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File: bcb1297e75270e6⋯.jpg (122.51 KB,792x400,99:50,6-pack-abs2.jpg)

9fc97b No.147212

Probably never having abs like pic related. Probably never going to be physically in shape, let alone healthy. I tried. I'm getting tired of it now.

>hardly ever go to the gym

>no female attention

>no self-esteem

>still the same as always

I feel like I should cancel my gym membership and just resign myself to video games and bullshit like I always have before.

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375609 No.147219

You should also kill yourself right after

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9fc97b No.147220


I love this place lol

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91dd84 No.147227

File: f90b02bc7f5cd5a⋯.png (600.67 KB,764x1332,191:333,1423498049682.png)

File: fd92ed59f7d7d9d⋯.jpg (122.93 KB,1080x1080,1:1,CQa9_-kUkAAZQdb.jpg)


It is always hard to achieve good things in life, burger. Pirate the rational male ebook and force yourself to go to the gym at leats 3 days a week. Do something easy at first like push/pull/legs and be consistent.

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aac958 No.147739


>>hardly ever go to the gym

Found your problem OP.

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5bda42 No.147764


-Smoke weed before you go.

Listen to Allegiance - As Blood Runs Black, -Frail Word Words Collapse - As I lay Dying, or Shadows are Security - As I Lay Dying.

-Use the sauna for 30 minutes after.

-PRE-PLAN a nutritious, but highly attractive meal so you can look forward to it.

Warm Up with abs


BOX Squat

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dfac10 No.147766

It takes time to build something like that. You're using as inspiration a perfectly in shape male model and getting sad for not being like him when you don't even have 1/10th of his motivation and discipline

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07dffd No.147772

Since this is the abs thread, I have a question: if I stretch my body my abs will feel weird, like I can't strecth as much as I could always before. I had a heavier than normal abs workout last Wednesday, and experienced some DOMS until monday, but only today I'm feeling my abs weird. Could it be that the new muscle fiber still needs to get used?

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7532ba No.147778

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e55143 No.149155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now that I finally found the Abs thread: What is a great way for someone like me (skinny fat) to increase my sit-up count per minute?

Right now I can do 20 in one minute, but position I'm looking to aquire needs me to do 38.

Is embed related good advice?

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ce9d85 No.149160

quit masturbating and keep going to the gym

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61fbfa No.149235


take this advice

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eafeb8 No.149658


Fuck you and your misleading thread title, faggot.

>Make a thread about abs

<"abloobloobloo I wont ever get fit I should just cancel my gym membership and play vidya all day like the goal-less, self-esteemless chicken shit I am, abloobloobloo"

Take >>147219 anon's advice literally. I suggest you make love with a knife.

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e8f41f No.149659

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ba08c2 No.149674

==ABS ARE UNHEALTHY== it is a sign of malnourishment and decay.

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c2bd28 No.149675

gyms are not that great

learn exercises you can do at home with just yourself and no equipment. that's the cheapest and the easiest and most fun and cleanest. gyms are smelly and dirty and expensive. they are PE classes you pay to skip.

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c2bd28 No.149676


some definition is nice though. full on abs, I don't like.

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ba08c2 No.149677


If we are being honest, it is just vanity. 15% body fat for men is the target if you are a normal athlete. Most people do not have much if any abs definition at 15%

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7625d5 No.149683

do planks and sit ups on elevated backless chairs so you can arch back deeper.

do bicycle situps.

eat very little carbs. Instant abs

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55f625 No.149763

I would have abs but I keep getting kicked out of gyms for shitting in the shower.

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b5758d No.149771

File: 4110d37027c9078⋯.png (184.99 KB,498x499,498:499,igyufhjfom521.png)


Man, it's like society doesn't want you to make any gains.

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faaca4 No.149778

I used to feel a bit disappointed with the leg raise progression from convict conditioning so I started doing some planks, and I feel it's made for a stronger core of mine. Do planks, try some leg raises or crunches.

You won't get really defined abs until you're at a low body fat % though which means somewhat advanced dieting. Personally I'm more than happy with a stone slab for a gut but I can see the appeal of washboards. Best of luck anon.

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18d74a No.149901

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