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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

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6d53b8 No.147770

Fat fuck here, a little background on me

I was always chubby as a kid but didn't get to obese level fat, fast forward to 10th grade after which I attented a military-esuqe short summer camp where I lost around 10 kgs and got really lean this was in 2014 in 2 years I gained some weight and got to about 100 kgs (my height is 6'2/1.88) but after 2015 I went into a deep depression due to some problems at home and in academics which led me to eat like a pig from 2016-2017 and gained 30 kgs I went up to 130 and then lost 15 kgs since then but have been eating junk recently again

So my question is: I think I might've fucked up my pancreas and heart from all this, I'm gonna get a check up and see if I'm pre diabetic or not and if I have high cholesterol

Can someone who's prediabetic and has high cholesterol/Arthroslecrsis gain strength through training as much as someone who is perfectly healthy?

Are there any resources for people in such a predicament,also any anons here who went from being obese to muscular and strong,mind you I have never seriously trained

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9e0ef1 No.147771


Nobody cares about your life stop double posting threads.

If you want to lose weight nust fast faggot.

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6d53b8 No.147773


Sorry I didnt mean to post it twice it happened by mistake

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