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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

You're gonna make it.

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File: 705d8e9b9a25a7c⋯.png (209.43 KB,261x531,29:59,e1.PNG)

5e9e9d No.150620

This is why I lift.

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52602c No.150621

File: f55f9fe857936b2⋯.jpg (70.45 KB,750x742,375:371,5b91a76.jpg)

I lift so can look good.

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b84cd8 No.150624

File: 178a954dbabe0c7⋯.jpg (19.75 KB,400x400,1:1,criviet.jpg)


doing all that shit for just looking good isn't ideal fam; you doing all that shit for your own profit and your goals ,not to fool everyone around you by creating more muscular illusion of yourself.

And if you choose that wrong way you dont just fool'd fags around ya you foold yourlsef first.

So beware and do everything for yourself.

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3058c3 No.150640

You should get her to lift with you so her pic would have been worth posting.

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39e976 No.150655


>This is a 10 in bongistan


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021d6b No.150676


Stop brother wars

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859877 No.150859

File: 1bd2831efb38cb3⋯.jpg (17.37 KB,480x360,4:3,picrel.jpg)


>doing all that shit for just looking good isn't ideal fam; you doing all that shit for your own profit and your goals ,not to fool everyone around you by creating more muscular illusion of yourself.

>And if you choose that wrong way you dont just fool'd fags around ya you foold yourlsef first.

>So beware and do everything for yourself.

Imagine being so desperate as to give advice to someone who's already made it.

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