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File: 08dec94b19cb792⋯.jpg (78.45 KB,686x686,1:1,1.jpg)

03872f No.149397

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03872f No.149398

File: 0ce478312385359⋯.jpg (59.74 KB,800x450,16:9,2.jpg)


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03872f No.149399

File: 65c48bd859f4cdd⋯.jpg (170.57 KB,1080x720,3:2,3.jpg)


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03872f No.149400

File: aad826dcc4f50b7⋯.jpg (1.6 MB,1442x2160,721:1080,4.jpg)


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42466b No.149408

File: 81ecf0d180ef7bd⋯.jpg (699.7 KB,1200x750,8:5,1200-609615-famous-quotes-….jpg)


Stop being such a weakling and just delete the photos. Than when you are done, pray the rosary. It helped me beat my 16+ year weed and porn addiction. It can help you too.>>149397

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ba812f No.149411


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a100aa No.149434




>he moans while jacking off

Only complete degenerates do that. That includes me; not even joking

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b8915d No.149439


Nigger, you either enjoy your prostatitis or fap to that Czech doppelgänger of hers called Abigaile Johnson.

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42466b No.149446


>nofap causes prostatitis

>and not STDs

Maybe Hitler was right about the slavs…hmm

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879709 No.149540


There is no evidence that I know of that masturbation really lowers the risk of prostate diseases. Sex is proven to be healthy, but masturbation? Like I said, never had anyone convince me.

There was one study that showed a health benefit for men over fifty, but I think it also showed that men between twenty and thirty had an increased risk of prostate cancer when they masturbated a lot.

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a1a212 No.149549


>Sex is proven to be healthy, but masturbation? Like I said, never had anyone convince me

If you'd ever try to read an anatomy book carefully you'd know how what exactly sperm is and why any type of ejaculation is good for a prostate. There are researches on this topic, but who am I to interrupt the natural selection? Enjoy it.

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879709 No.149556


I must admit, I always skimmed that section when I was a kid because sex was boring. Still, I did read them. I know the prostate produces the prostate fluid and engages in ejaculation, but why, for example, should nocturnal emissions not be enough to maintain its health?

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871664 No.149558

no fap leads to prostate cancer,so beside being impractical ist also unhealthy, why would you do that?

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e901cb No.149561


To not anger God?

Really, that's the one reason for me. I never bought the idea that it increases (biologically available) testosterone. Porn, on the other hand, that is harmful, it you're gonna masturbate, don't do it to porn at least.

The prostate-cancer thing, from what I read, is ambiguous, and the fact that never ejaculating isn't healthy is a bit moot as nocturnal emissions are a thing.

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10772f No.149562


>be eternal, omnipotent, omniscient being

>get butt blasted anytime someone faps

I'll take shit that never happened for 500

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fb1391 No.149563


Bigfoot does exist after all. Post this on /x/, quick.

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e901cb No.149571

File: 64ba973b9196793⋯.jpg (61.66 KB,640x345,128:69,7-1.jpg)


Well, someone's buttmad and it ain't me. How come none of you are capable of showing your sources, to prove that your chronic masturbation helps prevent cancer? Maybe because, just like, those sources ain't real?

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0a1f40 No.149572

File: 6e1c82db89c3f47⋯.webm (654 KB,316x376,79:94,not gay.webm)

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173ecc No.149577


Can't read it without a login, and I don't have credentials. Still, thanks for the link, this is precisely what I have been looking for.

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8dbe46 No.149588


I think wet dreams is the natural's body response to excess semen retention

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8dbe46 No.149589

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b4eaab No.149590


Thats weird, there was no pay wall when i posted it.

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729e81 No.149603

File: 24616d6c9a6c16a⋯.jpg (117.77 KB,966x1029,46:49,mastodonpyupload_156389161….jpg)


That's because your cuntry isn't divided by a wall.

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6185af No.149748


based and breadpilled

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