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4d10b0 No.148805

Also eating fat makes you fat

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5985f5 No.148825

File: 3b86369ef17a24e⋯.png (175.4 KB,551x481,551:481,doubt.PNG)

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308181 No.148831

>fat makes you fat

>not sugar

You're not gonna make it

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4d10b0 No.148832


excuse me, sugar is needed to make ATP. fat is ==literally== called fat

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3ff246 No.148837

File: 95d81707510918c⋯.gif (577.24 KB,540x540,1:1,95d81707510918c89902704b03….gif)


>fat makes you fat

How is that possible if eating sugar won't make me sweet?

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4d10b0 No.148838


it's all about the qualia of the molecule in question… Fat isn't fat in the same way a person would be fat, like it doesn't have a beer gut. in the same way sugar isn't sweet like your cute anime girl picture, it's a different kind of sweet. if you eat enough sugar i'm sure that your meat will taste sweet if some cannibals eat you

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b1474d No.148844



actually keto is only more viable because of fiber supplements

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945628 No.148847


Technically if you are focused on fitness and you eat lots of fat you won't get fat

It's when you eat an excess calorie for an extended period with no exercise.

Don't propagate false paradigms created by the medical world on this board

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4d10b0 No.148855


yeah i know right… I tried to do keto once and i'm telling you it's absolutely impossible to get fibre without going over the carb limit


well that applies to sugar too, why do you think people drink gatorade and stuff

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3c92ba No.148860


>only more viable because of fiber supplements

you do mean spinich right?

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410412 No.148880


So the TL;DW of the video is that processed meats are bad, stay away from them, don't eat shit like hot dogs, spam, processed bacon, lots of deli meats, etc etc.

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8cb1eb No.148882

>mr cartoon youtube man said it was bad so it is

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8cb1eb No.148883


so OP doesn't even have an argument on top of being a total fucking faggot


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4d10b0 No.148887


nigger are you retarded? how much more obvious can i make it that this entire thread has been shitposting

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8df1dc No.148921


>I tried to do keto once and i'm telling you it's absolutely impossible to get fibre without going over the carb limit

The secret is chia seed. No carbs, all fiber, and a great source of fat and one of the best plant-based proteins, too.

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68c3c3 No.148923


M8. It's difficult as fuck to tell the difference between jokes, shitposting, and being serious now that we all live in clownworld.

It's simpler to assume everyone is being serious 24/7 unless they say that they are joking.

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9f2dfe No.148931

File: d5db5d6560604c6⋯.jpeg (103.1 KB,955x967,955:967,8D51F842-CC0D-4672-AE10-1….jpeg)

File: 5df0d9daba3f98f⋯.png (479.96 KB,470x619,470:619,93E03FD8-D446-4835-BB26-C2….png)

File: b3c28107f428c3b⋯.png (515.02 KB,1242x2208,9:16,EA9D7BED-9982-49B3-B60A-CB….png)

I’m just under 6’, and I weigh 240ish pounds. A lot is muscle but I wouldn’t mind losing some more of the fat.

I was stabbed twice in the back and nicked in the lung (makes cardio hard[er]). I ended up needing a long time of physical rehabilitation and couldn’t keep in shape. Not only that, when I was ready to start again my jaw was broken on both sides later on and for two months I could only have a liquid diet. I lost fat and muscle on that liquid diet.

Now I have a gym membership. Assume I am an almost complete novice because that’s basically the truth right now. What regimen should I be doing to improve cardio and my running endurance, and what should I do to start building muscle again.

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4d10b0 No.148934



Q predicted this


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d061ef No.148940


>I got stabbed twice and got my jaw broken

Nigger how the fuck even I know Canada is a shit heap but I don't even think I could get fucked up that badly unless it was a fucking mob hit.

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ee91e3 No.148951


Toronto ?

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4d020d No.148974

File: 6b3c849eac88af6⋯.png (264.77 KB,312x347,312:347,44374374374374574754537745….png)

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