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07d849 No.148772

Greetings all. I'm sure there are other threads that go over this, but they look dead (hard to tell if they're really dead or if this board is just slow moving). I want to discuss cardio routines and know what you all like. What's your favorite cardio exercises? Obviously the treadmill is likely the default cardio tool, but what exactly do you do on the treadmill? How long do you run, and what intensity are you doing at what intervals?

>pic unrelated, its only the body few of us have and most want.

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4e23d6 No.148791


When I do cardio at the gym it's usually on the rowing machine, so I use all the muscles, but the main point of cardio is cardiovascular health anyways so that's just preference, as for what kind of intensity and duration it obviously depends on what you're trying to achieve. In so far as I know cardio is best for overall health and life expectancy increase, and that one hits diminishing returns surprisingly quickly, as for stuff like weight loss, cardio has a minimal impact compared to diet, so I personally don't know of any good reason to do anything more than light cardio.

Also yeah the board is very slow.

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0102a1 No.148899


You basic killed the whole discussion in the literal first post, good job, never seen it before.

OP, because of issues with security, I'm used to do indoor cardios, but i don't really enjoy running on a treadmill since i'm more of a bucolic person. I bought a rope and started jumping on the courtyard, it is a little shitty in the beginning because i was lacking motor skill to jump properly, but I keep doing it.

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043ae8 No.148910

I just run 5km 5 days a week, try to do 8km or more at least once or twice. If I have time 30-60 mins of elipitical trainer or 5 mins of burpees on top of that. I only do weights 2-3x a week unless bulking and not able to run. Do alot of push ups, and chin ups too. And I'm starting to slowly but surely become the guy I want. Not really about physique for me anymore it's what is my 5k time, what's my vo2max, how many push ups continuously, etc. Been lifting for few years.

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77e8cc No.148918

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77e8cc No.148919

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