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File: 0811604cb90d764⋯.jpg (70.81 KB,1376x1246,688:623,self-defense-counter.jpg)

6632e7 No.148142

Does anyone have a great book for self defense?

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78e967 No.148143

as long as its thick, you can block most hits pretty well with it

i recommend the bible

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6632e7 No.148144


Ok smartass. About self defense.

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859b3d No.148147

File: 289577f65f983ae⋯.pdf (10.52 MB,289577f65f983aec13e26ba84d….pdf)

Get a gun or learn to run, buddy.

Check this book.

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beebe9 No.148148


A gun's owner's manual.

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6632e7 No.148167


Okay this shit it's hardcore. I mean't body mpvements like where or how to block, things like that.

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e56679 No.148168


Go to a boxing gym.

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737cdf No.148169


Combato by Bill Underwood

Awrology by Gordon Perrigard

Get Tough by W.E. Fairbairn

All are WWII-era combatives manuals aimed at civilians to quickly learn some effective techniques from a purely need-to-know basis. If you're gonna use a book and a book only, these are what I'd go with.

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b87671 No.148177

Bottom's Dream, Arno Schmidt, it weighs 13 pounds so you can use it as a weapon and crush someone's skull open with it. It's also thick enough to probably provide bullet cover.

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