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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

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1cc0b9 No.149964

Reminder, if you're not doing weight training + calisthenics, you're not training at all.

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71f930 No.149965


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10eaa3 No.149972


because weight training gives you brute strength

and calisthenics give you body control + flexibility

OP should've added stretching + running (or other forms of cardio)

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58fc52 No.149994


Fuck off pajeet

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e09962 No.150092


This litterally can't be the same person, the neck getting bigger is understandable since it's a muscle but the jaw and skull got bigger as well which makes no sense

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8bf94e No.150099


They're he same person, look at the nose, as for the rest it's probably angle and camera, though i wouldn't discount the possibility of hormones changing the face a bit

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8e0aef No.150131


Bullshit. If it can grow once… it can grow again.

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