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File: 01aa2545d95e86c⋯.jpg (58.84 KB,758x426,379:213,battle-ropes-benefits-for-….jpg)

1e7df5 No.147347

My workplace has a gym with battle ropes in it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afraid of looking like a dumbass with them. After all, these aren't complete strangers I'm with, these are my co-workers who also visit the work gym. How do I get over myself and make myself go in that bitch and work those ropes like a caveman lassoing a runaway cavewoman to drag her back to make me a sandwich?

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768bd1 No.147419

fuck off dumbshit

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1e7df5 No.147441


Make me faggot

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e684be No.147442


Yeah, I don't think that it's possible to not look like an idiot with battle ropes. It's a fucking meme to sell (((overpriced))) rope.

Hey fellow (((/biz/))) people, how do we scam /fit/ some more? Ok, I got it, we buy some big rope, re-brand it "battle rope" and take some pictures of /fraud/ playing with them. Easy money, bitches! Now if only we could scam /fit/ into our next crypto pump and dump!

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d2853c No.147451


Battleropes fagropes make you look like a retarded toddler. What's the point? Seems gimmicky as fuck to me.

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30ed87 No.148186


>My workplace has a gym with battle ropes in it.

>My workplace has a gym

>workplace has a gym

government nigger or gym employee?

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