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File: 48a57a4ebd836f4⋯.jpg (103.05 KB,1200x900,4:3,get-rid-of-an-overactive-b….jpg)

ea297d No.150188

I've been pissing like an 80 year old man with prostate cancer for over a decade and no doctor has ever been able to figure out why. It's impossible to empty my bladder completely and I have to pee like 20 times a day or more.

I know for a fact that there's no blockage because a doctor stuck a scope down my dick and into my bladder and said everything was normal. After that he threw every drug under the sun at me, including Cialis, and none of them worked. Then he said the next thing we could "try" was implanting some crazy electronic device inside of my body that was so large you might be able to see it through my skin.

At that point I stopped seeing doctors because they are clearly just guessing. This leaves me with no hope beyond random anons on the internet, so here I am hoping one of you might have experienced a similar problem and found a solution.

plz halp

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c30425 No.150190

File: 5b31ad58a6e2b9e⋯.png (27.24 KB,261x194,261:194,1572495659185.png)

You're probably pre-diabetic. That or you don't get enough salt in your diet so your body has to expel the water since it can't store it. Try chugging like a two liters of green tea over the course of 8 hours on a day off and post results, anon. Also consider that the bladder can only hold about 16-24 ounces of urine and you get the urge to piss around 4-6 ounces. It could be you have a naturally small bladder in the first place. You can "fix" this by drinking copious amounts of fluids and holding in your piss as long as you can manage because the bladder, like the stomach, is an elastic organ and you can change its size with practice, but keep in mind that you can also get water poisoning or mineral deficiencies by doing so if you aren't careful.

t. Has to piss generally about every 30 minutes for every 8oz of fluid drank.

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68b29c No.150194


Thanks anon, i will try this.

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731bdb No.150199


>It's impossible to empty my bladder completely

Same, i'm getting scared now

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0bbefd No.150200


Have you done Kegel exercises?

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835d28 No.150253

Alfuzosin has really been of a great benefit for me. Sleeping through the night, and the constant urge to urinate is gone. Plus, cheaper than Flomax, though in the same class of drugs (alpha-blocker).

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