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File: bb583940595c6b1⋯.jpeg (141.01 KB,503x709,503:709,FFDB6627-64CD-4FB5-BADF-C….jpeg)

51fe74 No.148930

I’m just under 6’, and I weigh 240ish pounds. A lot is muscle but I wouldn’t mind losing some more of the fat.

I was stabbed twice in the back and nicked in the lung (makes cardio hard[er]). I ended up needing a long time of physical rehabilitation and couldn’t keep in shape. Not only that, when I was ready to start again my jaw was broken on both sides later on and for two months I could only have a liquid diet. I lost fat and muscle on that liquid diet.

Now I have a gym membership. Assume I am an almost complete novice because that’s basically the truth right now. What regimen should I be doing to improve cardio and my running endurance, and what should I do to start building muscle again.

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818ca4 No.148990

File: 3c7c72abb28585e⋯.jpg (218.66 KB,410x580,41:58,1553850804303.jpg)


Darn heck, that sounds rough.

I'm an amateur, I can't help.

But could you elaborate on the stabbings? Am I to assume Negroes were the perpetrators?

Curiosity & Sonnenmensch bump.

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c89f07 No.148991

Wtf? How did all that happen ?

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30fa97 No.149000


Fuck cardio. Explosive strength is where it is at my man. What are your actual goals and where were you at previously? If you had a lot of muscle maturity before this event it won't be hard to get back what you lost. If you want I can get you a program and nutrition plan going.

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