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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

You're gonna make it.

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File: dfbb1980fe361a9⋯.jpg (40.69 KB,700x290,70:29,methbrains_8_19.jpg)

12147d No.150033

anybody else quit drugs and or alcohol?

i quit a year meth habit, been sober for more than 3 months and exercise is really the only thing that makes me feel normal.

without exercise i feel awful. I don't want accomplish anything if i don't exercise.

sometimes I get insomnia, it truly is terrible sometimes, I just lay there with my eyes closed for hours on end. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I get memories of trauma if I'm bored.

i regret smoking.meth….

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ba4a2c No.150038

File: b5d4a8ff32f12a9⋯.png (186.99 KB,750x918,125:153,image0-20.png)

Same with my cronic porn addiction. Working out is the only thing that makes me feel happy

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