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7b947f No.148785

>can't drive, so I can't go to the gym for weight training

>don't own a cell phone, so I can't keep track of time for couch to 5k

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83d8a0 No.148786

>got myself dumbbells, not as useful as a pullup bar or barbell but it will do for now

>you can still do bodyweight exercises, just gain more weight to lift more or progress into doing more complex exercises

>just grab a huge stick and get some milk jugs full of water, make a makeshift barbell

>just lift up a huge rock

>just punch god in the face

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cce7fa No.148787

You can buy a stopwatch for like 10 bucks. You can probably order one on amazon.

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55193a No.148788

Man, just keep a watch. Look in a map for distance references. When you come back, look at the watch

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58fce6 No.148790


Even better, a cheap digital wristwatch since they all have timer functions. Buy a casio or something for $15.

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473d97 No.148794

It's summer. Mow some lawns, get some money.

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72ff36 No.148803

Quit making excuses. Don't be a sad cunt.

Heavy things are everywhere; start moving them around. And you don't need to be exact on your timings for Couch to 5k. It's not an alchemical formula. Just estimate, and you'll be fine.

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b69998 No.148806

>>can't drive, so I can't go to the gym for weight training

I've only ever walked. Takes me half an hour each way.

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26b452 No.148815

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

one step at a time bruv

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a39578 No.149681


Hit up thrift stores until you find a pull up bar.

Walk/jog/run without timing it to the minute.


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e6e89a No.149727


What does a cell phone have to do with keeping track of time

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4df2da No.149767


Walk to the gym (the average walking speed of a person is about 5km/h) or jog to get your cardio levels up. Give yourself twice the time that you think you should take to get to the gym and work out. By the time you get home you will have a better idea as to how much time it takes to get your shit done. All this without needing a cell phone.

What you seem to lack is motivation due to the excuses you are making. Stop selling yourself short. You can do it.

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5f1aa0 No.149770


Get a bicycle, lol

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a55734 No.149775


only dirty boomers actually own watches

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067beb No.149892


There are loads of exercises you can do at home with zero equipment. use invidio.us or hooktube.com to view youtube without the bloat and just follow some nice fun workout guides with total bro-tier trainer bros or workout-thots teaching you how to kick ass without even paying a penny for a membership to a gym we're all gonna fucking skip anyway.

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067beb No.149893


don't walk to the gym, it's not healthy breathing in car fumes. you can easily count over 400 cars passing you buy in even a short walk depending on your area.

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067beb No.149894


no smart phones either. only plebs need devices to tell time. God put the sun and the moon up there for reasons you plebs. sun straight up = 12pm. use the hand/space method to tell hours away from straight up and you got your time.

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a96d38 No.149898


Good advice. Remember, the best routine is the one you stick to.

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067beb No.149934


mm hmm

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