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You're gonna make it.

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08224f No.150615

If you don't lift for a purpose which transcends yourself you will never truly make it. It will only lead to the delusion of self aggrandizement coupled with the failure of never breathing life into something so that it may live on after you. For every man has two deaths. The first being when his spirit passes on, and the second when no one remembers his name.

To live in the moment is what it means to be alive yet it is the most destructive power we allow ourselves to wield. Usually without preparation. Lifting is not a means to an end but rather to the doorway which grants opportunity. Do you step through, and continue onwards to glory or become stagnant thinking all that has been done is all that there is? Do you unlock the door for which you hold the key?

To throw away the gifts you have bestowed upon yourself for the epicurean indulgence of today or for the fear of further success is one of the greatest self induced tragedies as mans greatest burden is unfulfilled potential. Done either consciously or unconsciously but more consciously than we'd like to admit.

With your new goals created be lucid of their scope. For when you reach your goal you are on the top of the mountain you yourself created, with no where left to go but down. Some individuals are blessed with the ability to create a new, higher peak to the one they just reached however those people are rare, and it would be foolish to count yourself as one of them. Rather it is best to create a mountain whereby you cannot climb it in your lifetime. Climbing for eternity is preferable to a death before death.

This may not be what you want to hear but need to.

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d433d6 No.150617

I lift for pussy. I know that after my children die no one will know my name, and I'm ok with that. Very few people are remembered even 100 years past their death.

Stop taking yourself so seriously.

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08224f No.150622


>Stop taking yourself so seriously.

I hate how anything short of ironic detachment is considered weird/unhealthy these days

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962660 No.150626


OP, I fully agree with the first poster in that I think you're delusional. Do you really think there aren't hardworking people in history who died and were forgotten by the history books and forgotten by their great granchildren and beyond?

I can respect the notion that one should lift weights for something beyond merely fornicating with women but pursuing glory will most likely fail as you can't really guarantee that those who glorify you today, if any do, will glorify you in the future. Take a moment to consider all of the entertainers like comedians and musicians who were in the limelight and are now in the past. I think it's much more reasonable to lift simply to maximise your health so it doesn't deteriorate whilst you pursue your hobbies, so you can better enjoy your hobbies and also to avoid the fate of being an old person in a retirement home. There's plenty of families that just dump their old parents in a retirement home or at a hospital door (see: "granny dumping") so that dream scenario of the children and grandchildren all gathered around the ailing, dying grandparent whilst he passes into the next life is going to always merely be a work of fiction for the majority of people in the West. It'd be much wiser to, anticipating the undesirable burden you'll impose, maintain a diet and exercise regimen and maintain it into old age.

You'll also set a good example for your children as they learn your lesson about trying to stay out of the retirement home because there's no guarantee that their children will care for you in old age and they'll do the same. I think this is a practise the Non-Christian family should adopt.

In a nutshell, I agree with you that one should set themself a great goal to work towards so that they're always working on something but one shouldn't strive for nor expect glory. If you become glorious, it should be like Elon Musk where your glory is simply because you're pursuing your, albeit greatly expensive in Elon's case, hobbies.

Pursue the unlocking of your potential. If you're so good at your hobbies that you become renown for it, that's great but I think the most critical thing is to always be comfortable with being forgotten and to ultimately, expect to be forgotten. If you wanted to know your life's meaning, you shouldn't have rejected God from the very beginning.

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cc5da6 No.150658


Your first death is the only one that matters; it's not like you'll be there to see yourself be remembered. And both are inevitable anyway.

It all sounds nice and glorious or whatever, but it's simply taking yourself too seriously, and prioritizing things you'll never achieve is just self-defeating.

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d402a7 No.150663

Once you get bigger than Brad Pitt in Fight Club, you're lifting for yourself (or other dudes). Girls want you to be V-shaped with broad shoulders/chest and narrow waist, but guys when surveyed want to be about 25-30 lbs more jacked than girls consider ideal.

That's not a bad thing, they'll still like your abs or biceps, it just has diminishing returns to your general attractiveness once you've met the V-shape that they instinctually look for as a sign of masculine health.

So lift because it makes you feel invincible, gives you energy, and gives you a better chance of surviving attacks. The ferals you're most likely to encounter attack in packs and sucker punch from behind, so be able to toss them around like rag dolls.

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5a2d75 No.150684


I lift so I can defend my family my spouse and myself

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464e19 No.150753

i lift because i enjoy weightlifting and have nothing else to do

lifting for a higher purpose is meaningless because there is no higher purpose out there, stop defining your life based on others

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