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5d4df6 No.147188

Is there anyway to reverse diabetes? either type1 or type 2.

Are there any resources to help diabetics with lifting, diet and cardio?

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eb1b63 No.147189


Ya its called google

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3dda33 No.147193


You can be a type 2 diabetic and reverse it completely by just cutting out shit. Basically start no-carb, then slowley add vegatables, and limit starchy foods, and fruit to under 50g of carbs. I personally have experience this. Type 1 diabetics can live off the meds, but I don't expect anybody to have the discipline for this. Though if you did, you would have to just cut out carbs to about under 50g a day, of unproccessed complex carbs, from fiber rich plants. No bread, no candy, no high starch foods, stuff like that.

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60629f No.147194


>Type 1 diabetics can live off the meds

I guess you mean type 2 because type 1 is the kind where the pancreas cannot produce insulin so they need to use exogenous insulin.

And regarding the type 2 variant it is theoretically possible to reverse the periphereal insulin resistance by reducing the high intake of carbs, getting into ideal body weight and increasing physical activity.

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35dde0 No.147196


Low carb works for both. What happens to the insulin need when you don't carbs at all?

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60629f No.147211


Surely it helps the keep an eye in both types of diabetes but the fundamental difference between those two is that type 1 is basically an insulin deficiency due the destruction of beta cells in the pancreas (those produce the insulin) while type two is more related with the resistance of insulin in the tissues of the body.

Besides that, you shouldn't eliminate carbs completely out of your diet since they are the main source that the body use for energy. What you should do is to limited the consumption of refined carbs and choice those with low glycemic index and high nutritious values.

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74b607 No.147229


this and




Study #1: Keto (No Control)


In 2005, researchers gathered 28 overweight patients with type 2 diabetes and placed them on a ketogenic diet with fewer than 20 g of carbs per day. Seven patients dropped out; 21 completed the 16 week study. Those who completed it had great results:

Body weight dropped by 6.6%, almost 20 pounds.

HbA1c dropped by 16%.

Triglycerides dropped by 42%.

Ten patients reduced their medications. Seven dropped them entirely. In only 16 weeks.

Study #2: Low-Glycemic vs. Keto (Patients Who Were Obese and Had Type 2 Diabetes)


In another study, researchers directly compared keto to low-glycemic/carb. They took 84 obese patients with type 2 diabetes, randomly assigned them to either a ketogenic diet or a low-glycemic diet, and tracked their progress over 24 months. What happened?

Low-calorie group:

16% reduction in fasting glucose

6.9 kg bodyweight loss

0.5 reduction in HbA1c

Keto group:

20% reduction in fasting glucose

11.1 kg bodyweight loss

1.5 reduction in HbA1c

Study #3: Low-Calorie vs. Keto (Patients Who Were Obese)


Another study compared keto to low-calorie in obese patients, about a third of whom had diabetes. This time, the patients got to choose the diet that most appealed to them. So, it wasn’t random, but it was closer to how diets work in the real world.

Both groups improved markers of glucose control and metabolic health, but the keto group saw greater improvements on every single marker measured:

Blood lipids

Body weight

Waist circumference


Blood glucose

Uric acid



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7bcd5b No.147240

>Ching chang i have diabetes

>give me kiss

>give me your yummy yummy sugar

>oh yes sticky

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5be49d No.147242

I am 32 years old living in Sweden and have type-1 diabetes since I was 19.

For the past 2 years I have tried out intermittent fasting (16:8 and 23:1) and prolonged fasting (24-72h) in combination with keto diet (periodically with keto and periodically more "normal" food.)

January 2018 i decided to go all in with 1 meal per day.

Gradually I could remove more and more insuline which I think may be my insuline resistance going away. I feel better. My doctor is happy with my results.

I lost 25kg in 5 months. 100kg -> 75kg.

I still weight 75kg a year later.

2 years ago I injected 75-85 units of insuline per day and was overweight.

Now I inject 20-35 units per day. All my blood work is a lot better.

Previously I have tried a lot of things. lots of cardio. lots of gym training and different diets. But the KEY for me was to reduce the amount of meals.

If I went for 3 or 4 meals per day I still had to inject a big amount of insuline in total for that day. If I eat the same amount of food but during a short window of hours per day I can reduce the total insuline that day by ~50%.

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480c13 No.147245


Taking advice from sponsored Google results (6 to 11 servings of bread per day, avoid red meat, etc) will give you diabetes.

Fuck yourself.

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91f0ce No.147246


whoa!!! so you are suggesting that 1large meal > several small meals? WTF, I used to do that… one large meal, and now Im used to 3-4 small meals a day; fuck this shit.

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fd34db No.147255

Dr Jason Fung fasting intermittent and continuous, yt vids

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74b607 No.147256


The body isn't dumb and generates it naturally. What we don't generate is protein, not glucose.

As a matter of a fact, we humans are a species that evolved from and for hunting large, fibrous, fat game and gathering roots, seeds, mushrooms and small fruit.

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a7a13b No.147265



6 part series by Dr Jason Fung

TL:DW low carb, intermittent fasting

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1c8ee9 No.147267

Most diabetes is curable through diet and exercise. Type I a lot harder but it can be controlled better with the same regime. Type I is probably a genetic disorder that would have killed the kid off 100 years ago but thanks to science these people are allowed to continue to live and destroy the gene pool with a disorder that they shouldn't make it out of childhood with.

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60629f No.147270


>Type I is probably a genetic disorder that would have killed the kid off 100 years ago but thanks to science these people are allowed to continue to live and destroy the gene pool with a disorder that they shouldn't make it out of childhood with.

I kind of agree with you but that kind of line of thought inevitable rise some devious & taboo questions that usually are fill with emotion and irrationality.

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331885 No.147290

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99a4bc No.147291


>What happens to the insulin need when you don't carbs at all?

Even just eating tiny food portions can kill you because you need the insulin immediately.

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b08236 No.147313

Type 1 is an autoimmune disease, the beta cells of the panaceas that produce insulin are destroyed by the immune system and thus you aren't able to produce insulin.

Without regular shots of insulin you will die in two weeks at most and I can assure you from experience that every day will get increasingly uncomfortable and painful as your blood turns acidic and viscous.

Thanks to Jewish medicine, I'm not dead.

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b08236 No.147314


Thanks to socialism I don't have to pay for the meds.

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b08236 No.147315


Not true, you can eat any portion of food just fine. Just expect to pee a lot as your body tries to purge the masses of unused glucose. Also expect to feel very sleepy, headaches, blurry vision, etc.

I once had a blood glucose of 40 mmol/L (normal for a healthy human is 5-8 mmol/L) and couldn't stay awake for more than a couple hours at a time.

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c5ea9c No.147330

File: 6c0242d31862e6c⋯.jpg (396.16 KB,2280x2003,2280:2003,chili.jpg)



>diabeetus man = fat ass

>bad fat = from corpo sugar

>throw any rapeseed or canola oil, all corpo packed foods and canned foods.


>keto diet + plant fat (coconut oil as cooking oil) check if you have (((allergy))) but that I think isn't real at all unless your candida overgrowth revolts from coconut oil, that is


what happens is it replaces your bad fat with good fat.

type 2 is fatty pancreas from bad corpo sugar, type 1? i don't know if it works.

you'll crave eating more rice if you have diabetes because it is a source of good sugar and also crave eating more bread if you have candida overgrowth too.

baking soda works but use sparingly

plus it destroys whatever bad candida you're probably brewing plenty inside you

yeast eats sugar, if you cut your sugar you'll likely get cancer when they travel out of your gut to look for moar sugar and invade other organs, if they fail to find their sugar, you get a malignant tumor (MAYBE THIS IS WHY LIVER CANCER IS PREVALENT AMONG ALCOHOL DRINKERS AS ALCOHOL TRAVEL THE GUT IT KILLS THE CANDIDA WHILE THE LIVER IS RICH WITH SUGAR RESERVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

so if you suspect that you have cancer brewing inside you, you should at least go vegan while mainly feeding on leafy greens. do not repeat the same veggies the whole week and you might feel lethargic at first - it means it's working as candida hates different veggies and fibers THOUGH they can quickly 'adapt' to resist the veggies you've been eating that is why:

you'll probably crave eating that veggie you ate few days ago, protip: DON'T.

the candida manipulates your gut-brain axis to make you eat like shit like a classic parasite and no one's telling the truth. too much and they'll get out of hand, AVOID raw starch like potato starch that they market on goyim as diabetes cure, it'll FUCK you up and even exponentially increase your bad candida.

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60629f No.147335


>40 mmol/L = 700 mg/dl

You could have died or enter in a coma with those levels.

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2b2ce1 No.147339

im type 1 diabetic and it makes cardio SUCK

swimming is the worst ;_;

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6f10d5 No.147344


>uncomfortable and painful

You must not exercise. My blood sugar was up to 780 and I was barely feeling anything at all. Not emotion, no pain, just plodding endlessly toward my doomed goals(training for the golden gloves), while pounding down gatorades endlessly to no effect.

I thought I was depressed. Turns out I was killing myself in the dumbest way possible.

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7ec33a No.147381

Anyone had an actual good experience with low-carb/keto as a type 1 diabetes? I can do with few carbs in the morning but if I don't have enough carbs in the evening the basal insuline in the evening will make my sugar levels drop during the night every time. I've been wanting to go on a low carb diet for a while now but i don't think I can do it.

Also my endocrinologist is heavily against low carb, she's for the 1/3rd carbs 1/3 proteines 1/3 vegetables at every meal.

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a3e820 No.147426

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2c92b2 No.147431


Hey fatty! Stop eating!

Based snakediet. I can't believe how long it took me to realise the RDI, food pyramids and (((concensus))) are bullshit like everything else.

Ive lost 15kg in 2 months by fasting and cutting out all plants and especially seed oils

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a3e820 No.147432


Nice work brah, keep pumping iron

A 7 day dry fast really shows how much bullshit we've been taught


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2c92b2 No.147433


I'm not even exercising because I'm a big fatty but im developing muscle just from work and my body composition is becoming more masculine. Yeah I have tried a snakejuice dry fast but didn't last long but the results so far are amazing

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dfc8ae No.147483

For those of us old enough to remember.. I remember a story I was told when I was younger (Fuck off I'm 40). During the second world war for some parts of the UK insulin was not available. The channel islands were cut off and all but abandoned . .. stay on topic.. an man survived a year without insulin. Apparently a type 1, he drank cabbage water, so the story goes. Obviously he lost alot of weight and was near death towards the end but he survived.

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103a42 No.147531


fucking nice man

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21497b No.147532

File: 3e1a1a63cb4c03a⋯.png (404.85 KB,500x677,500:677,66b75b9cfc859e0f0fc8609259….png)

I'd like to second all the suggestions for fasting and/or keto.


>keto diet + plant fat

>plant fat

With very few exceptions, plant fats are garbage. The only good plant fats are coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, cocoa butter, and shea butter. Cocoa butter isn't generally used for cooking because of the flavor. I've never used shea butter, but supposedly niggers in Africa cook with it all the time.

Anyway, my point is that you want long chain saturated fats in your diet. These create a higher FADH/NADH ratio and cause reverse electron transport through complex 1 in the mitochondria. Plants are generally a shit source of these, and are high in polyunsaturated fats, which are garbage. Coconut and palm kernel oil tend to have shorter length fats than are ideal, but they're much better than any highly unsaturated vegetable oil. I use quite a bit of coconut oil myself. The best sources of long chain fatty acids, like stearic acid, is animal fat. Now, these animals have to be fed a decent diet. If you feed them corn and soy you get high PUFA fat in the animal, but fat from grass fed beef is pretty much the best fat you can eat. Meat from other grass fed ruminants like lamb is also excellent. Poultry and pork are particularly susceptible to making high PUFA body fat from high PUFA feed. It's a shame because they are so cheap.

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cf673b No.147548

File: cff4911e830369b⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,4000x2250,16:9,No to needles.jpg)

I did low carb for a year. Lost a 100pounds and went from 6.5 AIC to 5.0

Eat loads of cheese and olives.


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b35167 No.147627


Same here, but I've hit a stall after the first hundred pounds, and have at least another 100 to lose. Going to mix things up a bit and see how it goes.

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b3e73c No.147750

*I believe* type 2 can be reversed by shrinking your fatty pancreas. But it would require like 500calories a day diet which is near starvation. I'm neither a doctor of diabetic though.

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