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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

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File: fd1ca3ced2b8989⋯.gif (16.58 KB,220x220,1:1,1553796049052.gif)

d8c65b No.149565

I just do one arm push ups, pull ups, isometric deadlift, front wall push, sit ups, pull up L sit ups and 15 minutes of dancing to anime nightcore music.

I've made more progress doing it on my own basement than what I did before half assing it on a gym (went for 2 months before giving up).

Right now I feel good and I'm starting to have basic gains, who knows how much can I progress with just this workout routine.

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801f2a No.149585


I would recommend adding some kind of bodyweight squat variation. The isometric deadlifts by themselves probably isn't enough leg work.

I'd also consider switching out the front wall press for a different exercise. You're already strong enough for one armed push ups, so the wall press is probably going to be too easy. I'd say either regular push ups or handstand push ups would be a better alternative.

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fd4612 No.149592

File: 496b50545a78950⋯.gif (1.97 MB,450x300,3:2,stolen.gif)


Keep it up

Starting it is the way to making it

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46d5c7 No.149601

File: 602c78649d1ebc1⋯.jpg (46.96 KB,640x626,320:313,national capitalist.jpg)

>outside of its designated containment thread

>plebbit spacing

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a0ca6f No.149625

ive done calisthenics for about 9 months now and its getting so boring. I enjoy making progress but I am starting a new routine at alocal gym so I can actually make bigger gains.

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