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File: 098bdcdbe7617f6⋯.jpeg (160.55 KB,865x1390,173:278,6FA7D900-C9D8-4DB9-A7A2-5….jpeg)

3d501a No.145880

ITT testosterone boosting foods

I’ll start

Bull Testicles, not even joking, the ancient Greeks used them to get ripped

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f1ddad No.145881

OP enjoys eating black bull balls

Why are you such a faggot?

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331d50 No.145884

I thought animal testicles ironically did not bring up testosterone, the other parts of the body did. But I never bothered to check.

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3d501a No.145892


>Low T spaniard mutt calling anyone else faggot


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e72b7a No.145903

Not food related but has anyone put ice on their balls to boost T and did it work?

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20cdcf No.145906


I think keeping your balls cold is something that will give a very insignificant boost to your test.

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066738 No.145914


I've done it a couple times, couldn't tell the differences except a very cold penor

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49f99d No.145932


It solves in short term. Gonads are basically as your CPU, chilling works more effectively. Conversely heating is dysfunctional which is why hot baths have been employed as male birth control since Greco Roman times.

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21890a No.145934


did it a few times this year, i did not notice anything besides the very cold sensation which i suspect (placebo or not) deterred me from fapping (i had the strong urge to bussanut that day).



i suppose that was why the Spartans allegedly always bathed in cold water, never shaved and also never ejaculated while in the service.

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17e8cc No.145940

man i prefer the cold.

Bull testicles ey?

How would you best prepare them?

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f29850 No.146314

File: 62ccf60a91cd6c5⋯.jpg (25.36 KB,522x602,261:301,pine pollen.jpg)


alright i'm gonna let you guys in on my secret. pine pollen. it just fucking works. you'll wake up in the morning feeling like you've had the best sleep and you'll want to jump out of bed

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ab938b No.146319


>eating pollen

nigger wat

>it just fucking works. you'll wake up in the morning feeling like you've had the best sleep and you'll want to jump out of bed

Sounds like a meme placebo food. What are the actual verifiable health benefits?

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f29850 No.146432


search it up i thought i'd be nice but if you don't want any then don't idgaf

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20cdcf No.146438


For someone who types like a nigger you don't sound like you have a lot of energy or disposition, because if you had, you'd put time into studying.

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1ed86e No.146442


>the ancient Greeks used them to get ripped

got some source on that one?

Anyone actually tasted bull balls here before? I saw that they serve it in few places buy always made fun of it,

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f29850 No.146551


For someone who's an actual nigger (Brazil lol), I'm not surprised you don't realize how hypocritical your sentence is. In the time it took to write your reply, you could've searched it up instead.

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6900e8 No.146552


You came here boasting some new age hipster shit, wrote like a nigger and the brazillian can write better than you. Funny. Also, I'm whiter than you'll ever be, Carlos.

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f29850 No.146554


Keep dreaming

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3b8a7c No.146611

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97a5b6 No.147214


Im buying this tomorrow

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3d501a No.147215


Please make a thread about it after you do, croatianon

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082352 No.147310


How is this even supposed to help?

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ab300a No.147332


Pine pollen contains plant testosterone. You put it under your tongue and it'll absorb into your blood stream.

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4e4fce No.147337


I'm enjoying goat testicles, it took some bravery for the first time

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53f556 No.148746


The testosterone content of pine pollen is too low to cause appreciable effects in the human body due to testosterone ingestion despite it being a higher concentration than the testosterone found in Royal Jelly. No studies have been conducted in humans on any parameter related to testosterone such as aphrodisiac, muscle growth, or general male vitality.


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a90e3d No.148749


pan fried with a garlic cream sauce

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d5c373 No.148757

File: d5320fbf3bf6dd7⋯.png (333.14 KB,500x365,100:73,1DBC2BFF-FD31-4A61-8C06-DE….png)

Just pin test e/c/p like an adult. Our food supply is fucked. Our environment is fucked. Whatever you do will be pissing in the wind compared to the hormonal onslaught we face everyday.

That’s just life in the Kali Yuga, brah.

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8a90b0 No.148758

File: a89b08b6e6d7e44⋯.png (654.41 KB,1136x640,71:40,96FDB054-4583-4958-BF7B-2D….png)

I call this daily regimen the cum cocktail because it boosts sperm count as well as T obviously:

D-Aspartic acid (DAA) 3grams

Tribulas Terrestris(puncturevine) 6grams

Fenugreek 500mg


Ashwaganda 650mg

Maca root 3 grams

Anyone fucked around with any of this?

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14fa8f No.148769

meat (poultry)



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ae39c6 No.148889


Good stack. I've dropped DAA due to mixed results in various studies. Mine is similar + Boron, Yohimbe, and three Brazil nuts every day for Selenium.

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375699 No.148890



it's supposed to be habitual, not a once a year spa treatment, and if you freeze your balls that's as bad as cooking them, they have an optimum temperature.

they mean, don't wear constructive underwear that prevents air circulation, and don't have hot showers or baths.

they don't mean put your sack in ice for Christmas and expect a miracle from saint Nicholas.

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a90e3d No.149057


>not eating bee bread

literal fucking queer.

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