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82a8f6 No.149668

I've been attempting to eat better while I have been going to the gym over the last few months. However, is there any way to overcome cravings for sugars or other confectioneries that are bad for you? Everytime I'm done my gym workout or eating well for a day or two, I get this huge urge to devour a sack of cookies. Is there any secrets to avoid such issues?

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f2a21d No.149669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Get on the path brother carbs are bad news

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f2a21d No.149670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sugar is poison and an addictive drug too

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82a8f6 No.149671



So…. just willpower through it then? Huh, okay.

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a84867 No.149672


Do you feel hungry or is it craving? If hungry, eat something better, if craving for sugar, drink a glass of juice.

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9ed6ee No.149679


I've found sugar makes me crave more sugar. It's a vicious cycle. As hard as it is t first, cutting sugar out entirely works better for me than trying to ration it.

Also, do eat to satiety from time to time. If you're craving sugar post-workout it's probably just your body telling you it's hungry in the way it's used to.

Satiety likely means more protein and fat. You don't have to go full keto, but be aware fat helps you feel full, which is one reason carnivore/Atkins/keto have fans.

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2ffc9c No.149680

Just eat dark chocolate (at least 70%) if you're craving sugar.

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82a8f6 No.149682



This sounds like good advice. Cutting sugar entirely sounds rough - treating myself with two cookies and a cup of tea post-supper meals have been long ingrained in my habits, so going cold turkey is gonna be rough. Glad you're not recommending Keto (it's all I hear about from others supposedly "fit" people I know).


Dark chocolate eh? That may work in theory…

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aeda88 No.149684

op i had this problem too but i started eating 6 meals/day and the only drawback is ur ass burns but you will make gains and lose waist inches

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a84867 No.149689


>two cookies and a cup of tea post-supper meals

I don't see anything wrong with that.

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d37891 No.149690


Check out a book called the Power of Habit. I'd say when you get a craving you should immediately do something like drink water and eat some fruit or something. If you get a craving and you just continue doing whatever you're doing, you will just keep thinking about it and the craving will get more intense and you are way more likely to give in. Basically you have to reroute the feedback loop in your brain with an activity other than eating cookies and over time you'll crave cookies less and less

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965075 No.149693

Potassium helps with sugar cravings. You need to eat a ton of greens to get it, since bananas have so many carbs. It's actually pretty hard to get the amount of potassium you need.

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52cebc No.149697

Kombucha gets me over sugar

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52cebc No.149698


Seriously just eats eggs or something fatty you wont feel hungry for the rest of the day

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4f858b No.149700


Your body may be craving certain nutrients and you are accidentally filling that craving with sugar instead.

I have a similar thing anytime I bake cookies with molasses vs store bought with just sugar.

The molasses cookies contain way less sugar yet they attract me more and actually satisfy the craving rather than leave me wanting more.

Molasses has tons of iron and other nutrients extracted from normal white sugar. If you want an easy first step I guess replace all white with brown sugar but next is experimenting with molasses, malt, etc to get your nutrients instead of a sugar bomb.

Make sure to get blackstrap molasses instead of fancy molasses though.

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13bfc8 No.149707


Instead of cookies, make your own snacks.

like maybe some nuts and seeds and pieces of 100% dark chocolate and some oats and molasses or dates just food processor it and press into delicious bars. You can still get fat if you eat too many but it's much more guilt free than actual white flour and oil and all the crap in normal cookies.

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13bfc8 No.149708

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13bfc8 No.149709

also honey and maple syrup taste good, yes. But they're shit. very simple sugars, all nasty weight gain, no real benefit. Just use molasses, or grind up some dates (after you check them for pits. ALWAYS CHECK FOR PITS, EVEN IN PITTED ONES. medjool dates taste best) in the food processor with a little water, or maybe even dry figs. I rather have the better natural and more complex sugars tbh.

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13bfc8 No.149710


I used to think like this but it doesn't actually work. good fats are important, but alone they will leave you craving eventually.

>eat shit loads of eggs lol


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dfe4ce No.149711

-dark chocolate chips

-use coconut flour

There you go autist. Make sure you treat this as a snack and not a meal, Rich may be dead and was a wrong about a lot but he was right about a lot too.

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228a7f No.149714

File: 04a5aa6cc974c8a⋯.jpg (91.58 KB,497x427,71:61,Faggotville.jpg)


read the sticky

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26111c No.149746

The only way to get rid of it completely is to cut out all carbs, since all carbs are sugar, when you eat carbs you get craving for more sugar/carbs.

Embrace carnivorepill!

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f857f0 No.149747


Eat sugar

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9cd63c No.149784


Snack olive oil, ++quality coconut oil or butter instead of sugar.

Not super tasteful but satiating without carbs.

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a84867 No.149794


>fat helps you feel full

No it doesn't, vice versa actually.

>which is one reason carnivore/Atkins/keto have fans

The reason is fat is tasty and these tell people they can eat more fat.

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a9f135 No.149817


Eat more leafy greens, I mean like a large salad with every meal. You probably dont have enough fiber in your diet.

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