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File: a87aef42bc22e08⋯.png (126.28 KB,472x456,59:57,green elephant profile.png)

340bfa No.150016

just recently I started lifting in my home to try and do something productive for a change. the only equipment I have right now is a pretty decent set of dumbbells and a bench.

I formed up some loose and highly unorganized routine which I stuck to for around 2 weeks before i wanted to make something better. I have around no experience with making routines whatsoever so I just strung in a bunch of random workouts for muscle groups on certain days. I stuck with the new routine for around 2 weeks until I realized how fucking retarded it was, for example I had an arm day with 4 workouts for my biceps and 3 for my triceps, and for each exercise I did 3 sets and sometimes added an extra set if I felt I didn't do enough. I did not have any specific rep count either so I went off a generalization of getting somewhere in the range of 6 - 12, but my main goal for every set was to reach failure. I had 4 workout days per week in my routine and each day took me about 2 hours to complete. as for any progress I did not really notice many changes, however I feel like my traps did get slightly bigger and my arms possible got very slightly bigger as well. at the very least I did get better at proper form in workouts.

right now I am looking for a dumbbell only routine to stick to and I haven't found much. Its been around 4 days since ive worked out and im asking for any worthwhile help or advice, especially a routine since im absolute dog shit at making them myself

yes i have read the sticky

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74bebb No.150021

File: b0cd79abfad0762⋯.jpg (38.55 KB,270x405,2:3,s-l1000.jpg)

Day 1 Upper body/torso

Day 2 Legs/torso

Day 3 Upper body/torso

Day 4 Legs/torso

Day 5 Rest/Cardio/Stretch

Upper body regimen all 3×8 to start

Brent over rows

Overhead press

Upright rows

Bench press

DB curls.

Skull Crusher

Plank (Start at 30 seconds and progress as well as you feel)

Rest a few minutes

Leg day 3×8 to start


One Legged Deadlift

Goblet Squat

Romanian Deadlift

Front Squat

Calf Raises

Standing side crunch


Here are some images that should help

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340bfa No.150023


thanks for giving me a proper routine

ive also got another question, when completing sets should I never go for failure and only go up to 1 - 2 reps away from failure, or are there certain times when going to failure is acceptable such as completing the last set.

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74bebb No.150061


That's up to the individual's taste. I'll only attempt muscle failure when I decide to do an extra set with added weight on the second day of each workout group.

Ex. Thursday was day four and it felt right to add to the bench press. 10 lbs added plus an additional set of 6 reps. At the end of the fourth day of the next cycle if I feel like I'll do the same for my squat our deadlift, whichever feels best.

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