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373722 No.147429

Yo EU bro's , where are all of you getting your steroids from?

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4d8508 No.147435

why would you do steroids? you can achieve an aesthetic physique without them, it will be healthy, and you won't fuck up your nads

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e05bb1 No.147443

Sounds like a lot of pharma grade comes out of turkey. Don't know though, burger here.

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b9ce16 No.147455


Go to your local gym with real equipment and find the swolest nigga you can, if hes russian even better, then just strike up a conversation and gradually work your way towards the topic.


First off all there are many different types of "steroids" which work in different ways and can have more or less sides. Second just because some dumb nigger or chad fucked up his balls with retarded cycles does not mean that this is an inevitable result. At the end of the day its a personal decision. Everyone starts in a different place and has different obstacles to overcome but I would say if you've been lifting seriously for at least a few years and generally know what your doing there is no absolute reason you can't choose to leave humanity behind.

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806e41 No.148979


burger in poland? kys

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