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379c26 No.145623 [Last50 Posts]

Hello. I'm posting here because I don't what else to fucking do.

I've been doing intermittent fasting for about 2 months now. My daily meal contained a meat (chicken breasts or ground beef) fried in coconut oil, two vegetables/fruits (usually an onion with the meat and an orange) and one lean grain (I don't know if that's the right term. I've been eating rice for a long time, but now I've replaced it with oats). I avoid milk, sugar and carbs (everytime I eat one of those I fart a lot or get a shit ton of acne).

I've done about 5 waterfasts in my life before that. The shortest was one day long and the longest was 8 days long. I didn't lose weight (maybe I did, but I still looked fat as fuck and that's the only thing I care about).

I've been doing intense (I think) ab exercises every single day and I also usually lift (but now I've sprained my wrist so I won't lift for a while) and do squats, but none of it shows because I'm fat (althought I can kind of see some muscle throught the fat).

I've been fat my entire life, and now I have the average skinnyfat, pear-shaped body. I don't think I'm skinnyfat because I work out. I think I'm just fat.

I also walk about 6 kilometres every day if that accounts for anything.

What the fuck do I do?

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efa4d2 No.145624

Fast for a couple days straight or fat burn creams

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5b8d73 No.145625


You have to set a goal say for a year and calculate your daily calorie intake. It gets to a point where the hungry feeling actually is what motivates you.

Poundaweek is a calculator app on android that allows you to do this and you scan the barcodes of what you eat.

Or just use a calculator by searching on google and go from there.

Sure, starving yourself for a week can make you lose pounds, but the key is changing the formula of your biology and having your metabolism catch up with you.

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5b8d73 No.145626


Also the picture you posted is about 300% recommended serving portion.

Its likely that you are in a caloric surplus, meaning that if you weigh yourself now, and again in one year, you will have gained weight. Thats called ur a fatass.

If you maintained your weight for a year, you would still easily feel satiated and get by in life but think of if you just slightly reduced daily calories by 10% then you would probably lose a good deal of weight. But being fot is not necessarily easy, so you challenge yourself by cutting your calories in half.

The fat in your body mass is likely feeding on the food u put in

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e01d12 No.145627

Some people turn a lot of calories into fat and others burn it or turn it into muscle. Read Ray Peat's articles if you want to learn how physiology works. A good start would be a daily carrot salad and a high sodium, high protein diet to increase metabolism.

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3974df No.145631

Unfortunately, fasting lowers the metabolic rate and causes one to burn muscle tissue for fuel, and you seem to want to lose fat. However, fat is lost when you do things that build muscle and increase the metabolic rate. Perhaps you need to ask why you are not anabolic enough to lose fat, and I can give one hint based on what you have said: your avoidance of sugar slows down becoming anabolic and eventually shedding fat. This is because both fructose and sucrose fuel the liver to increase cholesterol synthesis, and cholesterol is the precursor to steroid hormones which are ultimately a major deciding factor on whether or not someone can become lean.

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b4eedb No.145632

stop eating

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5b8d73 No.145633


Carrots are great and have vitamin A and beta carotene which aids in vision in the dark and helps with healthy looking skin.

Anon is also correct about protein; you can eat a lot of protein in your diet and for.me personally, I feel like it never turns to fat, even if I overeat.


Not sure about this one. Sounds kind of "doctory" but I could be wrong. U could read a book about increasing testosterone naturally, OP. seems to work really well for most people:


As far as that goes, reading more books in general tends to turn out pretty above average humans.


The simplest answer. Hypothetically speaking, you could feast once a week, op. I think that should work even if you are "sedentary"

Tldr ur fat and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

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38601e No.145634


>Not sure about this one. Sounds kind of "doctory"

So in other words kind of factual and easily confirmable through the most elementary references to straightforward biological processes? I wouldn't blame you one bit for running for the nearest coastline so you can stick your head in the sand.

Personally, I like to drink maple syrup straight from the bottle, eat honey by the spoonful, and eat 16+ dates per day. Then I take B vitamins to make sure the carbs can be put to use efficiently. It's not tricky or black magic. Glucose is metabolically essential and required for health, and fructose is a nice bonus. If carbs are not eaten, glucogenic amino acids are turned into glucose, and ketogenic diets screw up the kynurine pathway, so I just aim to provide "correct" nutrition and let the details sort themselves out.

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432b46 No.145638

Only eat meat. Beef.

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b4eedb No.145641


this, but only raw

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47b4c6 No.145646

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47b4c6 No.145647


I don't know why you jumped to the fasting shtick. I'd say either start with calorie counting or an elimination diet to determine if you have any food intolerances.

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55b199 No.145652

>itt amerigan bros help our fattest greatest ally lose some weight

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42e5c1 No.145654


Calculate your sedentary TDEE. Count every fucking calorie you consume. Make sure you consume less than your TDEE.

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d495fc No.145656


calorie counting is nonsense. the problem is how the macronutrients are utilized depending on the given context. everyone should be able to eat until satisfied without getting fat if they eat the right things

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1dd440 No.145659


>everyone should be able to eat until satisfied without getting fat if they eat the right things

just eat 10kg of celery bro

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5b8d73 No.145673


That is actually untrue.

Calories are ENERGY.

Certain foods are calculated to find out how much energy they give. If your calories consumed in one year is less than calories burned, you will have lost weight plain and simple.

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5b8d73 No.145674


"B-b-but have you actually tried that??"

If you dont eat, you lose weight, is that redpilled enough for you?

You can also eat more and work out more and that leads to fat loss and muscle gain.

>>what would happen if you ate less and worked out more

You would lose the same amount of weight in half the time.

Its not rocket science.

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d60e9c No.145676

I agree with this >>145654, also keep in mind that "not all calories are the same" and by that I mean that 2000 kcals of meat & veggies is more nutritious than 2000 kcals of refined sugar and saturated fat.

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f82931 No.145680



Calorie counting is nonsense. Losing "weight" is nonsense. Nobody wants to lose weight. Losing weight is neither here nor there. What people want is to lose fat and water retention. Restriction of calories does not necessarily have anything to do with preventing fat gain or losing fat and excess water. It's a distraction that gets in the way of aesthetic goals.

There is a certain kind of reductionist and dogmatic thinking which seduces people into believing they can simplify food and macronutrients into a single measurable quantity and add it all up so they can paint broad strokes without having to do any work with their lazy brains. Proteins, fats, and carbs are not equivalent in how they are utilized, distributed, stored, or excreted. Participating in the act of counting calories betrays the fact that one either does not want or does not know how to think about these details, and they really are important details. The fact is dietary fat makes people fat and retain water. The kinds of fats in adipose tissue pretty much always reflect the kinds of fats in the diet. Only insignificant amounts of protein and carbohydrates get converted to fat in typical circumstances. And yes, this and other reasons means sugar does not make people fat. It simply can't. It's sugar, not fat. Furthermore, certain kinds of fats, particularly polyunsaturated fats, and their byproducts are hard to dispose of and progressively slow down the metabolism and promote degenerative diseases such as diabetes.

This means if anything should be counted for fat loss considerations, it's fat intake, particularly polyunsaturated fat intake. Omega-3s and omega-6s cannot be synthesized from proteins or carbs by humans, but fat, unhealthy people reliably have high levels of these fats in their tissues, so no amount of calorie counting will save them if they do not decrease the ratios of polyunsaturated fats in their diets. These people actually need to eat more protein and carbs to overcome the toxic burden weighing on their metabolisms. Eating more can result in fat loss, but only with careful food selection. What good is counting calories if the way forward is through mindful, qualitative inspection of ingredients? Calories don't reveal that fat can be lost and muscle can be gained while increasing sugar intake nor that sugar will help this process along.

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aa6c65 No.145682

Consume nothing but water and a multivitamin until you're the size/weight you want to be. You can survive off the fat, that's literally why it exists. I'm talking months straight, if required. It will be miserable but it's the fastest way.

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5b8d73 No.145685


Ya but ur moving away from the point like this isnt webmd.com

By making it more complicated someone is less likely to follow ur advice and it really is that simple. How can people ignore the calorie calculation? You will just be denying the truth and continue to be fat. Fat people do not WANT to be fat. 95% of america are sheep and LISTEN to an authoritative voice.

Count your calories or an hero dont bitch on this board about how its HARD.

fucking work out, take some cold showers, and eat some shit that doesnt necessarily taste that good.


This is absolutely true and tested scientifically. It may sound like bad advice, like "how to make sizzurp with drain cleaner and bleach" but if u do a little research you will see its not that dangerous and thousands of people have proven it on youtube.

If youre a month in and you cant find the willpower then u dont want it bad enough.

For me, its all about proving the idiot amerifats wrong. Yknow those people that constantly talk about what medicine their doctor is prescribing them and so on.

You should also experiment with ur diet and workout/sleep regimen. Trust ur body and give it what it needs

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330051 No.145687


As someone who used to be a relatively fat, counting calories is the only methof that worked for me. Your post does not mention that at all, so I assume that you have not done it.

>Get a notebook, spreadsheet, software, or an app to record and track calories you eat

>Get a food scale

>Get a body weight scale

>Weight yourself

>Go to https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html or any other sites with calories calculators

>Submit your parameters

>Calculator should show you your daily calories to maintain weight, lose 1lb per week, and lose 2 lbs per week

>Eat less calories than daily maintenance

>Lose weight

>The bigger the caloric deficit, the faster you will lose weight

That's all there is. Of course, you need to track what you eat and do it well. That's where the food scale comes in. Weight all that you eat, compare it to information on the package/online database to see how many servings your food is, how many calories it has, and enter it into you app/spread sheet/notebook etc. Remember to enter everything, no matter how small. If you want to eat a booger, put in on a scale first, and track its calories too.

Since you will eat less than you are used to, you are gonna get hungry at first. Drinking plenty of water and eating filling foods should mitigate it. Over time, your body will get used to eating less. If you keep up calories counting for a month straight, it will become a habit and take far less effort than it did initially.

Remember to keep track of your own weight too. Best way to do it is to wight yourself every day, at the same time of the day, and wearing the same amount of clothes. Morning after waking up or evening before going to sleep are probably the best consistent times for most people.



You can't cheat thermodynamics with that fatlogic. If you consume less energy than what you need, your body will be forced to use up stored reserves - most of them in fat form. You will get fat no matter what you eat, if you consume more calories than your body needs.

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5b8d73 No.145710


Since this thread was created you could have starved yourself and lost one pound. Ill check back in a week

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02a875 No.145732

Try eating only meat cooked in the oil of your choice and only eating when you're starving. Salads on the side for the vitamins. Eat the salad first because it fills you up.

Try to build mandatory exercise into your life, for example if you live a few miles from work then walk there every day, or if more than a few then ride. Have some sort of exercise machine literally in your living room and use it every time you have a 5 minute break while you're waiting for something. Aim to do little bits of exercise all the time, that way you don't get the inertia feeling of having to run 5 miles, just say to yourself, okay I'm going to do half a mile before shitposting, then I'll shitpost for a bit, then I'll do another half mile. It's crazy but you look at the cumulative distance at the end of the day and all of a sudden you have you 5 miles, and it was no effort at all!

Have a house that is empty of food, except for your fridge which you keep stocked with meat that is use on a FIFO basis, and a bit of meat in the freezer in case you run out.

The meat you have should be easily dividable into small portions, e.g. a pound of minute steaks that is 10 steaks or 5 schnitzels or many lamb chops, whatever, that way you start by cooking one, eating it, and if you're still starving then you cook and eat another one. Start with the biggest one first if you're super starving, you'll start to get the hang of it.

Track your weight with a pen and paper, one A4 sheet has 31 lines on it which is enough for a month, you can do multiple months per sheet. Weigh yourself every morning after toileting. You use pen and paper because again it is less effort than opening up the computer and going to excel or an online tracker and therefore you are more likely to do it.

This is good for a steady loss of 2-5 pounds per month, and could easily do more if your job is low stress and you have more time for exercise.

Good luck.

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a6fb3b No.145823


I recognize the shortcomings of it, but it unequivocally works for many people. Not me, of course.

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a6fb3b No.145825

I'm also of the mind that the ideal way to go is some form of cyclic eating. But IMO OP should trim down and get some forward momentum first.

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74272d No.145827


The successes can often be attributed to chance. These aren't laboratory conditions where variables are isolated. Someone starts calorie counting and they likely change the content of their diets, not just quantities. But say the content doesn't change, and the macronutrient quantities are decreased in equal proportion. In that case whatever food item is making them fat is certainly decreased in quantity, and these people could likely lose fat, but they could lose muscle too because the muscle building nutrients are lower in quantity as well. Eventually one has initiate whatever means necessary to upregulate and downregulate specific metabolic processes that result in fat loss and prevent fat accumulation. Calorie restriction gets in the way of this because it prevents achieving a faster metabolism from eating higher quantities of certain foods.

To get into some specifics of maximizing important metabolic processes, for example it's important that glucose intake is steady to feed glycolysis but pyruvate (end product of glycolysis) is not frequently wasted into lactic acid but instead turned into acetyl CoA to feed the citric acid cycle. This steady feeding of the citric acid cycle provides energy, and having more energy allows the body to function at a higher level and deal with longstanding issues such as excess fat accumulation. People want to starve themselves and exercise intensely. It doesn't work like that. Energy has to be provided or else the process of fixing problems gets slower, and exercise under conditions of low energy causes damage which must be fixed in order to return to the youthful energetic state which easily disposes of fat and is resistant to fat accumulation.

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ba7dbc No.145844


>Carrots are great and have vitamin A and beta carotene which aids in vision in the dark and helps with healthy looking skin.

Yeah, no. Humans can't utilize plant based vitamin A precursors.

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604a24 No.145845


No, they can. Beta-carotene isn't normally utilized as fast as retinol though, but the conversion to retinol is upregulated when dietary retinol is insufficient.

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abd9bd No.145846


I agree that some level of chance may enter into it, but I have yet to see a reason to dismiss the progress many have had as simply random. Calories taken in and burned off are ballparked, but moving that dial down can still have a cumulative effect.

Some muscle may be lost, but at the point of OP's situation, I don't care all that much at the outset. Getting the bodyfat down is priority and will improve overall health. More important than dropping a little lean mass. Besides, generally speaking people who start leaning out begin to feel better and become more active.

Metabolism can indeed slow, which is why I said that I think a version of cyclic eating is far superior. It "trains" the metabolism. That being said, it's been shown that one's metabolism can actually increase when in the supposed dreaded "starvation mode".

Again, if OP can jump right into a cyclic situation, that's best. But it doesn't sound like it, so some forward progress should be established and they need to pick a manner that they can actually adhere to.

One gets lean in the kitchen and strong in the gym.

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47b4c6 No.145852


Oh, I forgot: The "need" for carbs is as overblown as those who say that keto will solve all problems. I'm keto the vast majority of the time. I have no trouble keeping and building muscle and performing at a high level in martial arts.

OP likely would feel like shit jumping to keto, but at the very least stepping down carbs would likely pay dividends.

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9ec8e9 No.145853


Carbs are metabolically essential. You will die without them. The absence of dietary carbs forces the body to make glucose out of other material. Avoiding dietary carbs is just avoiding the inevitable and inhibits essential functions.

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a747e6 No.145872


>Carbs are metabolically essential.

No they are not.

>You will die without them.

No you will not. Otherwise the zero carb folk would be dropping like flies.

>The absence of dietary carbs forces the body to make glucose out of other material.


>Avoiding dietary carbs is just avoiding the inevitable and inhibits essential functions.

There are parts of the brain that require carbs, which as you point out can be created by the body without dietary carbs.

Again you are ignoring people who are eating strictly keto and performing at high levels. I don't see how you can turn a blind eye to this and not be disingenuous.

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54f658 No.145874


>One gets lean in the kitchen and strong in the gym.

I like it. I've always said "Your diet controls what you weigh, your exercise controls how you look." Similar but yours is concise.

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6a6a98 No.145876

stop eating carbs

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47b4c6 No.145889


Thanks kindly. I totally stole it and can't recall who should be credited.

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5b8d73 No.145891


So dont eat vegetables or carrots and vitamins r bad?

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506c7f No.145909


>OP likely would feel like shit jumping to keto

The Harcombe diet is good for rapid weight loss if you don't want to go full keto. It is as much as you want of meat, fish, eggs, non-carb veg/salad and natural live yogurt, plus if you want 50g (dry) brown rice per day for phase 1. I have dropped about 3.5 lb since I started about three days ago after plateauing for months on a normal diet/exercise regime.

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1771d4 No.145911

Studies have shown that calories in and calories out does not equate to weight loss. I’ve started lifting 5-6 days a week and have actually increased my intake of protein and animal fats. Fasting will destroy you and your gains. If you wanna look good steadily replacing your fat with muscle is the best method.

More muscle mass and protein intake you’ll lose weight faster. Those walks are doing jack shit for too btw. Cut out cardio, add more weight training.

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ba7dbc No.145956


Just less effective. Eat meat, it contain the animal based vitamin A that your body can actually utilize. Especially liver.

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8a1573 No.145969


Sounds like an interesting way to titrate down.

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bc2a3c No.145979

That's about 300g of oat

Roughly 1000 calories and then you'll eat meat you FRIED in OIL. Coconut oil has almost 900kcal/100g. Judged by that fucking plate of oat I can only imagine the amount of fried meat you eat.

1 portion of oat is ~30g

You don't fry meat in oil, you grill it.

Get a kitchen scale and get an idea about the shit you eat.

Eat properly and frequently because fasting only slows down metabolism, leaving you fat.

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4d80e8 No.145989


>Eat properly and frequently because fasting only slows down metabolism, leaving you fat.

This is a myth that really needs to die.

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0423cc No.145995


If your sleep is good, pretend to have adhd, add, or a problem with binge eating to a doctor and get Vyvanse for something to use short term. Then eat the same until you're content with the weight you've lost and taper off.

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fe9a6c No.145998


It's not a myth just because you don't want to learn how it works

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4d80e8 No.145999

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838258 No.146002







You can't beat physics. You cannot beat thermodynamics. It's just impossible. There is no way that you can spend more calories than you consume and gain weight.

Eat a clean, varied diet, and get enough sleep. See if you don't lose weight.

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fe9a6c No.146004


Proquestion: what does fasting do to thyroid function hormone levels?

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8808b4 No.146009

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d53972 No.146012


>Eat a clean, varied diet

Of real foods in the way that nature has made them, with minimal carbs only from whole grains, if any.



Thermodynamics is about closed systems in temperature equilibrium with their surroundings. A human body is neither of those things.

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4711d2 No.146014


Many benefits are likely attributable to shedding dead weight. The dead weight doesn't have to enter the body to begin with. Fasting advocates rarely address matters of body fat and dietary fat interfering with thyroid function and glucose utilization. Some of the benefit from fasting likely has to do with catching a break from endotoxin and polyunsaturated fat intake. Besides, intermittent fasting is already done by everyone. It's called sleeping. I have never once seen a fasting advocate explain why sleep is not a long enough fast. In all likelihood, the only reason fasting seems like a good idea in select circumstances is that all animal experiments include unnecessary metabolic poisons such as polyunsaturated fat, fuel for bacterial overgrowth, and trace amounts of heavy metals which accumulate more slowly if eating more slowly and all typical modern human diets include these by default. What I have seen in practice is that by simply lowering fat intake and maximizing sugar intake while providing B vitamins to prevent the metabolism from becoming rate limited at any one step, energy levels become more and more monkey-like and heart rate becomes permanently fast and strong.

Over the years I have become firmly convinced anyone telling me to slow down, don't eat so much, cut down on the sugar, eat more fat, don't drink so much coffee, stay out of the sun, are all just different varieties of gains goblins. They are secretly espousing a philosophy of pessimism which says everything good for you is secretly bad for you. Their brains don't work because their hearts are weak, and their "wisdom" and advice all stems from corruption and crippled positivity. They go searching for pitiful lights of truth in a cave because they cannot fathom setting their eyes upon the sun. What good is science being put to service of a tumor of mediocrity and fearful inhibition clutched tightly in the heart?

They say eat less, live less, be less, because they have seen barriers in their paths. Because they have been so disheartened by all the barriers, they go around perversely setting up more for themselves so they can feel in control of the roadblocks and be secure in knowing the length of the chains they manufacture. The reward for eating more food is more energy. More energy allows living more and being more. When this falls apart, we do ourselves an injustice by not asking if our food is truly food and not wholeheartedly running headfirst into the first barrier which appears so the joy of overcoming it can be experienced. People become frail because they are weak. They become fat because they are slow. They become aged because they have no vitality. They become corrupt because they stop taking in goodness. Decay happens on its own. Death happens on its own. Hunger happens on its own. Therefore, I concern myself not with fasting but being faster. To fast is to become slower, and if it means becoming faster, perhaps you were eating slowness. I eat fastness, and I aim to fast when life happens so fast that I forget to eat. Stimulation causes such automatic fasting, therefore coffee is fasting in a cup. Slowness is desired by a slow, tired heart. The way to get slowness out isn't to put more slowness in. The cure for wickedness is not to commit more evil. Indeed, wickedness needs nothing, for to do better is to make every past sin more evil. In a related manner, eating more stirs up more hunger, because it makes one more sensitive to periods of starvation and causes metabolic cycles to happen more quickly.

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47b4c6 No.146017


Mindless copypasta not relevant to life and comprised of idle, wistful thoughts. Thanks though.

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47b4c6 No.146018

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1dd440 No.146019


>Thermodynamics is about closed systems in temperature equilibrium with their surroundings.

No it's not you fucking retard. Thermodynamics encompasses almost all forms of energy transfer.

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9d14c3 No.146025



>The first law of thermodynamics may be stated in several ways :

>The increase in internal energy of a closed system is equal to total of the energy added to the system. In particular, if the energy entering the system is supplied as heat and if energy leaves the system as work, the heat is accounted for as positive and the work as negative.

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9d14c3 No.146026


The anon I was replying to was applying thermodynamics to weight loss. This is not the best way to look at it.

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244206 No.146083

fruits veggies nuts seeds beans herbs spices legumes. plant foods. no processed shit. drink plenty of water. sup b12 and d3.

no animal stuff. no milk eggs fish meat etc.

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244206 No.146084

eat seaweed for iodine if going plant based, because you need more usually if eating many plants.

And no you don't have to eat soy if plant based but it never did me any harm.

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244206 No.146085

File: 120307fb63bf286⋯.png (4.85 MB,2852x1832,713:458,5435343453324.png)

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d495fc No.146089


There's nothing wrong with simple carbs, but there is plenty wrong with all the nuts and seeds you suggest. You want to stay lean? I suggest you eat 0% nuts and seeds. Polyunsaturated fat is the most fattening thing which can be eaten.

Your diet is also horrible in another regard: the calcium to phosphorus ratio. Very few people are capable of eating the amount of greens necessary to get a decent calcium intake, and to make matters worse you dislike simple carbs, which includes fructose, which helps keep phosphorus levels down, and you don't like rice, which isn't terribly high in phosphorus. But you love that buckwheat which is ridiculous. When calcium intake is higher, it stimulates various processes that keep the metabolic rate high. Practical ways to get enough calcium and lower the ratio of phosphorus include: eating dairy products, egg shells, and fish bones.

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fec86d No.147154

File: c3a3e8ec1eb2fd4⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,540x960,9:16,1542333659083.jpg)

I thought this was the oats thread; someone mind helping a brother out here?

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213613 No.147162


Eat oats.

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72b376 No.148156


>d still easily feel satiated and get


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5657eb No.148226

File: ca57db0bb803c23⋯.jpg (38.01 KB,828x626,414:313,1507266190468.jpg)



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