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File: d4c7c469738e6db⋯.jpeg (562.99 KB,750x998,375:499,076F58CA-4C22-4344-A9D0-B….jpeg)

7c1431 No.146976



I think a 30lb cut would help me a lot. (Implying I haven’t been trying to cut for the entire last year.. lol)

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55ef6b No.147165

Lift stats?

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3682cb No.147192


U dont look like youve been doing much of anything.

The ideal weight for that height is 160lbs

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e74fd3 No.147195


>The ideal weight for that height is 160lbs

twink detected

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322764 No.149695

File: dc5170133b942ab⋯.jpg (718.39 KB,1276x2268,319:567,Untitled.jpg)

how the FUCK do I fix this

for 5 reps:

245 skwat

155 bench

110 OHP

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d4f47c No.149713


By reading the sticky.

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77281c No.149733


Do more biceps curls. Your arms look proportionally weak, and curls are also an important strength exercise. I've beaten a friend in jujutsu by making him exert his biceps to failure, and I've prevented arm locks by just flexing. So if you ever want to wrassle, you should do your curls. And if you don't wanna wrassle, then what the fuck are you even doing here?

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045ad3 No.149734



>current body thread

What a misfortune abbreviation.

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f8292f No.149907


maybe do a cut, 10lb?

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bff5f7 No.150480


This advice is wrong.

No one has any business doing bicep curls unless they can already do 15 full unassisted pull-ups.

If you can't do that, then focus on assisted pull-ups (rubber band or counterweight to help you do the full motion).

Of course do other back exercises too like rows (wide and narrow grip) and both grips on pullups as well.

Your biceps will get plenty big just from working your back. Most of those guys in the gym isolating their biceps don't know what they are doing.

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696933 No.150490


When you say 15 pullups, is that in one set?

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2f823c No.150491


>arms too weak, to do a pull up

>no one has any business doing bicep curls

Calm the fuck down, hombre. Pull-ups are a compound exercise. Strong arms doesn't automatically mean that you will be able to do 15 continuous pull-ups, but it sure as hell helps, if you have strong arms. Everything that you do, to help you develop your overall strength, benefits you in some way or another. Doing arm exercises, just for lulz, after the main workout, will come in handy in the long run.

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