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File: 46e4e4423faac85⋯.jpg (177.49 KB,1330x899,1330:899,Worried-Statue.jpg)

52e498 No.146702

Serious question, is it?

I've heard a low carb diet helps lower insulin which supposedly helps lower fat? I mean I'm certain I won't be able to get rid of my belly without finally working out abs but every little thing counts right? I mean I won't even lower my carbs that much by cutting out the parts I will, I'll still consume 80 carbs or so a day because of milk and other food. I'm just looking to get carb free bread. Is this actually serious or will i just be fucking myself even more?

This might be an unapologetic double post. Oh well.

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578862 No.146705

File: 912fe32c1f9dbb4⋯.png (178.88 KB,1097x717,1097:717,RawMeatDiet.png)

Carb free is brutal. Most people who like keto that I have met are really fucking fat. Personally, after 2-3 weeks, my energy levels tank and I'm sleepwalking all day. It's not worth it to me.

Wait a minute, the keto cult will be along, and then the raw meat eaters will be following.

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618d2a No.146706


Everytime I cut carbs I start shitting yellow liquid, just eat some oats cut out the bread, if you wanna loose weight count calories

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876348 No.148197

File: 9b3eb4dd25e9a99⋯.png (158.73 KB,500x1206,250:603,1557700568394.png)


Do people really think a restrictive diet is something you should be doing, ever, especially every single day of the week?

You can always do something every other day as opposed to the other days, like heavy carbs on a cardio day? Heavy protons on a lifting day? How thick headed do you have to be? How fucking thick do you have to be to ever live a large part your life according to a diet program you read about on the internet?

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421467 No.148200


Ain't a meme, helped me lost a bunch of weight. But it's kinda hard to build muscle on keto.

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bdd81a No.148222

Everyone's different, fam. Helped me massively, but I did have signs of insulin resistance. If you don't have that kind of metabolic derangement, you're less likely to have similar results.

I never had a problem with energy. Some tank but bounce back after 3-6 weeks.

But ultimately I've been cycling carbs for about two years now. Never had trouble building muscle while keto per se, but things are even better now.

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876348 No.148223

Are you cutting out all carbs or are referring to the idea of cutting out bread, pasta, and sugar? Because some fruit and vegetables have sugar, don't they? What idea of 'keto' or 'cutting out carbs' do you have in mind specifically?

it is an unapologetic repost, but I ain't complaining :)

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aa98f8 No.148227


I once heard a lot of things turn into sugar in your organism… So keto would be extremely restricting. Not even milk would be possible

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bdd81a No.148228


Technically keto allows for some carbs. For instance leafy greens are allowed.

It's generally under 30 grams of carbs per day.

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0082e0 No.148333


To my understanding, gluconeogenesis (i.e. the conversion of protein into glucose) doesn't occur unless you're eating mass amounts of protein and virtually no carbs. The whole point of keto is to eat lots of fat (~70% of daily intake), so that shouldn't happen.

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d7dece No.148464

File: 6463ee3cc9da602⋯.jpg (42.18 KB,414x500,207:250,Read that shit befora bull….jpg)

Pic strongly related.

I'm being serious, if any of you guys don't want to seek real directioned information, at least read about biochemistry, just the 101 knowledge is enough to kill the common sense and will help you guys to have huge benefits on your nutrition. .

BTW if even in the nursery school they have to be sharp on the biochemistry, then why not the fitfags?

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d7dece No.148465

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63f17a No.148659

rot free range meat in a jar for probiotics

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2f2ed0 No.148677


thats actually a good philosophy to adopt

"everything counts"

I do a lot of stuff and that i have learned EXCEPT steroids

bcuz bad, mmkay

i would say combine like 10 things that you are sure will work for you and over the months you better see results


how? if your body works off of fat for energy you should have no problem building muscle

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86eff6 No.149923


don't avoid carbs. avoid BAD carbs.

you want high complex carb like oats and dark red kidney beans and black beans, chia seeds, flax if it doesn't bother you in an instant knee jerk reaction because "MUH ESTROGEN" meanwhile you chug pregnant cow titty milk.

and avoid all simple carbs like bread and pasta and flour. proccessed shit = avoid.

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86eff6 No.149924


leafy greens aren't a fucking carb, and atkins south beach paleo are all the same scam

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86eff6 No.149925


avoid alcohol and beer too

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cab21e No.149941

File: f8b3c3c85b0105b⋯.jpg (5.04 MB,5312x2988,16:9,294b1568-36c5-48e7-a781-a4….jpg)

File: 54d43de35851e14⋯.jpg (3.93 MB,5312x2988,16:9,1f7e9e0c-69ce-4019-9ab1-d5….jpg)

Carbs are good so long as they're of the complex variety. Whole grains, brown rice, steel cut oats, potatoes, corn, etc. Steer clear of anything made from processed grains like white flour, white rice, white pasta, etc.

I've lost 98 pounds since this past May 2019 and have been eating shit meals like this while maintaining a consistent daily loss of 3 lbs per week. I'm at the final stretch of my diet now, though, and it's very hard to lose weight, so I've had to cut back to tiny portions to build a deficit.

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449e44 No.149943

File: e4ffc2a7763e34a⋯.jpg (73.88 KB,957x1024,957:1024,1575501996038m.jpg)


No it's too restrictive to do for literally the rest of your life to remain in ketosis. Just eat high protein and fiber to reduce your desire for as many carbs and or count calories.

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