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File: 36d7fe322ff84d6⋯.jpeg (58.27 KB,960x720,4:3,D0A5AC91-50F3-4A96-BA69-7….jpeg)

c67ff0 No.150240

How to improve reaction speed for esports? Willing to spend tens of thousands for this, just want a reaction time below 150ms (current 200ms or so)

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62ca8c No.150242

Your nervous system, ironically, holds back your potential reaction time and reflex. It's better to kill yourself and do away with your body entirely.

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eea107 No.150244


Train your muscles for speed, train your mind for speed. No money needed.

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4f892c No.150246

File: b1d6df369b2a135⋯.jpg (55.71 KB,516x689,516:689,Knows what he's smugging a….jpg)

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e09829 No.150249

File: 675df9665358c26⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,1280x720,16:9,emu-war-6.jpg)


I have a recipe for m as msking your reaction time super fast. Just Venmo me the thousands and I will share with you my secrets.

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c62734 No.150293


Have you tried modafinil?

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da6493 No.150300

Put your spirit into it. You have to build in shit into the fingers/hands and feedback loops between hands to spine or hands to elbow even. The reaction that moves the hand away if you touch something hot doesn't require the brain or possibly even the spine to perform. It's near-instantaneous. Just put your spirit and will into it.


Ironically correct and good insight? Don't rely on your nervous system for reaction time. You have to develop a mind-body or soul-body connection. It's like a sense of 'inspiration' that you perform something beyond the 150 ms level, because you can't rely on the nervous system brain to hand infrastructure to do it. So the flesh perhaps gets a sense of 'inspiration' as the soul interfaces directly with it, like a spiritual experience.

I think this anon gave some good info but couldn't help but make the joke as well.

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1fed45 No.150315


for gamers that cant get too a gym you could try progressive overload with calisthenics (theres a good infographic in the sticky)

good nutrition like a variety of veggies with every meal can be VITAL for your senses. the first time I started eating triple green veggies (spinach, green beans, peas) music became better and overall i was more focused and could kind of sift through all of the deception

meditation can be good for gaming

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c66ea3 No.150585


>pic related

I used to laugh my ass off at his videos back in 2012 but ever since he began showing his face he became such an unfunny, pretentious faggot

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01fe60 No.150885

Play Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Ultra Street Fighter 4 online. You'll learn reaction times pretty quickly.

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