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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

You're gonna make it.

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File: cd11cd240677405⋯.jpg (12.31 KB,236x313,236:313,20298ed81b9add27e6eb8b5673….jpg)

2f8da0 No.149208

Has fitness improuved your relationship with the opposite gender?

over here women find manliness attractive being tall and fit = pussy magnet.

the effect is even more more dramatic because there is virtually no copetition as most men are short, skinny and don't take care of themselves.

life has become a pussy buffet for me.

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18c5c1 No.149209

File: e5a53d5add55895⋯.png (279.45 KB,1332x850,666:425,wallpaper.png)

I've never not been a pathetic fat piece of shit.

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e70d4d No.149214


why not fix that?

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9caa9c No.149222


Going from fat to normal is easy, getting to /fit/ is the hard part

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f5b6d2 No.149224

Do girls even care about you being /fit/ if you're a manlet though?

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ef8062 No.149225


probably not, you can still go to Asia

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bfc949 No.149258


Manlet here. Yes. Being /fit/ definitely helps.

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dc4180 No.149266

I hate women so much. Why do they always fall for the roided faggots.

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f5b6d2 No.149275


That's cool to hear.

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891c83 No.149277


Manlet here with a wife. Not all women are shallow like the ones you see on the internet. Get fit, learn to sechs real gud, and give her an orgasm and she will love you forever.

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18c5c1 No.149303

File: 014ebe7e75eb989⋯.jpg (7.55 KB,300x300,1:1,Daft.jpg)


working on it.

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2db435 No.149307

Fat and rich = more pussy than ripped and poor

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7cb03b No.149309


>t. (((Harvey Weinstein)))

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058c7b No.149319

does it bother you knowing that no women will love you for you but for your money?

being fit at least i can tell myself that the girl is with me because im hot and it makes me feel good about myself.

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ec7f45 No.149335





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c40427 No.149336


Yes. My rape victims cannot outrun me anymore. Thanks /fit/

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ec7f45 No.149337




But you should not be a sissyfag mgtow nigger faggot

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ec7f45 No.149338



Looks like the Arabian alphabet not accepted on /fit/.

I was saying that ppl don't understand the greatness of the power.

We are living in a post-colonized society that has forgotten his own "fight technics" aka ljihad.

just don't be a sissyfag zaml.

As long as the authority represents the security for women

Your /fit/ness is only for your self, and the women will not take that as a mi3yar, to give a place in the sexual hierarchy.

Instead of this, you should be the man who gives the girl her place in the hierarchy

I mean women should not have the access to you only if she deserves that, why ?

Bcuz you're not a sardina, or khizzo, you're wasting money and time and everything to develop yourself, so it should not be easy to get you.

Tdlr: who cares about women?

Develop yourself.

Don't be fag.

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