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09f762 No.149412

Fasting, we've all heard about it, it supposedly works by naturally increasing ketone body production by limiting insulin, but apparently Coconut oil, because it's made of medium chain triglycerides, gets broken down into Ketones immediately, so I feel pretty confident recommending it as a replacement for any butter or oil you might still be ingesting, though I doubt it's total potency, so I made this thread to remind myself to post later on the long term effects of oil if there's any.

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34a20b No.149437


I use it as lube for fapping.

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76afbf No.149438


Look up cautions about high temperature cooking with the stuff. It may be better raw or low heat. I put it in my nose in the winter to keep things from drying up.

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072db0 No.149920


It's not all MCT's, there's also saturated fats and a bunch of other stuff.

good for lube, good for adding small amounts to other lotion or oil recipe's for skin, but eating oils isn't really ever good. just eat unproccessed good fats like nuts and seeds.

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a9befb No.150303

Can coconut oil go rotten in hot climates or something?

I bought some for the first time recently and there was a week or two where every other day I was eating it in the mornings, and it was like super coffee for me - it seemed to give me the exact same effects as caffeine, except without out the jitters and it lasted at least 4x as long.

But now if I eat even the tiniest amount imaginable of it, now matter how empty or full my stomach is or how long it's been since the last time I ate it, it makes me feel sick and makes me fart all day.

Anyone ever had this or know what could be going on here?

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83d326 No.150304


If you live in hot climate where there's coconuts, it's easier to make your own coconut oil that is literally an oil not a that white chunk of lard.

You will need shavings of coconut, pressed so you extract the coconut milk, machine pressed makes more of this but you can try with your hands, strain it so you get the pure and top milk.

Once you have the coconut milk you can then proceed to fry it over a wide pan since we are drying this up to the oil eliminating water content,

Just let it boil. It becomes semi thick milk which is perfect for coffee.

Even longer it becomes somewhat chunky and tasty, and you will notice there's oil build up which will fry the coconut milk chunks.

Even longer and you get brown crystals which taste somewhat good, you can collect these as a snack but be careful as these easily burn up and taste bad when browned too much!

Now transfer those and you are left with literally free-flowing oil consistency coconut oil which also smells good. It would last longer if you again fry the collected oil to eliminate any water traces, use a new pan as there might be leftovers of those chunks on the one you used.

This can last very long and stored while under hot climate but keep it under room temperature and away from sunlight. I usually store them in the fridge so I can just scoop up easily for my coffee.

I don't know about those thick coconut oils but they look like cold-pressed and have fillers and possibly paraben and other beauty product kind of shit added.

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d39228 No.150369


Same. I like using virgin oil for fapping. Those little solids particles mixed into virgin coconut oil from less-than-ideal pressing/filtering make for a much better fap.

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d39228 No.150371


The purpose of cold pressing coconut oil is that when you process coconut oil it loses a lot of the triglycerides that make it a "healthy" oil.

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d39228 No.150397

File: 22b45fedaef2b39⋯.jpg (496.6 KB,1424x1284,356:321,22b45fedaef2b39bcff212fde3….jpg)

So I read up that coconut oil can help with hemorrhoids, and since my asshole has bled off and on for the last fifteen years I figure I'd give it a shot. I've had a particularly bad case the last few days so I've been putting about a tablespoon-sized suppository of coconut oil up my bum the last few days and… It's surprisingly worked pretty well. The biggest issue is obviously that it acts as an analgesic so I've gotta be extra careful when wiping if I have to shit within two or three hours of application. The other big issue is that if you don't get it pretty far up there with a medical glove, it tends to leak out a sort of "biofilm" of coconut oil and whatever stank is about ready to come out your ass a half hour after application. I recommend about a middle finger's worth of distance up your butt if you decide to use coconut oil to treat hemorrhoids, and to apply it after taking a shit.

I also read something about it being good for testosterone, so I've been slathering my dick/balls in oil the last few days as well. I've been feeling more energetic and capable of completing challenges with more willpower which is usually a sign of a test booster for me, but on the flip side I have basically no sex drive. I think it's that analgesic property of coconut oil I mentioned. Like, you get the urge to fap real bad when your dick is covered in coconut oil, but about two or three minutes into fapping, and suddenly you can't keep your dick hard to save your life. This might be a good application of coconut oil for those practicing nofap since you lose feeling in your dick relatively quickly after application and it keeps everything moisturized down there (plus coconut oil has antimicrobial properties so it's probably protecting your dick too).

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8701a9 No.150403


I hate the smell of coconut and the taste, just imagining the smell of an ass covered in coconut oil is giving me a headache and a bit nausea.

Good it works for you though.

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9e1720 No.151490

File: 2f4eac95f6b04c0⋯.jpg (111.25 KB,866x1024,433:512,058687ec0c2d3cb9abd3923a07….jpg)

good info, thanks

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9e1720 No.151491

Thanks so much for sharing this. It's really interesting to learn something new from people. For example, I recently read a lot about supplements on https://www.canadapharmacy.com/ . I want to start gaining muscle mass already and I hope I can do it!

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