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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

You're gonna make it.

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File: 504eb019e07305f⋯.gif (3.68 MB,600x337,600:337,priusChad.gif)

c17876 No.146947

After asking some questions like a month ago about workout equipment that can be easily hidden in the office. I think a general thread like this would be nice for people like me who don't have much time during the weekdays to workout.

mainly for stuff like

working out in the car

working out in the train

working out while on the computer

working out while giving a PowerPoint presentation

this thread will be about trying to find all those ways to get big in common situations.

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420811 No.147742


Not really sure how you could do this except for really minor stuff like stretching your wrists and stuff.

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b9331e No.147752

File: 48d4ffd829500d7⋯.png (540.23 KB,1080x1449,120:161,1464630491343.png)

File: b5a2d79caf7f96c⋯.png (544.75 KB,1080x1252,270:313,1464630570592.png)

File: 1df028357182c9e⋯.png (529.59 KB,1080x1383,360:461,1464630636337.png)

File: 52d4baed56f50bd⋯.png (623.42 KB,1080x1484,270:371,1464630699907.png)


pic related

Other than that it's grip trainers that comes to mind off the top of my head.

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