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File: 24354ded13e86d8⋯.png (8.57 KB,237x213,79:71,images.png)

f75259 No.150018

Hi /fit. Can I skip leg day if I run regularly? About 4 times per week

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dea159 No.150019


If you only run you're gonna have runner legs. If you run and train upper body only, your upper body will catch up and then become more muscular than your legs. You'll look like a retard but that's what 50% of gym goers do.

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de7413 No.150121

Bro just do legs 2 days a week with 2 day rest in between

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0ecdac No.150122


I don't think it's that bad, olympic sprinters look good

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59c68c No.150132


Unacceptable. You can do variety shit, not just back squat, but you must do them.

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398640 No.150134

File: a033633fd3f4dc4⋯.jpg (64.29 KB,600x800,3:4,572474636767235.jpg)


If you like to play Jenga with your body you can.

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19899e No.150316


yea but if you read lore of running and encyclopedia of bodybuilding by arnold you would see that by training legs it would only make your runs that much better

bruce jenner said that he could run faster by doing squats and calf raise. distance runners look like shit.

it should be all about increasing testosterone

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5e7965 No.150325


>distance runners look like shit.

Hence why i mentioned olympic sprinters instead

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7f1e7a No.150327


Ehh, yes and no. Lifting hasn't helped me much with distance running, and vice versa, but it has helped quite a lot with sprints. Especially, if you run sprints in the hills.


Running more than 5k in a run, will strain your muscles more in endurance way, and if your main goal is gains, not cardiac health, then don't run long distances. For me, I have observed, if I increase my running distance, up to 10k in a run, I do worse in squats, but I can do more split squats and other stuff. What works the best for me, is variety in my leg workout. Currently, I run sprints once a week, and 2 times a week I jog. I have 2 leg days in the gym, and in those I do Bulgarian split squats, pistol squats, hip extensions, glute-ham raises, leg raises, skip with skipping rope, jump on stuff, do static squats, do some resistance training with leg extensions, using resistance bands and balance platforms, do reverse cycling, on a mechanical bike, and do front squats, and my legs feel amazing. Last week did 30km hike in couple of hours, with 0 prep, and had no problems at all.

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396928 No.150335

File: 6b6b26b64655c0c⋯.png (1.93 MB,1920x1080,16:9,405 Squat Parallel.png)


Absolutely not. I made that mistake in the past. Here's what happened.

I had a 405 squat at this time, and I was getting tired of leg day, since it took me so long, about 1.5 to 2 hours, since I'm training for strength. Cardio workouts don't take so long, so I tried doing 20 minutes of high intensity cardio on the eliptical on the highest resistance option, since I thought that would be the best for strenght. I would do that for two months. I tried doing squats one day to see where my progress went, and I couldn't even squat 335, so the most weight I could workout with was 315. It felt absolutely horrible, and I'm still recovering from it four months later. I might check if I can do 405 again today, but I'm not certain if I'll succeed. This really sucks, because I hit 405 all the way back in August, and had I not made that stupid mistake with cardio for two months, I would probably be squatting somewhere between 465 and 485 by now.

Here's a video of my 405 squat back in August.


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9c2eef No.150344


Your physiological specializations generalized or dual spec'd. It's better to be good at multiple things with a very very solid specialization. I'd do what the anon above you does if you're going for top applicability of strength and fitness – if you're going for strength, I'd still do split squats, jump or box squats, front squats and sprints. There's really no reason not to do them. I have to wonder at the biological adaptations required to improve back squat but do poorly in running, sprinting, split squats and jump squats.

Your 'base' just doesn't seem strong. You're overly specialized. You might be able to succeed by focusing on your specialization, but at what cost? Maybe there's some adaptation that occurs at 500+ lbs that removes the drawbacks and lets you train in other ways and it improves your specialization of the back squat or at least doesn't hinder it – but I don't know. How's your squat stamina? Can you do 20 reps of 50% of your max? How about 60%? Can you do 20 reps of 225 lbs? High strength specialists tend to have low capillary count in their muscles; lower than untrained individuals even. Perhaps the biking added capillaries that tend to burst when you lift heavy and your body is throttling itself so you don't get a blood clot that goes to the brain and kills you?

If that is the case, I recommend strengthening these capillaries to prevent their bursting. How? I'd say, higher volume squats and a variety of high intensity exercises. As well: wear a weight vest when walking about, or go for a hike with a pack/weight vest of 60 - 100 lbs and they will definitely strengthen. Plyometrics such as box jumps should help the most in the least time. Cholesterol repairs arterial walls, so eat plenty of eggs.

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396928 No.150348


Training for endurance will compromise your strength, and training for strength will compromise your endurance to an extent, but the more muscle you have, the more endurance you ultimately have, even if you don't train for endurance. Cardio is a known-killer of muscle. Low intensity steady state, or LISS cardio, is the only thing you should do for losing fat, since anything close to high intensity will just begin to tear down your muscle.

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94a568 No.150389

No. Cardio is a lie for muscle and strength gains. Cardio is aerobic, weight lifting is anaerobic.

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8048b7 No.150390



Ignore these retards. Low effort posts trying to counter high effort posts. Address what they're saying if you're going to contradict them.

Fucking 0 effort from the latter. Jesus fuckin christ.

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