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File: f8ebf560c436197⋯.jpg (12.63 KB,425x446,425:446,snack your back to save st….jpg)

39d45d No.149302

Fuck the complete piece of human horse shit that had the sheer audacity to create such an abomination. I don't give a shit if it was done for convince so that you could rotate it up and down to do a decline press, a incline, a shoulder, etc, all in one, the fucking kike retard who made this piece of fucking garbage sacrificed stability for cheap convenience, the original bench press was a floor press done by George Hackenschmidt, a good bench needs to offer consistent stability for the whole spine if someone chooses so, this complete ass decides to cut a piece off because he knows he'd make a quick buck off it. It's the worst fucking design ever and he probably knows it. I'd love to force his neck against the crevice separating the two parts and then dump the maxed out bar onto it so he see's just how fucking god awful of a design this shit is. Then I'd shit into his face in his last moment's. Seriously fuck this and fuck the faggot who made this design.

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378555 No.149921



good point but no violence

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fe0dde No.150049

have sex

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191ae5 No.150058

File: 4d6b95556524c4c⋯.gif (1.76 MB,300x169,300:169,didn't read 01.gif)

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999fae No.150181

File: 08818ddad1a5a3d⋯.jpg (509.35 KB,2048x1513,2048:1513,088.jpg)

Incline barbell bench is kinda gay. The majority of the one's I've seen are either non-adjustable and aren't inclined enough or they are adjustable but the bar supports are either too high or too low to be comfortable. Incline dumbbell is top tier, but only if you make full use of the range of motion. Half rep faggots BTFO.

>Inb4 but muh shoulders hurt

Do more mobility exercises and get stronger shoulders

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03e6f7 No.150228


Return to cuckchan right now

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