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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

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7ca731 No.150875

Well that I always have been scrawny as fuck, when I was a kid I get bullied for that and now I'm still look underage. Where do I start? And I have no money so I can't join any sports.

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7ca731 No.150876


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102b2a No.150914


Start in the kitchen.

Eat according to the first post in the sticky.

Find your TDEE (Total Daily Energy [calorie] Expenditure). There are dozens of TDEE calculators online, so use 3-5 and average it out.

Take that number and add 500 calories.

So you don't just go from auschwitz to skinnyfat, LIFT also according to the sticky.

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03f6aa No.151386

I'm sorry to hear about your past experiences with bullying. Building a healthy lifestyle can start with small steps: try bodyweight exercises at home, follow free workout videos online, and focus on a balanced diet with nutrient-rich foods. Instead of energy pills, prioritize your well-being and consider free outdoor activities like walking, jogging, or cycling. Also consider about taking some good supplements like a fish oil or another one. Here u can buy it https://www.canadapharmacy.com/. Seek support from friends or family, and remember, being healthy is more important than conforming to any specific body image.

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da1f1d No.151387

You can exercise at home and eat the right food

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