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File: 97b6ac56387c1f5⋯.jpeg (134.96 KB,1124x596,281:149,Body-fat-Percentage.jpeg)

5a0b26 No.149730

Is it possible to reach a bodyfat percentage of around 7% by incorporating a lot more cardio/energy-burning exercises into my routine? What does a sub-10% bodyfat diet look like?

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71d20c No.149739


I don't see why that shouldn't be possible, but I also don't see why you would be thinking about that unless you were close to the 7% mark. Those are extreme levels, fitness models and bodybuilders have them but I am not aware of any martial artist or powerlifter who looks that chiseled. So my guess is that you reach it with a diet that's hardly sustainable, perhaps with extreme fasting when your bodyfat is already at a low baseline.

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71d20c No.149740

File: 24514387acfa7c0⋯.jpg (52.34 KB,522x604,261:302,Bruce Lee.jpg)


>inb4 Bruce Lee

He was an actor, not a competing fighter. Had he competed in the UFC or so, I don't think he'd have maintained his physique. Furthermore, he also saw himself as a bodybuilder, from what I know.

>inb4 that's not Bruce Lee

That's some chinaman, like anyone can tell the difference.

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4c91ee No.149750


I dropped from 17% down to 14% in 6 weeks by eating less than normal. Far easier than adding cardio to my workouts. I'm going to continue this until I'm about 9-10% to see what I look like. You're not going to gain much muscle mass (if any) doing this. I sure haven't.

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1a463f No.149751


Reaching 10% bodyfat just with your diet is hard to achieve, you’re gonna have to start doing cardio if you want to drop that far

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4c91ee No.149752


If my understanding of nutrition is correct, I'll eventually get there by diet alone but it's going to take longer the lower my composition gets. I might end up adding cardio if I get frustrated by the slow down. I hope this isn't the case. Getting on the StairMaster after just doing squats makes me want to end myself.

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21810b No.149820

File: 87444acaccddb7d⋯.png (1.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

>wanting to lose body fat

Why? Embrace the strongfat.

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ea9a9d No.149825


Not healthy. Watch "Born Strong", top strongman competers are aware of that and so should you.

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1a038d No.149841

-500 kcal deficit, intermittent fasting, carb cycling. The sticky would have told you all this.

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286d12 No.149843


Just from monitoring my own experience and bf% over a decade, if you can't get near 7-8% just by eating normally (without calorie restriction) and doing exercise 3 times a week then you are doing something unhealthy that could easily be improved. Your exercise might not be intense enough, you might be too idle during the rest of the day or your diet might have stuff you are better off not consuming. I say that because if your house is in order, the changes to your body will be effortless, dropping by 1% per month. Figuring out your lifestyle variables is going to require experimentation and research on your part, there isn't a formula.

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