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File: c3fe27ad14887e3⋯.jpg (193.33 KB,1200x800,3:2,c3fe27ad14887e3d7f52cf9b9b….jpg)

0f124c No.146762

What would you tell yourself when you were 18 years of age?

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c81ebe No.146764

Power is everything, acquire it no matter what.

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661b78 No.146766


shit advice

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8ff6c3 No.146773

File: 5e28d0f74f96db1⋯.gif (467.77 KB,500x375,4:3,1520465977136.gif)


lol you are fucking stupid you cobblehead faggot, im gonna hit you

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d6e659 No.146774

Most likely, nothing, as I met my current fiancé by complete accident, and I wouldn't want to spoil that. But, if I knew it would happen nonetheless, I would tell myself to study something decent, not law, to start weightlifting nao, not to eat too many noodles, and to stop watching porn. Also something about religion, but this is not the board for that.


This tbh.

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c81ebe No.146776


Not if you live in a place where there is not justice and the strongest gets whatever it wants.

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0f124c No.146777

File: e7bd11bf1b3b01c⋯.jpg (2.33 MB,5568x3712,3:2,39901239.jpg)


You mean the most vile or corrupt. Power is about respect, not fear. None of those monkeys know anything about respect. Once a real man comes along, they're wiped. You can't underestimate what a man can do by himself, let alone with people at his command. Your best bet is getting out of that shit hole or putting up with the corrupt shitters that aren't going to be wiped out in this generation. Anyway, before talking about them, be sure that you also aren't a shitter. If you're not a real man that's ready to protect and to provide his family with everything they need, not forgetting love, then you can't complain about anything in this world.

Anyway, if I could talk to my younger self, it would be to seek a man's path. A real one. The best version of myself.

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c81ebe No.146778

File: adec7ea34e1f753⋯.png (62.67 KB,190x272,95:136,1457499118464.png)


>the best version of myself

Elliot is that you?

But srly, we may fools ourselves with many fancy words and convoluted philosophical doctrines & institution but that will never change the most primal fact that is burned into the nature of living beings at that is ==Might Makes Right.==

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c81ebe No.146779


>I fucked up the red text

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ee2af4 No.146780

File: eb7c3d808010c72⋯.jpg (195.76 KB,432x444,36:37,my man.jpg)

You're a faggot, but you're going more or less in the right direction

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23caf4 No.146788

Stop doing drugs or at least cut wayyy the fuck back on them. Quit being a pussy when it comes to girls and a lot of ther things in life and get out of your comfort zone. Stop giving such a shit about what people who won't really matter in the grand scheme of things think and do what you love. Start lifting, start meditating, start reading regularly. Spend your time doing productive things, creative things or things that improve yourself instead of smoking weed and vidya. Start that metal band you always dreamed of playing in. Get out of the house more and stop vidya. You'll learn these things later but it would be better if you did now.

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f13dc8 No.146790

Get off your fat ass and work out, get a job and start actually living your life. Become financially independent and for gods sake dont let your mom have the accident.

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3fc9b8 No.146796

<Never give up.

>don't believe womyn

>stop fapping

>never stop working out

>never stop improving yourself

>get out of your lazy ass and just work

>go back to religion as it makes everything easier

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948aae No.146798


Cállese puto

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c81ebe No.146801



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2c234e No.146803

File: 0b05f2e611c00f8⋯.jpg (89.53 KB,914x515,914:515,Scoobeus.jpg)

Give up on modern politics because there's only one way out and it's from within. Also stop eating flax seeds because Gooby lies and is a bald faggot kike. You will know him by his gayness and his baldness and his nose, do not trust the words he says for the words are muffled by cut dicks. Pic related, it's a homosexual hairless hebrew. HH not HHH okay, praise Zyzz.

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a9ecc4 No.146807


Don't listen to your parents, don't go to bumfuck university because it's cheap. Even now you know you're going to hate it, it's a fucking dead end hick shithole. If you really want to save money go to community college for a couple years, and then you can transfer to a good school. Sure you'll maybe miss out on college friends, but you won't make any anyway. They'll never be as good as the friends you already have and we're sticking together anyway. It would be nice to convince your friends to go with you but they won't learn until they actually get to collegw and by then it will be too late.

Sure, you'll have to live at home, but at least you have the car to drive, and you'll still live in fucking civilization. Plus this way you'll be able to find a decent job, not struggle to find a shit tier position for six dollars an hour shoveling horse manure. Keep on top of your work, and get a job. We already know food service and retail is shit but there are plenty other options. Start looking at transfer applications now. You already fucked up once. Let's not do it again. What else. You already know you need to keep working out. But try boxing, that's cool. 9r maybe muay thai like one of your friends is doing.

You drive fine, but ironically the more "reckless" you drive the more alert you are and actually somewhat safer. Maybe try paying as much attention at all times you fucking dipshit. Yeah it was dark but you should have seen that bumper sticking out in the lot. It was only a paint scrape but still what a fuckstick.

Put some money into index funds like you planned, but don't start trading and especially don't touch fucking options without knowing what you're doing you idiot. Read some books first and figure shit out.

Also start applying for internships NOW. Build a good skill set, start working on CAD tools and get some practice in. Plenty of other stuff to do but if you do this stuff at least you'll be lightyears ahead of where you'd be otherwise. You'd be surprised how shit everything will become in a year. Once you go down that path you're on rails and you can't go back. Honestly if you mess up sure at some point in life you'll be fine but the next five years will be fucked for sure. It'll feel like a waste, like you lost out, just like how you feel about the previous five years. And that's a shitty feeling to have.

Also, she likes photography, when you go as a group to take photos it'll be a great time. And then once you realize it's worth it it'll be too late. Also she ends up liking some buff brad anyway, so maybe it's not worth wasting time being a huge cuck. Just go to the gym, get to work and keep studying.

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eb66f6 No.146813


Don't trust her, it'll fuck up the next 10 years and most likley the rest of your life.

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616271 No.146847


>Implying that the rule of the strongest isn't just

Might makes right.

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9393e8 No.146930

File: bf41bd5bae50396⋯.jpg (97.39 KB,640x640,1:1,1529075725811.jpg)

dump the little fucktoy as soon as you land a couple of nudes and don't mess up your opportunity for threesomes or a relationship with a girl who loves you for who you are, no matter what a dweeb she might be

don't delete what nudes you've collected over the years

don't go to the college that's closest after you graduate from community college

don't study theatre out of community college

don't lose your xbox account info

drop the cigarettes immediately

if you want anything to take full effect then you need to work at it for more than 4 hours every 5 out of 7 days of the week

fight to maintain your friendship with your bros, because you can lose every single one of them

don't blow all your financial aid on pizzas and driving around the states, save it for studying abroad, paying off school bills and loans, buying a car, or getting an apartment

don't buy a dildo; buy a buttplug

tell dad not to keep fucking with that hamplanet and to start helping mom, he knocks her up and they fight every waking minute your sister is born

you don't like work at papa johns, get a job somewhere else you might enjoy where you get along with the people you work with

start streaming anime NOW, pirate everything you can, and cancel your Netflix ASAP, put everything on 2 external hard drives - one for travel, and one for never touching, because they can break with a single drop on the floor and you can lose everything unless you're willing to pay a lot of money for professional data recovery services

excessive dairy will activate your psoriasis and you will likely never get rid of it without thousand dollar medication, so fuck egg white breakfasts and make up for the protein with extra fish or turkey bacon

don't start your own home bar with the cheapest shit, it's a huge waste of money

your wardrobe should be a priority

buy these hygiene products and shave regularly

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38a362 No.146962


>stop eating flax seeds

can I get a rundown on that?

I assume they're estrogenic and lower your T? Or is it something else.

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50c4a7 No.146963

>dont go to university

>become an ambulance insteaf

>go back to religion

>nofap noporn

>protect your uncle and brother (they both died and I could prevent both of those with the knowledge I have today)

>dont waste time on getting laid

>study programming in free time

>read bhagavad gita and lots of philosophy

Thats about it

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99001e No.147023


are you me?

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62d642 No.147031


Getting shredded is simple - eat, lift, sleep.

The opportunities I wasted because I wasn't comfortable with my own body make me want to hurl. Practice kicking ass with your friends and git gud at your talents by practicing all the time you fucking idiot. you missed out on so much, and now that time is gone. also, everyone you know is fucking you over (not intentionally) so learn about money - how to make it, how to save it, how to spend it wisely - MOVE OUT, GET SHREDDED, GIT GUD, GIT FUGGED

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820118 No.147126

File: 242d6360680c564⋯.gif (1.88 MB,500x281,500:281,242d6360680c5647c3d0817ec9….gif)


>stop following mainstream advice

>never try to impress a woman

>read a book every week

>move away from your parents, it's so worth it

>work smart, not hard

>have a good morning routine

>plan your day ahead

>don't waste time on imageboards or videogames

>save 30% or more of your income every month

>invest your savings into crypto or use it for some business

>make it a habit to meet new people, get lots of good friends

>don't quit doing the shit you love, become so good at it that you can sell it

And these three things changed my life in so many radical ways that I would have probably suicided myself long ago if I hadn't done them:

>ask yourself what it is that you really want in life and be super fucking specific, think about it every single day

>learn game

>quit religion

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5dc0ca No.147171


Pest Control, HVAC, or IT: these are the 3 areas you should go into with Pest Control being a short term job for ezmoney. You don't care about college or being smart. You use your good grades in STEM areas of high school as an ego booster because you have nothing else. You only care about having enough for a nice place and plenty of spending money for your hobbies. Don't fool yourself into thinking you wanna be a millionaire or some spr smrt intellectual. There is nothing wrong with the simple life. Fucking hell, Allen is making a bitchin living.

DO NOT JOIN THE MILITARY. It gives you depression that takes 3 years to snap out of and fucks your entire work ethic. You will fuck up so many opportunities when they kick you out due to suicidal thoughts because of your mindset. Only exception is if you somehow royally fuck up and need a hard reset in life

Invest in crypto until November of 2017. After that sell everything and never look back.

Tell your father to shape up or fuck off. He gets worse and worse and mom enables him. If he still doesn't change after you see Prometheus, kick his ass instead of crying. He still won't change.

Women are overrated. Yes, faggot, you are attractive. Acne fucks your self-confidence but disappears by the time you're 21. After that you will be swimming in more pussy than you could imagine

You don't care about your high school friends besides Spencer and Kevin. Even then, Kevin becomes a fuck. Despite this, he is still a good role model. Tell him that you appreciate him before it is too late. Might change both of your mindsets. Don't pretend to care what the rest of them think as you have nothing in common with them.

Learn to relax. Your perfectionist ways will drive you insane. Go with the flow but have an overall goal in mind

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ad7140 No.147191


Pretty easy:

Start lifting

Cold showers

Eat healthy

Focus on doing things that make u feel good and a sense of gratification

I definetly wouldnt tell myself to study harder or make good grades or pay attention in school.

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1d5df6 No.147331


>Stop feeling sorry for yourself, go to the gym. You'll find it's fucking fun.

>Don't fall for her.

>Computers are amazing and you will love every second working with them. Study harder.

>Don't fall for her.

>Your parents love you, they're just stupid about showing it. So are you. Go hug grandma.

>Don't fall for her.

You will fall for her regardless of what you do.

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a1d59c No.150085


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f4ae4d No.150087

File: b26fa1334368b4f⋯.gif (927.51 KB,361x361,1:1,180 years of regret.gif)

>You have autism. Stop your retard antics to fit in. You've already made the best friend you'll have for a very long time. He will stay by your side no matter how down you are and how much of an asshole you can sometimes be, he understands. The normalfags will always just reject you for being weird.

>Get diagnosed so you can get adequate help as soon as possible. Throw your pride overboard, so you don't end up stumbling through adult life for five years wondering what the actual fucking shit is going on. A good job beats sitting at home waiting for the clock hitting lift time.

>You have great leg genetics. Hit those deadlifts. Do full body routines. Three times a week, more if you can pace yourself properly.

>Actually eat enough food not to be a skinnyfag.

>Get neurofeedback training so you don't go nuclear at every tiny problem, retard.

That's about it I guess.

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000000 No.150088

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Don't go to a place you don't like, you will never finish what you begun there, for pain to your soul will be too great.

>Whether you see yourself good or bad, blessed or cursed look at yourself as a devil you are and move forward.

>As long as it's not a relationship seek others, don't be focused on a single woman.

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96e678 No.150120


I'm standing behind you, faggot.

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2d5c14 No.150126

File: a3f398d1e309f45⋯.jpg (55.34 KB,500x540,25:27,1334604490883.jpg)

>hit the fucking gym, you'll feel better

>put in some fucking effort in college, you get a 3.39 gpa without even trying so you have no excuse

>read the textbooks, yes I know the professors don't use them but do it anyway faggot

>also don't waste time on the basic engineering tract, go straight to mechanical so you don't waste a semester's tuition

>eat more food, I don't care if the dining hall chow is disgusting 3rd world garbage you'll look like a skeleton if you don't

>don't drink as much on the weekends

>don't join that stupid frat, it's a waste of money and there's too many niggers

>also look up stats on niggers and jews, it'll be important later

>quit fappin so goddamn much

>play less vidya, but also play better vidya like Yakuza 0

>everyone's faking it so there's no point in being afraid you don't know shit

>go to church, it doesn't matter which one

>its a shot in the dark but try asking out unicycle girl, she's homely looking but also not a retard

Looking back at the mistakes I've made everything could be a lot worse. Someone up top's gotta be looking out for me because there's no fucking way a retard like me should have gotten this far without failing.

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3a9ad9 No.150135


Nice trick time wizard, but I won't help you exterminate this timeline by changing the past. I have become a better, smarter and more healthy person because of the mistakes I have made and just telling my older self that hasn't learned his lessons will change nothing.

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