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File: 044a4d32b1e4810⋯.jpg (40.94 KB,569x413,569:413,Lower-Abs.jpg)

389930 No.148288

More excersises for losing lower abs fat?

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17a184 No.148290



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02e787 No.148292


i did leg raises on the flat ground for like 3-4 months and noticed a significantly smaller waist and abs definition

twice weekly, 5 sets 20 reps, progressively harder workouts by the week

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e26887 No.148293

spoon putdowns

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e9dd69 No.148298

/fit/ doesn't know anything about abs beyond "dude don't eat lmao." Which is /fit/'s answer to everything, just do stomach crunches in various positions op.

Also is that a motherfucking women's anatomy photo? You know the rules op, post those tits for us to see.

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389930 No.148299


I founs that one only.

I'm a guy


Is there other things like leg raises? I do them as well but i don't seem to get another one for a routine.

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c74220 No.148304

The only way you're going to show your abs is by being in a caloric deficit long enough to lose the fat covering them. In other words eat less. Training them directly will help them show easier but essentially it's your belly fat covering your abs. There's no exercise you can do to spot train certain areas, genetics decide were your fats stored. Other than that just do more cardio or maybe an occasional extended fast.

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edc490 No.148319


>The only way you're going to show your abs is by being in a caloric deficit long enough to lose the fat covering them.

Pretty sure you are wrong about that.

Just bought a 97$ e-book about how to get rid of stubborn belly fat.

Oh, that stubborn belly fat. What can I say, it just has a head of its own.

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84e717 No.148340


just do cardio lazy cunt, also checked

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027733 No.148414

File: 949d067fe3f19a5⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1600x900,16:9,789ßtz34hg1üohgi1zhg3gg.jpg)


pretty sure you are right about that

but then again i dont spend 87€ for an ebook :O)


(pic related)

also, exercise more and fuck optics low body fat is unhealthy, same as high body fat.


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d51974 No.148416

none, you need to cut

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aa394f No.148433

You can't target specific areas of fat, just run a lot and you'll lose fat everywhere. Protip: one mile three times a week is not a lot

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f90d05 No.148439

There's no area specific fat removal technique, except liposuction I guess.

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e26887 No.148446


>I want to paint my car red but all you guys know how to say is "use red paint"

go be a faggot somewhere else


no amount of leg raises or abdominals of any kind are going to cause your abs to burst past you blubber ring

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193cd8 No.148448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bar crunch variations, screwdrivers, roman chair variations, windshield wipers. Anything that you can hanging from a bar or at a dip station. Flutter kicks. Lots and lots of them. Torture yourself. Or just plank for a really long time. Do television plank. That's like regular plank but you rest your chin on your palms with just your elbows touching the floor and once in a while you reach out with one hand like you are changing the channel. If you are a really fat fuck just alternate between the plant position and downward dog. Try doing few sets of spiderman pushups instead of regular pushups. Mountain climbers. Ab roller. Anything that involves jumping and kicking. Kick and knee a heavy bag.

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3a059a No.148466


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6af9ce No.148478

File: e11bbb3f510a282⋯.jpeg (86.72 KB,600x569,600:569,bz-5ce3809f26f40.jpeg)


Where do you think you are?

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fb005b No.148529

You can't train to loose fat on a certain area.

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f6843d No.149156

File: fc1e14effbdbed6⋯.png (399.64 KB,736x498,368:249,2019_06_26_045059.png)


Than when you are done with cardio, more cardio.

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1def78 No.149236


This is correct. Where you lose/gain fat is genetic.

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8a663d No.149324

File: 283aa7c9138e6ab⋯.png (304.9 KB,600x346,300:173,DIO-L.png)

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