They don't even know where to get the manual.

Create a recommended reading library and video tutorial series that are completely searchable without using search engines or anything like that.

Start burning Linux CDs and giving them to people along with a booklet on Linux with links to learning resources. This is a big one. The more people who are using Linux the more people will be able to help each other and answer questions for new users.

WEB DESIGN TOOLS. Linux has fuck all for WYSIWYG editors. Linux has fuck all for things like directory submitters or any kind of offsite SEO/Linkbuilding tools.

Create an IDE for Linux that is the equivalent of Visual Studio but will generate GUIs in Tk, GTK, Swing, Qt or whathaveyou but easy like Visual BASIC without having to know a bunch of bullshit like sockets and listeners to get anything done. The end user just clicks on something and it works. That's what sells people on Windows development. It's fucking easy. Everything on Linux is more difficult than it needs to be. Create a platform for creating GUIs.

Make a GUI for everything so people coming over from Windows will have a fucking clue what they are doing.

Make custom command shells with easy mode default commands so entry level users can use them and gain confidence with shell.

Get game developers to support Linux. Build a Linux Gaming community and petition game developers in mass for Linux support. That's the only way muh vidya is coming over from Windows.

Start contacting forum admins/mods and getting them delete spammy posts like "Google it" whenever someone asks a question so when you actually look shit up on Google you don't run into pages that just say "Google it" or some other bullshit and flames.

Stop flaming users for asking questions on forums. It only harms the community. Answer the user's question or DON'T FUCKING POST! Everyone on Linux forums is a fucking asshole to newbs. Stop it! You're not going to create a user base when everybody just cusses new users out for not going to fucking Linux college.


When you realize a single SMART Board costs this much.


What is the alternative to systemd? Going back to a bunch of init scripts?


True and if you are a dev stop saying it works my machine. Start actually installing your shit on a base install of operating system distro/version and make sure you write an install script that will unfuck dependency issues. No dependency goosehunts just software that fucking works!

Also every stop bitching about systemd and get off your ass and start coding something better or just STFU.

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kill yourself and your systemd shilling

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Im using MX linux as my go to after failing to get these chickenshit nvidia drivers going on devuan and devuan derivatives. But the nvidia installer that comes with MX doesnt install the 32bit drivers, could someone point me in the direction of getting this shit working? So far this is the least autistic distro ive encountered but this single flaw is the piss in my cheerios.

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File: 6d813e4355595a4⋯.jpg (3.67 MB,3120x3641,3120:3641,gentoo.jpg)

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File: 6551d98614d7ecb⋯.jpg (1.69 MB,3120x4160,3:4,gentoooooo.jpg)

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kill yourself queer

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File: 14b30e59d439060⋯.jpg (124.79 KB,600x399,200:133,Overwatch_Tracer_600_by_40….jpg)


No, you first.

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OP doesn't remotely know what he's talking about. /thread

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For us it is so. University of Technology.

At least half of students also use Linux for work.

And only 1/10 or less use macbooks.

And I myself haven't touched Windows machine for two months (I play indie games from time to time).

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File: 3ec84f51801de6b⋯.jpg (71.86 KB,643x820,643:820,1468547531073.jpg)

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Just moved from win 10 to linux mint, windows was literally melting my hard drive, despite being fully debloated

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Gay points and wrong, windows had full linux kernel in new version and moving forward Monday of intenet is linux, most dev's use linux

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OP is faggot, fake and gay

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>this anon again.

i can see the cum stains from here. disgusting.lol

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I see a significant issue with mobile users and linux Vs. win 10. Win 10 is going to inherently have better battery life for the normal use-case in like-conditions when comparing to an average user's linux distro. A tuned distro may be equivalent, but out of the box Win 10 will win in the mobile world. My thoughts are that with an increasing number of people going mobile, distros that have the potential to be lightweight and battery-efficient (think chromebook tier specs) could bring down the cost of machines significantly.

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>fully debloated

Windows 10 is bloated as fuck no matter what

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Its true that most linux users or people on This site are sperging nerds with no life.

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>systemd shilling

>doesn't realize that openrc exists

>make everything easy easy for babbies

>one size fits all


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This is more like a recipe for how to ruin Linux. Following these steps would just turn the entire thing into the pajeetzone. I don't care and others should not care if a large amount of people use Linux or not. We're honestly better off staying as a niche and not letting ourselves be overrun by hordes of retards. Not that any of your proposals would even do the thing you want them to. It's more like a recipe for ruining your ruining of Linux while ruining Linux in a different way.

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>>Little to no talent is entering the freeware and open source scene compared to commercial/corporate field

Hahahahaha. Like the circus featured on DailyWTF?

And most of that happened before affirmative action gone full batpoo. Unless you consider being a loyal token "talent", things gone worse in this regard.

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Just get a mac. Best of both worlds.

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>Best of both worlds.

only if you're gay

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Why do people hate systemd so much? I don't get it

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because it's a piece of shit and you don't get it because you're a faggot

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wow I hate properly designed and functional software now

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>properly designed and functional software

Idiot nigger

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Linux neckbeards have the problem of wanting to evangelize Linux while getting butthurt at people who don't want to have to worry about software incompatibilities, dicking around with command lines, or troubleshooting problems constantly. Windows 10 sucks, but it's obvious why so many people are still using it.

At the same time, it's going to be hard to attract users away from and compete with a company worth billions of dollars whose operating systems have essentially become the default.

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Because it's too monolithic and goes against UNIX principles. It's adequate as an init system, which it was originally intended to replace, but the issue is it tries to do everything at once and become a dependency for anything. It's very anti-choice.

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>Create an IDE for Linux that is the equivalent of Visual Studio but will generate GUIs in Tk, GTK, Swing, Qt or whathaveyou but easy like Visual BASIC without having to know a bunch of bullshit like sockets and listeners to get anything done. The end user just clicks on something and it works. That's what sells people on Windows development. It's fucking easy. Everything on Linux is more difficult than it needs to be. Create a platform for creating GUIs.

Qt Creator is that IDE. It's pretty great, far better than any of the shit Microsoft put out, along with being cross platform. You can use it to develop non-Qt software just fine too, if you have a different framework of choice or don't need a GUI for your thing.

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>>Windows is still superior for every day uses

Stopped reading there.

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>Because it's too monolithic and goes against UNIX principles.

I don't like that aspect of it either. But aside from the philosophical argument, in and of itself, systemd actually works fairly well. I've had little problem making it do what I want it to do.

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Truthfully, my biggest problem with it has been trying to look up how to do something for my distro of choice, and nothing's working because they all decided to switch to systemd and all the posts are from two decades ago. Once I realised a lot of the things I may want to do are now systemd specific, everything clicked a lot better.

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Who cares about "everyday users" anyway? What's important to me is that my setup works and that I don't have to change my workflow because of changes that were made to the software I use for my work environment. Of course Linux has many problems, but being user-friendly or appealing to mainstream users should not be its intention.

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Sounds like you can't handle the truth.

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But he's right.

t. User of Linux for every day stuff.

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There is no saving Linux. No going back. It's pozzed by megacorp globohomo.

Time to switch to OpenBSD.

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>when Devuan fucks with their own project as an "april fool's joke"

>the actual devs who did it won't fess up and admit it

>so we are left with a claim that it's all a joke even though it could have been a hack or deliberate poisoning of the project

I uninstalled that trash OS as soon as their "prank" surfaced.

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fuck off wintard, I don't care about muh average users and unlike you I'm not an insecure niggerfaggot who cares what people think about something so trivial as the software I use. Fuck off and take your M$ brand ambassador shilling back to reddit/4chan.




>cant use a search engine

>calls people writing the software he supposedly wants to use lazy

lmao do you even realize how retarded you are?


no thanks keep your capitalist bullshit out of GNU/Linux nigger.


go back to reddit


hey jesus


then why are you here



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Anybody can give money to OpenBSD. But MS doesn't sit on the board like they do with Linux as a Platinum Level Linux Foundation Member. Platinum Level Linux Foundation Members include, MS, Google, Huawei, Intel, IBM, and even Apple.

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It's worse than Windows at using software people actually want to use.

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<software people actually want to use.

>implying there isn't enough shit three times more what people actually need every day

>inb4 muh photoshop to crop images

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You can't fix Linux. You need to fix the userbase, as evidenced by this thread (see: "muh linux is literally perfect it's everyone else that's wrong"). Or to be more specific, tell most of it's userbase to fuck off and be autistic retards about something less important.

If you want people to take Linux seriously as a consumer OS to replace Windows once and for all, then you need to start treating it as such. As soon as the user needs to open a terminal to do something basic correctly, then you've already failed. Let's start with that and not even talk about anything else yet.

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>muh linux is literally perfect it's everyone else that's wrong

who are you quoting?

>As soon as the user needs to open a terminal to do something basic correctly, then you've already failed.

so, windows failed?

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Keep this up and 2020 will surely be the year of linux on desktop, lusers will surely recognize the superiority of FOSS when you will tell them they can't use their favourite software on GNU/Linux.

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>Windows is still superior for every day uses

Unsubstantiated claim. Provide facts or fuck off.

>The Linux community is often stereotyped as the 'neckbeard' kind, because they are

Not my experience and, without data, you cannot substantiate that claim. My personal experience is actually the opposite of this.

>Little to no talent is entering the freeware and open source scene compared to commercial/corporate field

You realize that freeware is not associated with FOSS, right? Also, unsubstantiated.

>Fewer and fewer people are utilizing Linux systems to the maximum potential it offers

Again, unsubstantiated. Also, fewer people using Linux to its fullest potential seems to me to just be a side effect of increasing popularity.

In short, when you make a claim like this, provide numbers. You can't just make blatant, empty assertions and expect to convince anyone who isn't a mindless slug.

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<make stupid claim

>point out how retarded that claim is


I'd say fuck off back to reddit but even those tards have figured out by now that normalfags needs only need a browser, basic shit to write something, maybe something to play music or video - if they don't do that shit on their phones or tablets already.

>inb4 muh games

>inb4 muh business software

this isn't /v/ and companies have completely different prerequisites, if they want you to use linux you gonna do that like the wageslave you are

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<implying there isn't enough shit three times more what people actually need every day

>implying there is

Most people don't see the sense in switching to inferior alternatives of programs they're already using just because it's "free software." You're probably not going to have much luck convincing someone who makes music to give up FL Studio or Ableton Live and switch to LMMS or someone who does a lot of heavy-duty video editing to use OpenShot or Kdenlive instead of Premiere.

On the other hand, if your grandma just wants something to browse Faceberg with then Linux can work just fine.

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>Most people don't see the sense in switching to inferior alternatives of programs they're already using just because it's "free software."

most people are retarded and have no fucking clue what half that shit even means

>You're probably not going to have much luck convincing someone who makes music to give up FL Studio or Ableton Live and switch to LMMS or someone who does a lot of heavy-duty video editing to use OpenShot or Kdenlive instead of Premiere.

those aren't "most people" and you use whatever you need to make money. even a mac.

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>If you want people to take Linux seriously as a consumer OS to replace Windows once and for all

Why do people care about this?

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Windowsfags care because they want out of the M$ ride before things stop working in Windows 7 (or because they were already cursed with 10).

Linuxfags care because they're butthurt that Windows has 90% market share vs Linux's 2%. (or 97% vs 0.7% in Steam)

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File: f13495cf60347ef⋯.gif (39.54 KB,588x588,1:1,1686.gif)

The Linux community is going to have to nut in my face and face the hard facts now.

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WTF is Windows and why does Linux want to copy it?

Yeah, nothing I want more than dialog hell, only worse because it's a copy if a shitty UI.

Just more proof not enough people read The Unix Haters Handbook

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>those aren't "most people" and you use whatever you need to make money. even a mac.

There a decent amount of people who use those kinds of programs in their everyday computer usage, and it doesn't make much sense to use more than one OS if they wouldn't get much benefit from adding another one to their life.

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>Start burning Linux CDs

That must be some pretty old pasta, people rarely use optical media anymore. And even if you do, most distros require a DVD now.

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I tried installing Linux on a laptop I got given on Wednesday.

It bricked it.

You know what doesn't brick laptops? Windows.

Windows > Linux

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And then everyone clapped.

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Have you tried RTFM and not being an absolute genetic dead end?

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>use the desktop installer on the liveusb

>it wipes the BIOS

>"Totally your fault anon."

Really gets the old neurons firing.

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>An installer wiping the bios or anything even close to it

I'm sorry if I don't believe something when I hear it for the first time and it sounds outlandish.

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Well, I ran the Xubuntu installer via the Live version, it installed fine.

Told me to reboot, which I did, then... that was it.

Now I can't boot anything. Hard drive, any further live USBs. I can't even access the BIOS.

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Some linux distributions not letting you access the bios on some motherboards unless you follow hardware specific instructions is not unheard of, but I've never heard of straight up not even booting to an OS.

No idea if that was an unlucky dice roll or if you bunged something up.

Also reddit spacing yadda yadda

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>Windows is still superior for every day uses

Debian runs faster and smoother than windows 7, 8.1 or 10 on every machine I've tested them on, if you're using gnome then yeah windows probably runs better, try something else though and it's way smoother

>The Linux community is often stereotyped as the 'neckbeard' kind, because they are

Irrelevant unless you are some unkempt basement dwelling neet yourself trying to market Linux based OSs to people

>Little to no talent is entering the freeware and open source scene compared to commercial/corporate field

This is pretty hard to quantify and also doesn't matter until we start seeing a significant decline in the end product, 1 or 2 distros being shit doesn't really matter (mint/ubuntu have been shit for like a decade)

>Fewer and fewer people are utilizing Linux systems to the maximum potential it offers

ok most windows users don't use their system to it's "full potential" either, most consumers need a computer for very basic bitch shit I don't see how that's even relevant at all

> Linux will eventually fade out otherwise, its a wonder it hasn't already.

Devs have made it clear mass adoption of their Desktop OSs is not the end goal of the projects, this is mostly a meme hence why liunux exists with a tiny market share of desktop adoption

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>Devs have made it clear mass adoption of their Desktop OSs is not the end goal of the projects, this is mostly a meme

Some people are so adamant about it I don't think they are memeing. Basically, as long as linux has enough users and developers to sustain itself and progress tech wise I'm fine.

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It's overreaching and trying to replace things that don't need to be replaced and causing this like artificial need for itself in the ecosystem because of all these forced dependencies on itself. A lot of devs are starting to realize this and opting out

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Yesterday PM I completed a clean install of LMDE 4 over LMDE 3 on my daily driver. Jealous you are, yes?

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Oh, that's a systemd thing. Install OpenBSD

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Quite often while reading books, I make notes which then help me to better master the material, as well as help to write quality research on a book. On the site https://edubirdie.com/citation/cse/ I recently found CSE Citation Generator which helps me to design citations correctly in my works.

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There is no way to make it better than windows (desktop wise).

There can be a distro that is better at security. Another one that is better at... well, linux sucks in everything else really.

And the reason why linux can't win windows is missing center of power. Community can't do shit. It's not a center. We as a community can't agree on basic stuff like package management and gui libs.

Moreover we can't just say our package manager/gui is better. We say other ones are shit.

How am I suppose to choose a distro if community can't even recommend me one. There is always "don't use <distro> because there is better <distro2>" and "<distro2> is overrated better use <distro3>" and "<distro3>??? are you kidding?? For newcomers <distro> is better obviously".

Why am I, as let's say nvidia, will try to do anything for you if I don't even know if you're gonna be on X or wayland or some-other-shitland.

Plus, how the community, full of elitists, who thinks their precious linux is awesome and perfect, can even improve something ha? I do understand that not all every person in the community is elitist but huge amount of them are.

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>>Windows is still superior for every day uses

windows system performance are garbage.

windows development environment is over complex outcome of complete retardatio$

>>Little to no talent is entering the freeware and open source scene compared t$

literally every current opensource implementation is better at any aspect and t$

>>Fewer and fewer people are utilizing Linux systems to the maximum potential i$

$ can use it

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join pls

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You are comparing a not-new high maintenance yacht to a bunch of leaky house boats. The windows are floor to ceiling.

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