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15f57e No.150043

What's with you pussies and your sugary supplements like Super Duper Double Chocolate Sundae Crunch Fudge Blast whey protein powder? Grow a pecker and a couple nuts, pansies, and step up to unflavored, whey protein isolate. Master race reporting in.

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2806ab No.150044

your actually a slave for drinking that toxic sludge you brainwashed idiot xD

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197ddb No.150230


Seems like the whey powder industry is founded on the notion that protein is more important for muscle building than fat and sugar. Too bad all the empirical evidence weights against this.

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fb6617 No.150231

People like you are so fucking annoying. Hurr you guys use shaving cream? Try shaving with cold water and a rusty broadsword, fag!

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1122d3 No.150233


>rusty broadsword

Wow what a colossal faggot you are. Stop fucking around and use the edge of time to shave you mega pussy.

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