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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

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bb928b No.150625

GPT-3 is a new advancement in language generation and machine learning which was opened to the public by OpenAI earlier this year.

this new AI system has a fitness frontend that can be publically accessed here:


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0313d3 No.150766

i prefer fitness more

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0313d3 No.150767

My friend suggests me to find more info about coolsculpting procedure and will make it after to do it. I heard some reviews about coolsculpting in Mississauga https://totimes.ca/coolsculpting-the-science-behind-fat-freezing/ from customers. CoolSculpting allows for the elimination of excessive fat in particular locations of the body, without the need for anesthesia or lengthy downtime. This procedure will help to get rid of fats.

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