I just realized after a while after learning about isometrics I could add them to my bodyweight exercises.
I'm clearly a begginer still but I was 3 months on a gym and quit because I was bored off it.
I was doing 30 normal push ups in one set, but after start doing them isometric I was down to 5.
I started to do diamond push ups and started to do them isometric wise and from 30 normal push ups I was doing before I was literally down to one or maybe two reps.
So I realized bodyweight wasn't a mere meme and I could make my bodyweight exercises isometric for a lot more effort.
Doing isometric push ups makes the normal basic ones into hardcore shit.
Isometrics maybe not the most common training regime and is kind of obscure and maybe isn't the most optimal one, but as a complement to other workout styles, is like wow, a top tier excellent suplement.
I feel like mixing bodyweight with isometrics is like even superior than weights at this point.
I feel very excited about this discovery because I can now simply do every often in my own house at diferent times of the day at least a single set of push ups in isometric style.
The squat idea came later after learning about isometric deadlifts and knowing normal squats are a weak point of bodyweight workouts.
But later I realized I could do isometric deadlifts in any place, any low bar I could pull, any fence I could try to pull was kind of a nice exercise.
Later I realized I could just start to do a single leg squat progression and mix it up with an isometric deadlift.
This shit is really hardcore, I can only last 3 seconds off a single squat reps, less alone a fucking set.
So, I'm happy I could finally replace the gym with my own house and not need even weights or equipment.
I'm trying to progress just with pull ups, push ups and squats, and hope to maybe get to advanced shit in some months.