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File: b8757f20ed09b52⋯.jpg (3.26 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20190628_145852.jpg)

f202de No.149242

Fellas.. be straight with me. Should I even try to look aesthetic with these birthing hips and tetons? No bully pls

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7b113a No.149243

You look like that because you're skinnyfat, you can lose the love handles and broaden your back/shoulders so you actually look like a man.

Lifting won't make it worse it'll only make it better.

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f202de No.149244


Thanks for response. How would I go about broadening my midsection asap though?

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767138 No.149245

>>149244 (checked)

Won't need to, dubsman. Once you burn off that fat and get a six pack of abs, you won't even worry about that sort of thing

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5ea03e No.149249


Those are your muffin tops not your bones.

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394cef No.149250

Just transition goy. You will make a very pretty woman.





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c1c3db No.149251


It is not just possible, but it would be fairly easy for you. Since you're still young and not a complete lard ass.

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b943db No.149252

Honestly you could look a lot better just by doing keto for a couple months, even without working out

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8e1e46 No.149254

Eat more meat. Less of everything else and the those fat deposits will drop off.

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45b231 No.149256


What's a good cheap meat. I lost 80 lbs over the last 6 months and hit a wall

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fba40d No.149257


I like ground turkey. Goes great with pasta and meatloaf

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7c7564 No.149259


I was slim athletic before i got hit by a car. spent a year where I couldn't work out, depressing and I became skinny fat. the minute i was cleared to go into the gym by a trusted friend (a chiropractor, fuck "doctors"), and I was able to actually move around, I worked out every other day. I went from 197 disgusting to 178 v shaped muscular. you can do it OP. the mental gains outweigh the physical ones. I had a very supportive friend who has gone from one extreme (overweight) to the other (anorexic) and now bodybuilds.

Water purge and just don't eat shit. it isn't hard. good luck friend.

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7c7564 No.149260


this. fish as well. I got sick of chicken personally so i do turkey, beef, and fish.

also do not drink alcohol unless it is straight vodka, even then don't drink so you make mental gains.

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791c31 No.149261

Lose like 20lbs of fat. Meaning keep working out just eat half of what you eat now. Aim for 1500 calories maximum

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b943db No.149267


>Aim for 1500 calories maximum

When I do that I start falling asleep throughout the day. 1500 might be fine if you're a woman or a manlet. A grown man needs at least 2000.

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791c31 No.149269


No shit its for losing weight. If youre afraid of falling asleep stay fat

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af57a0 No.149270

File: 0ddcc2b789c41ee⋯.jpg (43.58 KB,612x612,1:1,tone-meme_horton.jpg)


It's going to require a lifestyle change to see real results. If you want a regimented out-of-the-box system that actually works, just do the P90X system. It's both diet and exercise. I don't ever post on /fit/ so I dunno if I'll be mocked for suggesting P90X, but it worked for me and my friend. Oh that's also key: try to find a friend who will do the system with you. There will be days where you really don't want to do the program, and that's when the buddy system works well for motivation.

Anyways it'll take you 6 months of P90X from where you are now, to actually looking incredible. You're not that bad right now, you just need to start some new habits. There's no way to spot-treat your body. Lifestyle change, bud. Good luck!

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58daac No.149271


Im bigger than ottermode, and i find P90x difficult.

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af57a0 No.149272


Yeah it was for me too, at first. I had 4 false starts with it (event he first day was hard) until I finally dedicated to doing it, and sometimes just doing the first 30 minutes of the video. I also did the "light" version for the first couple months, where the plyometrics (jumping around shit) is substituted with an easier aerobic workout. After a couple months, I could do the actual regiment in "classic" mode.

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8fa402 No.149273


that, its still recoverable

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4a652a No.149284

File: 50edddd3a4707bd⋯.png (204.94 KB,800x497,800:497,1411640329337.png)

File: 2dfdd2ffacd9958⋯.jpg (1.79 MB,2481x6600,827:2200,1435811021547-1.jpg)

I've seen way worse get pretty ripped. Even if you don't go that far, just cleaning up your diet and working out a bit on the side will get rid of a lot of what seems to be bothering you.




P90X plyo isn't plyo, it's just hopping around a bit and it's more like it more as cardio. The Stretch and Ab workouts are pretty good, the Yoga is a bit limited, Kenpo is fun if you just want some cardio, the Plyo is a waste of time, and everything else is an hour-long over-exertion that most people don't need are going to end up burning out of because it's unnecessarily brutal. Yeah, if you stick with it + the diet plan they give you you'll get results, but that's still an IF. It's waaaay over the top for the average person just looking to get fit and definitely isn't for everyone. I went through the whole thing and got more fit, but I was exhausted the entire time even with their $hakeology $hit and got way better results/strength gain from just doing some proper calisthenics for ~20min every day, with the bonus of saving money and not feeling like shit the entire time. If you try a program and it doesn't work don't be afraid to go back to the basics that made the original Olympic athletes the ideal body.

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4a652a No.149285


*and it's more like cardio

An actual plyo routine will have you barely on the floor at all and hitting some height to boot.

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c22496 No.149290


Sugar and processed grains are your enemy. If you need calories, eat extra protein - especially fish, seafood and animal fats.

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e564bf No.149294


he's right you know, with CRIDPR and gene-therapy we can recreate our cellular regeneration cycle so that it doesn't cause long-term damage to the safe-guards on our genetic code which leads to aging.

there's even a species of jelly-fish that already does this.

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c1e614 No.149295


t. manlet

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c1e614 No.149296


>eat extra protein - especially fish, seafood and animal fats.

>animal fat is a type of protein

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b9c970 No.149299

File: ea4a9a31d15f666⋯.jpg (26.29 KB,507x360,169:120,whisky-graph-3.jpg)


Adding onto this. If you (OP) do drink hard liquor, limit yourself to one dram of whiskey a day. Whiskey is greater than vodka. Not only in terms of flavor but also in terms of the polyphenol content.


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2c3512 No.149304

you're fat.

stop eating.

you'll look fine when you're thin.

then start lifting while you eat AT "MAINTENANCE"

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e7f218 No.149551


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