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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

You're gonna make it.

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File: 5a4616d575c39bd⋯.jpg (72.9 KB,768x960,4:5,mariakang1.jpg)

026616 No.149609

Should #fitmommy be a movement?

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49ec94 No.149611

What do women think about little boys?

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697749 No.149615

File: ddf5ae9496c5bf9⋯.jpeg (271.18 KB,1080x1350,4:5,eb0437771c603a40.jpeg)



A gorillian times YES!!

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e3a369 No.149678

no women shouldnt workout

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708553 No.149718


You're a fucking idiot.

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da2fd6 No.149766


He's using a double negative. So I guess he is saying that they should workout.

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e63791 No.149776


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0b70ae No.149787

File: b256f9fdc1f0385⋯.gif (665.6 KB,512x288,16:9,156403161517.gif)


Clever strayan.

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f90149 No.149852



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d3394f No.149854

File: 7fff01bfa6ff3fc⋯.png (821.96 KB,676x676,1:1,7fff01bfa6ff3fcf2db0641dcb….png)


gb2/rationalwiki with the rest of the /r/atheists

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f90149 No.149860


Hong Kong didn't understand what he said and called him retarded when it he who is retarded.

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80c075 No.149883

File: ed7b30e3c27289c⋯.jpeg (454.38 KB,1536x2048,3:4,ELxEwumU0AA_0zd.jpeg)


This. Dykery is already being pushed thanks to the stronk women don't need no man unless it's Tyrone agenda that Netflix and Hollywood keep pushing. Women need to be skinny, weak and submissive.

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c91a1d No.149887


fit tomboys are the cutest women though

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80c075 No.149890

File: 7517af16da32e50⋯.png (304.64 KB,480x480,1:1,f6c3b03b85030afd9adb518b0b….png)


It's the personality that makes that work. Most women don't have that.

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